Basic Vocabulary from Wheelock's Latin Flashcards
Capvt VI
deus - ī, di, dīs (deī / deīs) m.
dea, deae, deabus f.
discípulus, discíulī m. discípula, discípulae, f.
learner, pupil, student
īnsídiae, īnsídiārum, f. pl.
ambush, plot, treachery
líber, líbrī m.
tyránnus, tyránnī m.
tyrant, absolute ruler
vítium, vítiī n.
fault, crime, vice
Graécus, Graéca, Graécum / Graécus, Graécī
Greek / a Greek
perpétuus, perpétua, perpétuum
perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continous
plenus, plena, plenum
full, abundant, generous
sálvus, sálva, sálvum
safe, sound
secúndus, secúnda, secúndum
second; favorable
véster, véstra, véstrum
your (for more than one person) unlike tuus (yours for one person)
-que Enclitic (suffix) conj.
and (ex. fāma gloriaque)
úbi (1) rel. adv and conj (2) interrog. adv and conj.
where, when / where?
íbi adv.
nunc adv.
now, at present
quarē adv.
because of which thing (qua re) or therefore, wherefore, why
póssum, pósse, pótuī
to be able, can, could, have power
tólerō, tolerare, toleratum
to bear, endure