Basic Vocabulary from Wheelock's Latin Flashcards
Chapter 9
lócus, lócī m.
place; passage in literature
lóca, locōrum n.
places, region
mórbus, mórbi m.
disease, sickness
stúdium, stúdiī n.
eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
hic, haec, hoc
this, these, the latter; at times he, she, it, they(ad hoc)
ílle, ílla, íllud
that, those, the former; the famous; she, he, it, they
íste, ísta, ístud
that of yours, that; such (as you have); sometimes with contemptous force (that despicable, that wretched)
álius, ália, áliud
other, another
áliī . . áliī
some . . others
álter, áltera álterum
the other (of two), second
neúter, neútra, neútrum
not either, neither
núllus, nulla, nullum
not any, no, none
solus, sola, solum
alone, only, the only
nōn solum . . sed étiam
not only . . but
totus, tota, totum
whole, entire
úllus, ulla, ullum
unus, una, unum
one, single, alone
úter, útra, útrum
either, which (of two)
énim postpositive conj.
for, in fact, truly
nímis / nímium adv; in a positive sense with adj. and adv.
too, too much, excessively; exceedingly, very (nimiety)