Deviance Flashcards
what a culture believes is true
the act of breaking social norms
the standard a culture sets for what is good
behaviors considered normal
Social control
the regulation and enforcement of norms, carried out by sanctions
Functionalist explanations
Disorganization, cultural deviance, and strain theory
Functionalist say deviance
reinforces or challenges social norms
crime occurs where there is low social control and weak ties
Cultural deviance
norms of poverty lead to deviance (crime)
Strain theory
whether someone accepts societal goals and whether they accept the norms to achieve these goals determines if they deviate
Ways people accept or don’t accept society
conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion
Conflict Theory says deviance is cause by
social and economic factors
Marx idea on deviance
those who own the means of production decide what is the norm and what is deviant
Mills idea on deviance
expands on Marx’s theory, says those with less power will be more affected by negative sanctions than those with more power
Symbolic Interactionist Explanations
Labeling, differential association, control theory
being labeled as deviant leads to deviant behavior
Differential Association
deviance is learned behavior
Control Theory
deviance is based on social bonds, and crime stems from a lack of belonging
Levels of bonding
attachment, commitment, involvement, belief
act of deviance that breaks the law
Types of crime
violent, property, against society
White Collar crime
illegal or unethical acts that violate responsibility or public trust, usual occur during work
maintain social order
listen to and make decisions of guilt
Plea Bargain
accept guilty verdict for a reduced sentence
jail, prison, probation, parole