Quiz exam questions Flashcards
- Consider building a social media strategy. Which of the following steps should be undertaken first? A) Learn your target audience B) Define your social media channels to deploy C) set your business objectives D) Set KPIs
C) Set your business objectives You should start with the business’s objectives, which is something general and covers the entity in its entirety. Then you define who are you marketing to, to adapt your messaging. At this point you are ready to choose the medium and the metrics.
- You work at Save the Children organisation. What does the sentence “Give the children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protect from harm” reveal for the organisation? A) Its vision B) Its aim C) Its objective
D) its goal
B - The aim is more specific than the vision but less specific than the objective or goal.
What is not usually included in a Social Media Policy? a) Who is responsible and for what b) What is acceptable and what isn’t in terms of behaviour of employees c) The general strategy of social media within the company d) Definition of specific key metrics and ways to achieve them
D - The social media policy defines mainly behaviours and consequences if the rules aren’t followed.
Sources of traffic from different social media channels to a landing page can be tracked using: a) Facebook Insights b) Twitter Analytics c) Google AdWords d) Google Analytics
D – Google Analytics allows users to see the source of traffic, but social specific data such as comments or likes cannot be viewed using Google Analytics
Buffer is an effective tool for: a) Project Management b) Customer Relationship Management c) Managing multiple social media pages d) Blogging
C – Buffer is a scheduling tool which allows multiple social media pages to
be managed simultaneously, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
What is likely to be found in Brand guidelines? A. Typography specifications B. Product descriptions C. Logo Partnership guidelines D. A and C only
D - The brand guidelines define the coherence of your marketing presence and does not describe how products are used.
To put your message across most efficiently in social media, which element should be considered first? A. Social media tools B. The marketing team C. Target audience D. AdWords reports
C - The first thing to identify is your target audience as this is your prospective buyers or having an interest in your message.
Which of the following factors can contribute towards a company’s identity? A. Staff, B. Colours, C. Strapline, D. Fonts a) A and B only b) B, C and D only c) A, B and C only d) A, B, C and D
D - The logo, the strapline and the colours help define a brand, as do attitudes and appearances of staff.
Lisa is 21, an air hostess from Lancashire, who loves her job because she sees sights all over the World. She shows all of her friends the places she goes to but doesn’t get to see them often as she takes holidays in countries she flies out to. Which social channel could be ideal for targeting Lisa? a) LinkedIn b) Instagram c) Google+ d) Twitter
B - At 21 Lisa is more likely to use Instagram than other tools and she is able to show her friends (who are also using Instagram) photos of where she is.
Stretching your logo to fit a space is considered good branding practice: a) Yes, you should always stretch length wise though b) Yes, stretching your logo is good practice only if you change the colours c) Yes, stretching your logo is a good practice to fit any screen size d) No, you should proportionally resize your logo following branding guidelines
D – Brand guidelines should always be followed
LinkedIn is most likely to be an effective tool for: a) A local hairdresser wanting to promote a job vacancy b) A marketing agency wanting to showcase their knowledge c) A restaurant wanting to show pictures of desserts d) A nightclub offering free entry to the first 100 comments
B - While LinkedIn can be good for advertising vacancies, it would not likely drive many applications for hairdressing roles. A restaurant wanting to show pictures of desserts would use Facebook or Instagram, and a nightclub may use Facebook or Twitter.
To publish content you need to cover the concepts of AIDA, which stands for: a) Attention, Interest, Desire, Action b) Acceptance, Involvement, Desire, Assurance c) Attention, Impression, Desire, Awareness d) Acceptance, Involvement, Dedication, Awareness
A - AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
Which aspect should be common in all social media and branding? a) Summarisation b) Consistency c) Hash tagging d) Quantity
B - Consistency should be a common characteristic in all social media marketing.
Which of the following are intangible brand elements? a) Fonts, Colours, Images b) Slogan, Logo, Mission Statement c) Emotions, Stories, Loyalty
d) Products
c) Emotions, Stories, Loyalty
What would be the best way to respond to a negative comment on a social media page? a) Delete the comment and forget about it
b) Private message the customer and resolve the situation
c) Publicly reply in a non-personal manner and resolve as much as possible, escalating to a private message if any personal details are needed.
d) Publicly reply and fully resolve the issue, making any offers or discounts available for any other dissatisfied customers to see.
C - Comments should never be deleted, and it may look like you are ignoring the customer if you go private straight away. It may be tempting to fully resolve issues publicly but you would not want everyone seeing the resolution to the negative comment as it may drive more ‘negative’ comments.
What is the purpose of reviewing a brief after completing a project? ) To check for improvements
b) To ensure all requirements have been met
c) To conduct a SWOT analysis
d) To try and charge the client more money for less work
B - Briefs are designed to ensure the team working to them know exactly what they need to do. It would not be ethical to try and charge the client more money for less work.
LinkedIn would most likely be an effective tool for: a) A football club wanting to show weekly results
b) A café offering free coffee for the first 100 comments
c) A school which wants to promote a new teaching vacancy
d) A lonely person who wants to date
C - LinkedIn is a social media channel used mainly by business people and recruiters.
When rebranding an organisation, which question should you ask first? a) Why?
b) When?
c) How?
d) Who?
A - Rebranding is a serious decision and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Justify first why you are doing this.
When would a business Facebook page most likely run prize giveaways through a sponsored post? a) When aiming to acquire new likes, b) When aiming to retain followers, c) When aiming to reach a new audience, d) When aiming to increase the engagement of overall posts a) A, B and C only
b) B, C and D only
c) A, C and D only
d) B and D only
C - Prize giveaways and competitions are an effective way of acquiring new followers as people are likely to want to share and comment. New people can be reached through sponsored posts but may not be worthwhile targeting people who already like your page with a sponsored post.
Which of the following is NOT one of the 7 C’s of Communication? a) Clear
b) Correct c) Coherent d) Considerate
D - There are 7 keys of communication which include clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and courteous.
AIDA is a well-known copywriting theory used to describe the steps that occur from the time when a customer first become aware of a product to when the customer makes a purchase. What does the acronym stand for?
A) Attention, Insert, Desire, Acquire
b) Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
c) Acquire, Interest, Desire, Action
d) Acquire, Interest, Deliver, Action
B – Firstly, grab the readers attention, get them interested in the product, provide them with statements so they start to desire your product which then leads to taking an action
When writing copy which of the following is MOST important to identify?
a) Cost and budget
b) Target audience
c) Resources and people
d) Internal and external environments
B - Although it’s important to consider resources and cost of writing content, the main priority when writing content is the customer and how to engage the target audience.
Why would you apply the ‘What’s in It for Me’ (WIIFM) copywriting theory when writing copy?
a) To check spelling and grammar is accurate
b) To address a need your customer is facing
c) To provoke strong emotions
d) To embed brand personality and tone of voice
B - You should always think about the end user and provide them with value and things that makes them realize that what you’re offering is worth their money or their time.
What is the law called that governs copyright in the UK?
a) Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
b) Trade Descriptions Act
c) Data Protection Act
d) Health and Safety at Work Act
A - The current act is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and typographical arrangement of published editions, rights to control the ways in which their material may be used.
Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of a creative brief?
a) A report following implementation which shows the results and evaluates success
b) A boilerplate used by a company which explains their mission, vision and values
c) An account team’s interpretation of the client’s wishes including key deliverables
d) A job description for a copywriter which outlines their roles and responsibilities
C - A creative brief is usually used by a marketing agency to help designers and copywriters to deliver the work that meets all the client expectations. It will include information such as purpose, position, benefits, proposition, tone of voice, budget, timings, etc.
Which of the following should you include in copy to persuade the reader to take action?
a) CTR
b) SEO
c) PPI
d) CTA
D - CTA stands for call to action. A call to action (CTA) is an instruction to the audience designed to provoke an immediate response, usually using an imperative verb such as “click here to find out more”, “call us now for a quote” or “buy online today”.
When writing copy, it is best practice to speak directly to your customer’s need, in their language whilst incorporating your brand’s personality. This can be done by establishing your company’s what?
a) Tone of voice
b) Unique selling point
c) Mission statement
d) Brand guidelines
A - To speak to your audience, you need to establish your brand’s tone of voice. It is now what you say that matters, it’s how you say it. Not only the words you choose matter, but also their order, rhythm and pace. A tone of voice brings out the brand’s personality and character.
Which of the following BEST describes why you should write different copy for different platforms and channels?
a) You can be blacklisted by search engines for duplicate content which will affect your search engine results position
b) Every social media channel has a maximum word count which you should stick to
c) Different channels have different audience and it’s best to customize content to the audience’s needs
d) Call to actions should differ and you should have several landing pages linked to one campaign
C - It’s true that search engines don’t like duplicate content but the main reason you should customize copy for every channel is because each channel has a unique target audience, therefore your copy should be unique too. Think about LinkedIn and Facebook. LinkedIn is a business to business network, so you may use a professional tone of voice, whereas Facebook is more friend and family orientated so you may choose to use more friendly and approachable language.
What is a copywriter most likely to be responsible for?
a) Analysing website metrics and analytics and writing reports
b) Improving a blog for search engine optimisation
c) Adding HTML tags to a website and coding content
d) Creating written content in the voice of the brand
D - A copywriter is responsible for writing written content in the brand’s tone of voice. Depending on the company or agent, they wouldn’t necessarily report on the success of the content. It would be a Marketing Executive’s or SEO Specialist’s role to optimise the blog for search, and coding and tags would be a Website Developers responsibility.
Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about quantitative data?
a) It is subjective
b) It provides a complete picture of human behaviour that extends beyond “the numbers”
c) It cannot be measured numerically
d) It can be measured numerically
D - Quantitative data is limited in scope to what can be measured objectively. As such aspects of human behaviour that cannot be measured objectively such as emotion will not be captured as. Any quality of human behaviour which cannot be measured in numbers will be missed by quantitative data.
. A shoe shop offers discount vouchers to entice 50 customers who have not bought from them in the last 6 months. At which point of the customer lifecycle are these 50 customers likely to be?
a) Reach
b) Acquire
c) Develop
d) Retain
D - This tactic is an effort to retain the 50 customers. So, the 50 customers are in their retention phase.
Which of the following segmentation strategies best describes segmenting by lifestyle?
a) Geographic
b) Psychographic
c) Behavioural
d) Demographic
B - Lifestyle is one way by which psychographic segmentation takes place.
A new business selling office tables exclusively to businesses in the Devon area is running adverts on LinkedIn aimed at businesses. Which business relationships is this business seeking to build?
a) B2C
b) B2B
c) B2G
d) C2C
B - This is an example of a business to business tactic. You would expect to reach other businesses on LinkedIn and to be able to target them appropriately. B2G is business to government relationships, and C2C is customer to customer (e.g. Etsy)
Competitor monitoring is least likely to
a) Find out what their content marketing strategy is
b) Generate leads from their unhappy customers
c) Gather feedback about their products from customer reviews
d) Expose your future product development plans to your competitor.
D - Competitor monitoring does all the above except expose your plans to the competitor.
Which of the below is least likely to be an example of Relationship marketing?
a) Going over and above required effort to make your customer happy
b) Reaching out to your most enthusiastic followers on Instagram
c) Rewarding your brand ambassadors.
d) Pushing for sales in every customer contact.
D - Relationship marketing focuses primarily on proving value to the customer and building a relationship, it is expected that sales will follow naturally.
Which of the following is least likely to be the benefit of a company’s strong focus on existing customers?
a) Reduction in cost of gaining new customers
b) Learning about buying habits of existing customers and apply this to product development
c) Utilisation of opportunities for cross-selling
d) A reduction in staff strength in its IT department.
D - The only non-relevant answer is D. All others will result from a focus on repeat business.
Which of the following is most likely to be a valid step in the process of defining your target market?
a) Asking yourself what type of person would gain the most from the value you offer
b) Looking at your closest competitor and targeting the same type of customer they target
c) Identifying your areas of expertise as a business then hiring new people to complement your strengths
d) Identifying which customers segments have been profitable in the past.
A - Your target market is made up of people who are most likely gain the most from what you offer. This is why they patronise your product or service. It satisfies a need they have.
Positioning is the process of identifying how the product or service you offer appeals to each customer segment you serve. Which of the following will most likely result if your company has correctly positioned the services you offer?
a) A decrease in the number of new customers
b) An increase in marketing spend
c) The business will lose market share to the competition
d) The business will be able to tailor marketing message to each customer segment.
D - If you know why your product or service appeals to a customer segment, you can highlight this in your communications with the customer.
The MOST LIKELY definition of segmentation is:
a) Dividing data (the population) into groups based on similar attributes / important characteristics.
b) The process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results
c) A form of online advertising where the advertiser only pays if someone clicks on their ad
d) Targeting all customers at once.
A – A segment is a group of the population and they have similar characteristics
- Working to marketing briefs will most likely allow marketing teams to: a) Focus on the aims & objectives of the campaign. b) Check results early in the process to ensure that the campaign is successful c) Anticipate potential problems because they have an overview of how the campaign will run d) Work fewer hours
a) A, C and D only
b) A, B and D only
c) A, B and C only
d) B, C and D only
C - A, B, C all result from using marketing briefs
Building healthy working relationships with other departments will most likely ensure:
a) That you can get to work on time.
b) That you are kept abreast of projects which may affect your marketing campaigns
c) That you can move to other teams when you wish to.
d) That you will be promoted quickly.
B - There are many advantages of building good working relationships, but working with other departments means you are more likely to know about events taking place across the wider business.
Which of the following actions is a marketing manager most likely to undertake when investigating new social channels?
a) Copy what the competition is doing
b) Research where the target audience are and where they are most likely to engage with you
c) Set up a company profile on as many social channels as possible
d) Stick with what already works – there is no need to explore new opportunities
B - There is no point being on a platform or channel if your target audience is not on it. This is a good test to check if your marketing plan will work, i.e. by comparing the listed platforms/channels on the plan to the identified audience in the brief.
A SWOT analysis will most likely reveal which of the below: a) The key strengths of the business b) The opportunities available in the industry c) The threats posed by the weaknesses of the business and/or its competitors d) The financial state of the company in 5 years
a) A, B and C only
b) B, C and D only
c) A and B only
d) A and C only
A – SWOT analyses reveal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
A warehouse that traditionally sold at a B2B level decides to open the warehouse to the public for B2C transactions. Which elements of the marketing mix must now be concentrated on in addition to the current mix?
a) Product, Price, Place and Promotion
b) Product, Price and Promotion
c) Product, Price, Place, Promotion and People
d) People, Process and Physical Evidence
D – A business adding in an enhanced customer service element must now consider the additional ‘P’s of services marketing – People, Process and Physical Evidence
An online retailer targeting the UK uses Google Analytics to spot that customers from France are visiting the website and bounce fairly quickly. What could the business do to try and resolve this?
a) Contact each customer and ask for the reason they left the website
b) Create an option to view the website in French
c) Use remarketing to bring the customers back
d) Nothing as these are not the business’ target market
B – It may be that the business can tap into a different market and by offering the website in a different language it may mean there are more sales.
Which of the following ‘P’s describes Tesco, who sell chocolates on behalf of Thornton’s, within Thornton’s’ marketing mix?
a) Place
b) Product
c) Price
d) Promotion
A - While the ‘Place’ element links to the location of a store or a website, it also includes the method of delivery such as using UPS over FedEx, or the use of certain retailers to sell products for you. While Thornton’s sells chocolates straight to the consumer, it also sells to retailers.
The Sims is a popular PC game, which includes ‘expansion’ packs to make the game more interesting. At what point would a new expansion pack be likely to be launched?
a) Launch
b) Growth
c) Maturity
d) Decline
C - While the game is in the growth stage, people are buying the game and enjoying it. At the maturity stage less people are buying the game so an update or expansion pack is launched to drive further sales. However with something like a game there are likely to be people who will want to collect the expansion packs and play early on, so some may be launched at both the growth and the maturity stage. It could also be wise to introduce these at the decline stage to slow the decline process, or, more likely, launch a new product.
Which of the following are classed as external stakeholders? a) Employees b) Investors c) Directors d) Customers
a) A and B only
b) A and C only
c) B and D only
d) A and D only
C - Employees and directors are internal stakeholders, whereas both customers and investors are external to the business.
Which of the following is the most effective link building practice?
a) Attracting links from high quality websites in your industry
b) Attracting links from as many websites as possible
c) Posting links into comments on forums
d) Creating numerous websites and linking between them all
A - When calculating your rank on a search engine result page (SERP), the search engine no longer looks for quantity of links – they are interested in quality. They will be able to identify links from websites you have created through tracking data, and apply less weight to links from forums or social networks.
Which of the following are examples of poor SEO? a) Using keywords from different industries with high search volume, b) Mentioning your keywords as many times as possible on your site, c) Not utilising a mobile optimised website, d) Attracting links from high quality websites in your industry
a) A and B only
b) B, C and D only
c) A, B and C only
d) B and D only
C – A, B and C are all bad practice in the world of SEO. Keywords from different industries with high search volume – whilst perhaps attracting more traffic to the site in the short term – won’t convert customers as they won’t be interested in your site. Keyword stuffing is a spammy practice, and doesn’t provide any benefit. Mobile optimised sites are a key element of search engines, and in 2015 started to become a major ranking factor – ignoring them can be costly.
What piece of software do search engines use to index and analyse your website?
a) Penguin
b) Hummingbird
c) Spider
d) Panda
C - Spider software crawls the web, hence the name. It looks through the code of your website to understand the quality of the site and its purpose. The other three are names of Google updates to their algorithm which have been brought in over the past few years.
What channels can be optimised using SEO? a) Websites, b) Video, c) Social, d) Images
a) C and D only
b) A, B, C and D
c) B and D only
d) A and D only
B - In some way shape or form, the practices of SEO can be applied to numerous different online platforms. Naturally, websites are the obvious choice but video channels like YouTube can still incorporate SEO friendly features (titles, descriptions etc.) whereas images can incorporate keywords into the filename and into alt-tags. Social media is a natural source of keyword friendly content, and can create outbound links to your site.
A bakery is running a search marketing campaign to attract new customers in the run up to Easter. They want to attract customers who are looking for bespoke Easter cakes. Which of the terms below is the most inappropriate to optimise for?
a) Custom Easter cakes
b) Bespoke Easter cakes
c) Personalised Easter cakes
d) Tailored Easter cakes
D - This is an example of a synonym in practice – a very common consideration for search marketing. In this example, all four searches could lead the customer to the business. However, a customer would be less likely to use “bespoke” or “tailored” as they are more commonly associated with other practices. The argument is then
between “custom” and
“personalised”, which you would determine using the Keyword Planner.
What content would a web crawler NOT pay attention to on a website?
a) Links
b) Images
c) Meta tags
d) PHP
D - Web crawlers search website pages predominantly looking for HREF or SRC information – this would include all links and images. Meta tags are a fundamental a part of SEO as they help classify your website and determine its purpose and relevance to a search. PHP as a back end technology would not be of interest to a web crawler.
Why would a business blog help increase a site’s rank on a search engine results page? a) Generating fresh content, b) Creating more links, c) Increasing keywords on your site, d) Instant Revenue
a) A, B and D only
b) A, C and D only
c) A, B and C only
d) A and D only
C - A blog is an effective and commonplace activity for an SEO. Creating regular content helps your site index better with web crawlers, and creates more links for crawlers to visit. The usage of appropriate keywords in your content allows you to drive traffic through from targeted audiences.
A catering business operating in Manchester is running a paid search advert but is receiving too many enquiries from London. What would be the MOST appropriate way to optimise this advert?
a) Targeting the predetermined “Manchester” area
b) Targeting postcodes in the Manchester area
c) Using “Manchester” as a keyword in all of your adverts
d) Radius targeting within fifty miles of Manchester
D - Geo targeting in AdWords is a very powerful feature when used correctly. Radius targeting within a certain area will cover multiple postcodes and remove the search engine’s predetermined areas which can exclude key markets for your business, including certain postcodes. There is no need to use “Manchester” AND target Manchester as customers are unlikely to need to search using the keyword.
You have identified from your analytics that customers are regularly visiting your site but not converting once they have viewed a few pages. What campaign type would be MOST appropriate to get customers back to your site?
a) Ads on SERPs
b) Remarketing
c) Paid social
d) Leaflets
B - Remarketing shows ads to people who’ve visited your website or used your mobile app. When people leave your website without buying anything, for example, remarketing helps you reconnect with them by showing relevant ads across their different devices. An advert on a SERP would be more appropriate for customers who haven’t visited, and paid social impressions would be dependent on the pages they have viewed in that social media platform.
You are running a display advertising campaign for your business, but a month after launch you have identified that the advert is getting very few click throughs but those that do are converting. How could you improve this campaign?
a) Change the advert and the landing page for the campaign
b) Leave the advert and change the landing page for the campaign
c) Change the advert and leave the landing page for the campaign
d) Change to a search advert as this campaign is not successful
C - Due to a high conversion rate, you should be able to identify the issue is with the advert. Whilst you can’t ever be 100% sure what isn’t working about the advert, changing it would be the most appropriate method to test what isn’t working.
Which of the following factors do not represent a Political factor?
a) Labour law
b) Tax policy
c) Trade restrictions
d) Climate change
D- These factors represent the way and the extent to which a government influences the economy and a certain business.
Population growth rate, cultural aspects, age distribution and health consciousness all primarily link to which external factor?
a) Political Factors
b) Economic Factors
c) Social Factors
d) Technological Factors
C - These factors refer mainly to demographic factors
When do market prices usually change?
a) When only supply patterns change.
b) When only demand patterns change.
c) When both supply and demand patterns change.
d) None of the above.
C - An increase in supply when a new business opens usually causes a fall in price. An increase in demand following a successful advertising campaign usually causes an increase in price.
What is demand?
a) The quantity of a good that is desired by buyers
b) The total quantity of a product that the marketplace can offer
c) Relationship between price and the amount of a good supplied
d) The price rises for a given product
A – In the context of supply and demand discussions, demand refers to the quantity of a good that is desired by buyers.
Which of the following are most likely to be affected by supply and demand?
a) Laws made by the government
b) Price and Quality
c) Dependencies and relationships
d) Opportunities for growth and career advancement
B - Aim to sell products when the price rises and less willing to sell it when prices fall. A rise in the quality of the product also encourages purchase.
Which of the following is an organisation most likely to do if a competitor enters the market?
a) Rising prices and Lowering prices
b) Rising prices and Lower quality of service
c) Lower quality of service and Increase quality of service
d) Lowering Prices and Increase quality of service
D – a new competitor means organisations must be smarter with pricing and should offer a higher level of customer service in order to stay ahead of the competition.
Which of the following characteristics make up a strong team?
Positive attitude, Good communication skills and Honesty and reliability
Good communication skills, Honesty and reliability and Good numerical skills
Positive attitude, Good communication skills and Good numerical skills
Positive attitude, Honesty and reliability and Good numerical skills
A – Having a positive attitude, good communication skills and honesty/reliability go a long way towards making up a strong team. Good numerical skills may be useful in some environments but not in al
Who is most likely to be responsible for a team of community advisors in an organisation with a large social presence?
a) Social Media Manager
b) Content Manager
c) Community Manager
d) Graphic Designer
C - In a much larger organisation there may be a Community Manager, who would be responsible for ensuring the organisation’s community of customers are looked after. Comments and complaints would be dealt with by a Community Manager, who may be responsible for a team of Community Advisors in a very large organisation.
Which of the following factors are most likely to reflect working in a typical small business environment?
a) Development programmes allowing swift career progression
b) Opportunities to step out of a structured job description
c) Equal pay as all staff are doing work of equivalent value
d) A greater budget allowing to explore various new channels
B - The opportunity to step out of a structured job description and gain experience in other roles, when working for a smaller company.
Who would most likely be responsible for interpreting Google Analytics and analysing the data gathered from other campaigns?
a) Content Manager
b) Data Analyst
c) Graphic Designer
d) Web Developer
B - Data Analysts analyse data in relation to marketing campaigns and provide recommendations to the Marketing Manager and other members of the marketing team to optimise digital campaigns. The Data Analyst would be able to fully interpret and understand social media analytics tools, Google Analytics and would produce reports using spreadsheet functions and formulae.
What is the process of Personal development?
a) Putting across the organisation’s message to the correct audiences.
b) Examining the prices of the products you sell to ensure they’re still appropriate.
c) Learning and refining skills that can help you in many areas of life.
d) Developing a product or service that everyone wants to buy
C - Personal development is the process of learning and refining skills that can help you in many areas of life, not just specific to your career.
Which of the following is not set by the government, but has a key role in regulating digital marketing?
a) The Data Protection Act
b) Copyright Law
c) Trade Descriptions Act
d) Advertising Standards Authority
D - The ASA is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media who apply the Advertising Codes (CAP).
Which of the following best describes the Trade Descriptions Act?
a) It is an offence to apply false or misleading descriptions
b) The creator of original work having exclusive rights for its use and distribution
c) Designed to protect how your personal information is used or stored
d) The practice of taking someone else’s work and passing it off as one’s own.
A - The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 prevents manufacturers, retailers from misleading consumers as to what they are spending their money
The broadcasting team at ITV is most likely to be part of which department in the company?
a) Sales
b) Operations
c) HR
d) Research and Development
B - This function is responsible for the day to day running of the main part of the business, providing the product or the service that the business offers. The broadcasting team could fit into ITV’s operations department, as could the customer service team at Aviva.
Which of the following cannot be copyrighted?
a) Print published content
b) Film performance
c) Musical material
d) Ideas
D - Copyright does not protect ideas or concepts in their own right. Copyright applies to work that is fixed in a tangible form, i.e. written documents.
Which of the following is not generally considered substantial enough to be covered under the Copyright Law?
a) Work that expresses a concept
b) A creation/logo that combines elements
c) Names, titles, short phrases and colours
d) Content of a book you write
C - These are not generally considered unique enough to be covered, but a creation, such as a logo, that combines these elements may be.
Which one of the following is not a consequence of failing to follow the Data Protection Act?
a) Warnings and reprimands
b) Being forced to cease operation
c) Administrative fines
d) Temporary or permanent ban on data processing
B - The EU General Data Protection Regulation have issued administrative fines for non-compliance. But not all infringements will lead to serious fines.
In marketing strategy which one of the following is a dependency?
a) Relationships between tasks
b) Relationships between employees
c) Relationships between businesses
d) Relationships between brands
A - Dependencies are the relationships between tasks which determine the order in which activities need to be performed.
For what reasons would a marketing strategy most likely have dependencies?
a) Consistency, outreach, growth, implementation
b) Product, Price, Place, Promotion
c) Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental
d) Situation Analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Actions, Control
A - Ensuring each dependency is effectively implemented provides a company with immense marketing reach, potential and performance.
Which of the following statements is most likely to be a description of the term ‘responsibility’?
a) Characterised by lack of effort or activity
b) Able to produce large amounts of goods
c) Something within one’s power and control
d) Value based on hard work and diligence
C - As the manager it is your responsibility to make sure that everyone is always on task and doing the right thing.