(R) Basic Vocabulary from Wheelock's Latin Flashcards
Chapter 4
bellum, bellī n
plan, purpose, counsel, advice, wisdom, judgement
cōnsilium, cōnsilī, n
care, attention, caution
cūra, cūrae, f
gift, present
dōnum, dōnī, n
destruction, ruin
exitum, exitiī, n
schoolmaster, teacher, master
magister, magistrī, m . f magistra, magistrae
mora,morae, f
oculus, oculī,m
duty, service
officium, officiī
leisure, peace`
otium, ōtiī, n
danger, risk
periculum, periculī, n
cure, remedy
remedium, remediī, n
pretty, handsome, charming
bellus, bella, belllum
good, kind
bonus, bona, bonum
pertaining to man, human, kind, refined
humanus, humana, hūmānum
bad, wicked, evil
malius, mala, malum
small, little
parvus, parva, parvum
foolish / a fool
stultus, stulta, stultum / stultus, stultī m
true, real, properi
verus, vera, vērum
to help, aid, assist, please
uvō (adiuvō), iuvare, iuvi, iutum,
to be, exist
sum, esse, fuī, futūrum