othello review Flashcards
______ good name in man or wamn.. is the immediate jewel of their souls
good name
iago to othello
my blood begins my safer guide to rule
blood- passion
guide- reason
i do perceive here a divided duty
divdided- brabantio and othello
lets teach ourself that honourable stop
othello to cassio about drinking
he calls me to a restitution large/ of gold and jewels that bobb’d from him
iago’s soliloquy about roderigo
i need everyone need’ need roderigo dead bc he asks for jewels
nobody—i myself. farewell
desdemona, lies
the wine she drinks is made of graps
iago to roderigo about desdemona.
desdemona not so blessed; like every other human
i look down towards his feet- but that’s a fable
devil imagery
othello about iago
there’s magic in the web of it
othello about hankerchief
she’d come again with greedy ear/ devour up my discourse
othello about desdemona wanting to hear about his war stories
threw a pearl away/ richer than all the tribe
othello’s monologue
wants his story to be told right
pearl- desdemona
i will not charm my tongue
emilia deceides to set the stroy straight. to iago she will not be quiet
i am unfortunate in the infirmity and dare not task my weakness with any more
cassio to iago about about drinking
her eye must be fed/ and what delight shall she have to look on the devil
iago to roderigo about desdemona
devil- othello
cassio will feed eye
but we have reason to cool our raging motions
iago to roderigo . head vs. heart
passion vs. reason
thus do i ever make my fool my purse
iago soliloquy
fool- roderigo
it doth abhor me now i speak the word
word- whore
fairwell the tranquil mind.. fareweell the neighing steed
othello apostrophe to iago
once given into jealousy, there will be no reason
can’t get over it like the battlefield
sweet desdemona, let us be wary. let us hide our loves
iago says to tothello that casssio says in sleep
why now i see there’s mettle in thee
iago to roderigo after rod accuses iago of jeweles
if i do die before thee, prithee shroud me/ in one of those same sheets/
desdemona to emilia.
wedding sheets
will you, i pray, demand that demi–devil/ why he thus ensanr’d my soul and body?
othello about iago; devil imagery for iago.
but let her live
iago to othello
reverse psychology
planting seed
rude am i in speech
othello irony about eloquent man
and have we not affectiosn / desire for sport .. as men have?
emilia to desdemona/
foil to desdemona
i do love cassio well and would do much to cure him of this evil
evil- drinking
app vs. reality
it stops me here
othello about desdemona once he sees her get off the ship.
overcame with emotion
here- heart
i do not think there is any such woman”
desdemona to emilia, no women do that whoring around
ill see before i doubt
othello to iago
wants ocular proof
ha! i like not that
iago saying to othello about cassio wlaking off from desdemona sneakily
his bed shall seem a school
desdemona to cassio abotu othello
i follow him to serve my turn upon him
iago to orderigo about othello
app vs. reality
she lov’d me for the dangers i had passed and i lov’d her that she….
othello about desdmeona
pity them
i had rather lost my purse full of crusadoes
desdemona aobut losing the handkerchief
and would in action glorious i had lost/ those legs that brought me to a part of it
app vs. reality
iago to othello
It= right between cassio and montanto
then you must speak/ of one who lov’d not wisely, but too well.
othello monologue
character flaw- jealousy
can’t do a one on one relationship but he can command armies
our great captain’s captain
iago says to cassio about desdmeona
o good iago, what shall i do to win my lord again.
desdemona to iago
irony that she would ask him
whe n i have pluc’d the rose, i cannot ive it vital growth again.. i ll smell it on the tree
othello smells desdemona’s hair before he takes her lif.e meatphor
you rise to play and go to bed to work.
iago’s vulgraity to women
if after every tempest come uhc calm/ may the winds blow till they have waken’d deaht
othello to desdemona after she lands. calm- desdemona
incense her kinsman, and though he in a fertile climate/ dwell/ plague him with lfiews
iago to roderigo about brabantia
an honest man he is , and hates the slime that sticks on filthy deeds
othello says this about iago
slime- iago
believes in him almost to theend
an old black ram is tuppin your white ewe
iagoo;s vulgarity to brabantio about othello and desdemona
a man he is of honesty and trust and to his conveyance i assign my wife
othello about iago
she’s like a liar gone to burning hell
othello takes it as desdemona lying on a death bed
i love thee, but never more be an officer of mine
othello to casio
tis my breeding that gives me this bold show of ocurtesy
cassio says it why kisses iago’s wife/ forerntine flirty
i must show out a flag and sign of love
iago to roderigo
app vs. reality
i will speak as liberal as the north
emilia to iago
will not be quiet
i marrry her what ? a cutomer
cassio to iago about bianca
othelllo thinks its about desdemona
thou hast practiced on her with foul charms
brabantiio to tohello about desdemona
an dlittle of this great world can ai speak/ more than pertains to feats of broil and baattle/ and therefore shall i ggrace my casue in speaking for myself
othello to senate
othello’s character flaws
to fall in love with whta she feared to look on! against all rules of nature
brabantio about desdemona and othello
ill make thee an example
othello to cassio
is this the nature whom passion could no shake
lodovico to iago about othello
othello just slapped desdemona
to be a sensible man, by and by a fool, and presently a beast
cassio to iago
i would not kill thy unprepared spirit. i would not kill thy soul.
othello doesn’t want to kill desdemona’s unprayed soul. wants her to go to purgaotry
he takes her by the palm. ay ,well said, whisper. with as little as aweb as this will ensanare as great a fly as cassio
iago says about cassio holding desdmon’as hand
if any wretch have put this in our head/ let heaven requite it with the serpent’s curse
emilia to tohello, iron, shows she doesn’t know iago
thou’rt not sucha vilian . speka, for my heart is full
emilita to iago . about to find out the truth.
tis in ourselves that we aare thus or thus. our bodies are our gardens
iago to roderigo .
garden imagery
the moor is of a free and opne nature/ that thinks men honest that but seem to be so. and will be led by the nost as asses are.
iago takling about othello’s nobleness to roderigo
this is the fruit of whoring
iago blames death on bianca. men fought over bianca
when devils will the blackest sins put on/ they do suggest at first with heavenly shows/ as a ido now
app vs. reality
oft got wihtout merit and lost wihtout ddeserving
iago to cassio
he hath a daiy beauty in his life/ that makes me ugly.
iago about cassio. jealous of him, position, handsome,
thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief/ shore his old thread atwiain’
gratiano says it. tell them that brabantio died from greif
every way makes my gain
iago about cassio and roderigo fighting and one of htem dying
o thou invisible spirit. .. if thou has t no name to be known by, let us call thee devil
apostrophe cassio talkinb about alcohol
pleasure and action make the house seem short
time flies when having fun
let it alone
othello about headache
tech climax
as he shall smile. othello shall go mad
iago talking to cassio as cassio laughs othello is mad