Basic Vocabulary from Wheelock's Latin Flashcards
Capvt 8
Cíercō, Ciceronis m.
cōpia, cōpiae f.
abundance, supply
copiae, copiarum pl.
supplies, troops, forces
frater, fratris m.
laus, laúdis f.
praise, glory, fame
lībértās, lībertātis f.
rátiō, rationis f.
reckoning, account; reason, judgement, consideration; system, manner, method
scriptor, scrīptoris m.
writer, author
sóror, sororis f.
vicotria, victoriae
dum conj.
while, as long as, at the same time that + subjunct: until
ad prep + acc
to, up to, near to
ex or ē prep + abl
out of, from, from within; by reason of, (numbers) of
númquam adv
támen adv
nevertheless, still
ágō, ágere, ēgī, actum
to drive, lead, do, act; pass, spend
gratiās ágere
to thank, to give thanks to
dēmonstrō, dēmōnstrare, dēmōnstraví, dēmōnstratum
to point out, show, demonstrate
díscō, discere, dídicí
to learn
dóceō, docere, dócuī, dóctum
to teach
ducō, ducere, duxī, dúctum
to lead, consider, regard; prolong
gérō, gérere, géssī, géstum
to carry; carry on, manage, conduct, wage, accomplish, preform
scribō, scribere, scripsī, scriptum
to write, compose
tráhō, tráhere, traxī, tráctum
to draw, drag; derive, acquire
víncō, víncere, vicī, víctum
to conquer, overcome