Race and Ethnicity Flashcards
socially constructed idea based on physical differences that society deems important
shared culture that typically stems from the country of origin
Census Bureau recognized 5 races:
white, black, Asian, native American, pacific islander
has most power, not necessarily based on numbers
any group singled out based on physical or cultural attributes
oversimplified generalizations about a group of people
beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes one has about a certain group, not based on experience
actions against another group of people
Individual racism
belief that a minority group is inferior
Institutionalized Racism
set of practices used to systematically oppress minorities; embedded in society
deliberate annihilation of a targeted minority group
physical separation of races
Historic forms of disenfranchisement
poll tax, literacy tests, scare tactics
Today’s forms of disenfranchisement
voter ID laws, voting day isn’t a holiday, not enough voting places, felons
those in control decide the shape and size of district
one skin tone is superior to another
racial stratification is functional for those in the majority
Conflict Theory
majority creates laws to help themselves
Symbolic Interactionism
race becomes part of identity
Culture of Prejudice
prejudice is embedded in culture
Scapegoat Theory
majority displaces their aggression onto minority groups
multiple parts with their own cultures coming together
racial + ethnic groups give up their cultural identity to be part of the whole
all groups coming together to be one cohesive unit, but able to keep their culture
every individual has multiple identities
Transparent Whiteness
tendency for white people to be blind to racialized aspects of identity
Natural Whiteness
becomes standard by which people are measured
Dependent Whiteness
defined by and defines other races
completely ignoring racial differences
Latinx Threat
narrative of latinos being feared
Affirmative Action
politics that support members of a disadvantaged group that has previously suffered discrimination in areas like education, employment, and housing
Affirmative action myths
filling quotas, reverse discrimination, gives minorities unfair advantages, gives jobs to unqualified minorities
Mass Incarceration
grew out of civil rights movement, imprisoning people you don’t agree with