Basic Vocabulary from Wheelock's Latin Flashcards
Chapter 10
Amīcítia, amīcítiae f.
cupíditās, cupiditātis f.
desire, longing, passion; cupidity, avarice
hōras, hōrae f.
hour, time
nātūra, nātúrae f.
senéctūs, senectūtis, f.
old age
tímor, timōris m.
fear (timorous)
vērtitās, vēritātis f.
truth (verify)
vía, víae, f.
way, road, street
volúptās, voluptātis, f.
beātus, beāta, beātum
happy, fortunate, blessed
quóniam conj.
since, inasmuch as
cum prep + abl.
cum prefix, com- con- cor- col- co-
with, together, completely or an intensive force
aúdiō, audīre, audīvī, auditum
to hear, listen to
cápiō, cápere, cepī, cáptum
to take, capture, seize, get (compounds make a to i, accipio)
dicō, dicere, dixī, díctum
to say, tell, speak; name, call (dictate)
fáciō, fácere, fecī, fáctum
to make, do, accomplish (compounds a to i, conficio)
fúgiō, fúgere, fugī, fúgutūrum
to flee, hurry away, escape; go into exile; avoid, shun
véniō, venire, venī, vénitum
to come (convene)
invéniō, invenire, invenī, invénitum
to come upon, find (invent)
vivō, vivere, vixī, victum
to live (convivial) cf. vita