othello act 5 Flashcards
I have rubbed this young quat almost to the sense
what is a quat
a pimple
or each do kill the other,
every way makes my gain
two things that happens if roderigo dies
iago keeps his jewels
the only person who knows his story will die
what happens to roderigo in the fight
cassio wounds roderigo,
what happens to cassio
iago sneaks up behind him and wounds his leg
“thou teachest me, minion, your dear lies dead,
and your unblest fate hies” strumpet, I come!
who kills roderigo
gentlemen all, I do suspect this trash
to be a party in this injury
iago talking about how bianca’s the cause of the fight bc they fought over her
who is gratiano
brabantio’s brother
this is the fruit of whoring
iago to emilia
put out the light and then put out the light
othello about literally putting out a candle and then killing desdemona
what did promethean do
stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans.
I would not kill thy unprepared spirit
othello to desdemona
othello doesn’t want her to go into purgatory by not confessing her sins.
had all his hairs been lives, my great revenge
had stomach for thme all
othello to desdemona
methinks it should be now a huge eclipse of sun an moon, and that the affrighted globe
should yaawn at alteration
othello, talking to himself
saying that he wishes nature would produce an eclipse or earthquake after he harms desdemonaand emilia is trying to talk to him
not cassio kill’d! then murder;s out of tune, and sweet revenge grows harsh.
othello to emilia
music imagery
o, the more angell, she, and you the blacker devil
emilia to othello
devil imagery
she was too fond of her most filthy bargain.
emilia to othello about desdemona and othello’s marriage
I know thou didst not, thou ‘rt not such a villain. speak, for my heart is full
emilia to iago
he hath a daily beauty in his life
that makes me ugly
when i have pluck’d the rose,
I cannot give it vital growth again”
othello to desdemon’as sleeping body
an honest man he is, and hates the slime
that sticks on filthy deeds
othello to emliia about iago
i will not charm my tongue; i am bound to speak”
emilia to iago
why did brabantio die
thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief
shore his old thread in twain”
gratiano to othello about brabantio allusion to fate spins thread measures cuts
no, i will speak as liberal as the north
what happens after emilia tells the real story about the handkerchief
othello runs after iago, iago stabs emilia, iago runs away
where do the best swords come from
I look down towards his feet; but that’s a fable
othello about iago’s devil feet that are cloven
“id have thee live;
for, in my sense, ‘t is happiness to die”
othello to iago
why does othello not kill iago
if iago is a devil, othello will not kill iago, so he stabs iago
“will you, I pray, demand that demi-devil
why he hath thus ensnared my soul and body”
othello to cassio about iago(demi-devil)
“and he himself confess’d but even now
that there he dropp’d it for a special purpose”
cassio saying how iago confesses about putting the handkerchief in cassio’s room
cassio rules in cyprus
“then must you speak of one that love not wisely but too well”
othello to lodovico
“of one whose hand,
like the base indina, threw a pearl away”
othello to lodovico
pear- desdemona
“gratiano, keep the house
and seizze upon the fortunes of the moor”
lodovico tells gratiano to inherit othello’s stuff
deaths in order
what does othello call himself before stabbing himself
a circumcised dog
what does othello do before he dies
kisses desdemona
then you must speak
of one who lov’d not wisely, but too well.
othello’s character flaw. he commands armies, does not know how to have a 10 on 1 relationsihp.
when i have pluck’d the rose, i cannot give it vital growht again… Ill smell it on the tree
othello saying a metaphor about desdemona than he can smel her hair after he kills her, but cannot make it alive again
“she’s like a liar gone to burning hell
othello while desdemona is lying on death bed