othello act 1 Flashcards
who has money
who uses roderigo’s money
villian, backstabber, smart
says he’s using money to woo desdamona for roderigo
Iago appears to be loyal to ___ but he is actually ____
important theme of
head vs. heart
who represents head
who represents heart
head- iago
who does othello promote over iago
michael cassio
what is known about florentines
who wrote the Prince
who is Iago based off of
Machievelli for his evilness, wickedness, and strategicness
what is venice famous for
"even now, now, very now, an old balck ram is tupping your white ewe" speaker to who? about who? imagery?
iago to brabantia
about othello and desdemona
animal imagery
what is the beast with two backs
who says the beast with two backs
“i must show out a flag and sign of love”
color imagery colors
white- desdemona
green- jealousy
why is it appropriate for iago to swear upon janus
janus is the two faced roman god of beginnings and transitions.
who is the vulgar character
iago tries to influence who onto his side
why does iago draw against roderigo
for show
how had desdemona gone against nature
white v.s black young vs. old class diffrerence gentle vs. warrior Christian vs. Moor
“Mine’s not an idle cause: the duke himself”
brabantio about arresting othello
why does Desdemona love Othello
for his battle stories. all the dangers he’s been through.
Othello loves her for her strong emotions towards him
“she loved me for the dangers I had pass’d,
And I loved her that she did pity them.”
othello about Desdemona
how does the duke try to restore peace
he says that if you lament something that’s already happened, then you are setting yourself up for more bad news.
“our bodies are _______”
“that we are ____ or _____”
thus or thus
put money in thy purse meanse
liquidate your assets
sell land to have more cash
what rumour does iago believe
that othello slept with iago’s wife
“he has done my office”
iago about othello sleeping with his wife.
“and will as tenderly be led by the nose
as asses are”
iago about othello
who is the voice of reason to brabantio
who is put in charge of desdemona’s ship by othello
most complex character flaw
not a good judge of character but Iago is a master
what does roderigo think about
killing himself
“I do percieve here a divided duty”
desdemona about father and othello
“She’d come again with a greedy ear
devour up my discourse”
othello about desd
“But we have reason to cool our raging motions”
iago to roderigo
head v.s. heart
“thus do i ever make my fool my purse”
iago about roderigo
“rude am i in speech”
irony-eloquent man
“i follow him to serve my turn upon him”
iago to roderigo about othello
app v.s reality
“incense her kisman, and though he in a fertile climate dwell
plague him with flies”
iago to roderigo about brabantio
plant imagery
“a man he is of honesty and trust and to his conveyance I assign my wife”
othello about iago
I must show out a flag and sign of love”
iago to roderigo
app vs. relaity
” thou hast practiced on her with foul charms”
brabantio to othello about desd
“and little of this great world can I speak
mor than pertains to feats of broil and battle
and therefore little shall i ggrace my cause in speaking for myself”
othello to senate
“to fall in love with what she feared to look on!… Against all rules of nature”
brabantio about desdemona loving othello
“tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. our bodies are our gardens”
garden imagry
“the moor is of a free and open nature
that thinks men honest that but seem to be so. and will be led by nose as asses are”
iago talking about othello’s nobleness
when devils will the blackest sins put on/ they do suggest at first with heavenly shows/ as I do now”