Race, Ethnicity and Nation (Lecture 22&23) Flashcards
Historically contested term to describe a group of people assumed to share a common ancestry, physical features, personality characteristics etc..
‘Scientific’ Racism
Term describes series of theories from mid-19th century till 1945 that claimed to provide a ‘scientific’ basis in biology that ‘proved’ superiority of a particular racial group
Social construction of race
- Description of the way societies develop ideas of biological ‘race’ looking at the reasons these categories emerge and the forms they take
- Points to arbitrary, shifting definitions of race
- Unnecessary use of ‘racial’ or ‘ethnic’ characteristics to distinguish people
- Attempt to impose ‘racial’ interpretations on an issue with no basis in it
Race, Racial group
- Group defined by common VISIBLE features (eg: skin colour, features) within a given society
- Caucasian, Asian, African etc..
Ethnicity, ethnic group
- Group united by share ancestry, cultural background, language etc..
- German Chinese, Nigerian etc..
Racial/ Ethnic Socialization
- learning socially, defined racial boundaries, stereotypes and roles
- learning what society expects of people of ‘your’ ethnicity and what ‘role’ you have
Institutional or structural racism
Racism as property or outcome of certain social structures and institutions
Expressed racism
Racism as expressed by individuals; prejudice, discrimination
Institutional or Structural racism
- Systems, rules, practices with disproportionate effect on specific ethnic groups
- May or may not be deliberately targeted at these groups; may be insensitive to differences
Racial Profiling
Deliberate targeting of specific racial or ethnic groups, especially by security forces, on the basis they’re ‘more likely’ to be criminal
Critical Race Theory
Theoretical analysis arguing that racism is integral to the fabric of Western (especially US) societies, in a way that consistently marginalized, excludes and disadvantages people of colour
Negative beliefs or opinions about others based on their group (gender, ethnicity etc..)
Practices that exclude, obstruct or harm people based on their group membership
Social Distance
Way of measuring how far people are willing to mix with members of other groups, and how far particular groups are excluded from majority of society
Structural Functionalists on Racism
- Ethnic identity provides sense of community and boosts solidarity
- Exclusions and prejudice may help stratify society in a way that ensures all jobs gets filled
Symbolic Interactionists on Racism
- People may be ‘socialized’ into what it means to be in group
- Racial differences become self-fulfilling prophecy as people act on prejudices they are exposed to
Critical Theorists on Racism
- Dominant ‘races’ try to exclude others from share of social wealth
- Marxists suggest racism may be result of strategies by bourgeoisie to split proletariat
- The unconscious advantages of dominant gender or racial group from lack of obstacles
- Privileged groups may deny existence of racism or sexism as they’re never made aware of it
Double Consciousness
- Visible minorities have two identities: member of nation (“Canadian”, “American”) but also ethnic group (“African- American”)
- Thus view selves through eyes of others
Stereotype Threat
- Effect of widespread social stereotypes about one’s group on behaviour and performance
- Stereotypes may result in increased anxiety due to fear of being judged by ethnic/ gender group
- Saïd’s term for the way Westerners constructed single image of entire ‘East’
- Asians depicted as mysterious, pre-modern
People, Nation, State
- People: group united by shared culture, language, norms
- Nation: Self-identified people, often occupying specific territory
- State: Political institutions ruling over a certain area and people(s)
Belief in the nation as a social group: individuals identify themselves as members of a particular cultural or ethnic group above all, and try to advance national interest
Imagined Community
- Term coined by Benedict Anderson to describe social, ethnic, or racial grouping that is treated as. a distinct, real ‘thing’, like a nation by its members
- May increase ‘acting out’ cultural identity
- A sacred object or image that serves to represent the community it belongs to; indicates the common heritage of the group
- May represent a spiritual being said to protect group
- Recognition of and support of diverse, distinct cultural groups within one society
- Official policy in Canada since Trudeau (1971)
- Belief in need for overall integration of groups into shared cultural pattern
- While immigrant cultures merit respect, they should be integrated into whole
National Minority
- Distinct group with recognizable claim to be autonomous and have won rights as group
- Particularly refers to First Nations in Canada
Anyone who leaves their society of origin to live (temporarily or permanently) elsewhere, especially by choice rather than as a refugee
Social group strategy of creating legal limitations and barriers so as to limit opportunities to a certain group, and to close off to others
- Refers to the global dispersion of immigrants of particular origin (eg: Greek diaspora)
- Often constitutes Diasporic network of contacts linked across the world
Ethnic Enclave
- Concentration of people from one particular group in a specific area of town (eg: ‘Little Italy’)
- Often show INSTITUTIONAL COMPLETENESS: complete provision of services, shops for once community
Racial/ Ethnic Socialization
- Learning the roles attributed to your racial or ethnic group by dominant culture
- Incorporating a sense of your ethnicity in to your personal identity
Resocialisation of an immigrant so they adopt practices, styles, or even values of host society and origins become less visible or important for identity
The condition of being on the margins of and between two cultures, particularly when you’ve left one and haven’t been fully accepted in new one
- Increasing importance of social networks that exist beyond bounds of single society
- Tendency to break down borders in practice, with broad homogenization
- Extension of European economic hegemony into direct political control from Europe
- Primarily 19th and early 20th century: leads to European exploitation of other regions
‘White Man’s Burden’
Semi-sarcastic term to describe ideology of imperialism: refers to belief that Europeans were most ‘civilized,’ so had duty to bring ‘benefits’ of modernity to rest of world
World Systems Theory
- Extension of social theory to cover globe
- Explains stratification by looking at relations between wealthier and poorer regions
- Parts have roles in global divisions of labour
Continued exploitation and domination of poorer nations by former imperial powers, even after end or formal empire