Basic Vocabulary from Wheelock's Latin Flashcards
adulēscéntia, adulēscéntiae f.
youth, young manhood; youthfulness
ánimus, ānimī m.
soul, spirit, mind
ánimī, ánimōrum
high spirits, pride, courage
caélum, caélī f.
sky, heaven
cúlpa, cúlpae f.
fault, blame
gloria, gloriae f.
glory, fame
vérbum, vérbi n.
tē abl and acc. sg
you, yourself cf. mē
liber, libera, liberum
nóster, nóstra, nóstrum
our, ours
púlcher, púlchra, púlchrum
beautiful, handsome; fine
sanus, sana, sanum
sound, healthy, sane
ígitur, conj. postpositive
therefore, consequently
-ne, interrog. suffix attached to first word, typically the verb or another word which question hinges, to introduce a question whose answer is uncertain
própter, prep + acc.
on account of, because of
crās adv
heri, adv
quándō, interrog. and rel. adv and conj.
sī quándo
if ever
sátis, indecl. noun, adj and adv
enough, sufficient (-ly)
tum, adv
then, at that time; thereupon, in the next place
cēnō, cēnare, cēnatum
to dine
cúlpō, culpare, culpavī, culpatum
to blame, censure
máneō, manere, mansī, mansum or remáneō, remanere, remansī, remansum
to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue
súperō, superare, superavī, superatum
to be above
cf. super, adv + prep + abl or acc
have the upper hand, surpass; overcome, conquer