quotes- merchant of venice Flashcards
my ventures are not in one bottom trusted nor to one place; nor is my hwole estate upon the frtune of this present year
antonio about him not worrying about money
when i had lost one shaft, i shot his fellow of the self same flight
only way to pay antonio is to get more money
and many jasons come in quest of her. o my antonio, had i but the means to hold a rival place with one of them
her- portia
FL- mythological alllusion
your father was very virtuous; and holy men, at their dead, have good inspirations
nerissa to portia
i am much afeard my lad y this mother played false with a smith
portia to nerissa about italian
very viley in the morning, when he is sober’ most viley in the afternoon, wneh nhe is drunk
portia about german
i will buy with you, sell with you, talk twith you, and so folowing’ but i will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you
shylock to bassanio and antonio
he lends out moeny gratis and brings down the rate usance her with us in venice
shylock about antonio
gratis= free of interest
if i can catch him once on the hip, iwill feed fat the ancient grudge i bear him
shylock about antonio
fair sir, you spit on me on wednesday last’ you spurn’d me such a day’ another time you calll’d me a dog’ and for the courtesies I’ll lend you thus much moneys?
shylock to antonio
you shall not seal to such a bond for me
bassanio to antonio
a kinder gentlmena treads not the earth
salarino about antonio
our house is hell; and thou a merry devil, didst rob it of some taste of tediousness
Our- jessica/ shyllock
thou- launcelot
pray thee, take pain to allay with some cold drops of modesty thy skipping spirit
thee- gratiano
i will not jump with common spirits, and rank me with the barbarous multitutde
prince of arragon
to prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine
prince of Morocco
budge, says the fiend. budge not, says my conscience
leaving shylock for bassanio
why ‘t is an office of discovery, love’ and i should be obscured
Jessica to lorenzo
let not the sound of shallow foppery enter my house
shylock to jessica
if it be preferment to leave a rich jew’s service, to become the follower of so poor a gentleman
bassanio to launcelot / old gobbo
a carrion death, within whose empty eye there is written scroll
gold casket
i should be ruled by the fiend, who, saving your reverence, is the devil himself. certainly the jew is the very devil incarnal
do as i bid you; shut the doors after you : fast bind, fast find
shylock to jessica
all things that are, are with more spirit chased than enjoy’d 3 EXAMPLES
being hungry/ getting up from feast
horse retracing footsteps with same energy as orgininally walking them
ship sailing out of harbor/ returning weather beaten
all that glisters is not gold
inscription on scroll in gold casket
what many men desire ! that many may be meant by the foul multitutde
prince of arragon in regards to the gold casket
my daughter! o my ducats! o my daughter! fled with a Christian
i will not jump with common spirits, and rank me with the barbarous multitudes
prince of arragon towards gold
did i deserve no more than a fool’s head? is that my prize? are my deserts no better?
prince of arragon
for never shall you lie by portia’s side/ with an unquiet soul
portia to bassanio
but since i am a dog, beware my fangs
therefore, thou gaudy gold, hardy food for midas, i will none of thee
mythological/ allusion/ apostrophe/ metaphor/ alliteration/ dramatic irony
ill prove the prettier fellow of the two
when i told you my state was nothing, i should then have told you/ that i was worse than nothing
bassanio to portia
if you pric us, do we not bleed
jews- shylock
would she were hearsed at my feed, and the ducats in her coffin
shylock about jessica
i have toward heaven breathed a secret vow/ to livein prayer and contemplation
i oft have delivered from his forfeitures/ many that have at times made moan to me…
antonio about shylock
one inwhom/ the ancient roman honour more appears/ than any that draws breath in italy
one- antonio
I…am arm’d/ to suffer, with a quietness of spirit
the jew shall have my felsh, bones, and all/ ere thou shalt lose fro me on drop of blood.
bassanio to antonio
the bond doth give thee here, no jot of _____
thee- shylcok
and, for your love, ill take this ring from you
portia to bassanio
i beseech you, let his lack of years be no impediment to let him lack a revered estimation
portia/ balthasar
antonio to bassanio about portia
blesses him that gives and him that takes
the throned monarch better than his crown
a daniel come to judgment “
who says it first/ then rearranges
shylock/ gratiano
would any of the stock of barabbas/ had been her husband rather than a Christian
her- jessica
i am the unhappy subject of these quarrels
fair ladies, you do drop manna in the way of starved people
manna- shylock’s inheritance
ill not deny him anything I have/ no, not my body nor my husband’s bed
him- doctor
would he were gelt taht had it, for my part, / since you do take it, love, so much at heart
gratiano to nerissa
gelt- castrated
it -ring
i would out night you, did no body come
jessica to lorenzo
what comment is made about men and music
they can not be trusted if they do not like music
by heave, i will never come in your bed/ until i see the ring
portia to bassanio
ill die for’t but some woman had the ring