othello act 3 Flashcards
what does othello not like
the music
“I never knew a florentine more kind and honest”
who says it?
what does it mean
cassio about iago
no one is as kind as iago
“that he you hurt is of great fame in cyprus”
he ?
speaker- emilia
-you = cassio
“I warrant it greives my husband as if the case were his”
to who?
emilia to desdemona
“his bed shall seem a school”
emilia about othello to cassio
” Ha! I like not that” speaker?
to who?
iago to othello about cassio sneaking away guiltily from desdemona
"and so many a time when I have spoke of you dispraisingly hath ta'en your part" who to who about ?
desdemona to othello
cassio has taken othello’s side when desdemona was angry with othello
“Men should be what they seem; or those that be not, would they might seem none!”
who to who?
iago to othello
if men seem honest, they should be. cassio seems honest. so he must be.
“o, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster”
who to who?
iago to othello
“I see this hath a little dash’d your spirits”
who to who
iago to othello
“my lord, I see you’re moved”
who to who?
iago to othello
“I’ll see before I doubt”
who to who
othello to iago
“this fellow’s of exceeding honesty”
othello about iago
why does desdemona get her handkerchief out
because othello had a headache and she was going to bind his head
“let it alone”
who to who?
othello to desdemona
it = headache
technicial climax
“I swear’t is better to be much abused
than but to know’t a little.”
who t o who?
othello to iago
“fairwell the tranquil mind.. farewell the neiighing steed”
fl? meaning?
othello to iago
his jealousy will make him lose his calm qualities that he has at war or the qualities of his war like character
“be sure of it; give me the ocular proof”
who to who
othello to iago
othello wants visual proof of cassio gtrying to get with desdemona
“to be direct and honest is not safe”
who to who?
iago to othello
it is not good to be straightforward and honest becasue people will be skepticla and angry.
“you are eaten up with passion”
who to who?
iago to othello
“O, that the slave had forty thousand lives!
one is too poor too weak for my revenge”
who to who about who?
othello to iago about cassio
othello is saying that one cassio is not enough to suffice his revenge
proof that iago gives to othello about cassio
cassio wiping his beard with the handkerchief
iago says that he overhead cassio saying , while sleeping, talking about desdemona
“sweet desdemon,a let us be wary, let us hid our loves”
iago telling othello what he heard cassio saying in his sleep
how long does othello says that he will take to kill cassio
three days
“but let her live”
iago to othello about desdemona
reverse psychology
planting seed
“believe me, I had rather have lost my purse full of crusadoes”
desdemona to emilia
gold coins
what does a moist hand mean
that a woman likes to have sex
story of the hankerchief
a gypsy (egyptian) gave it to othello’s mother. if mother kept it, her husband would awlays love and desire her. if she loses it, opposite would happen. othello’s mother gives it to othello to give to his wife.
“there’s magic in the web of it”
othello to desdemona about handkerchief
who is bianca
cassio’s woman
“goodname in man or woman… is the immediate jewel of their souls
iago to otehllo