Quiz 9 Flashcards
In Romans 12:1 what is described as being a living sacrifice for God?
Offering our bodies and minds
In Romans 12:2 it states “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world” - what is the pattern of this world?
To be self-centered
In Romans 12:2, Paul states that you will be transformed by the renewing of what?
Your mind
In Romans 12:1-2, the lesson that Paul teaches is that you will be able to do what ACT when you are renewed?
Test and approve God’s Will
What is the threefold way God’s will is described in Romans 12:2?
Good, pleasing, and perfect
In Romans 12:3-8, why does Paul use the human body to describe the spiritual gifts that each of us have?
To show that each of us are uniquely valuable and each of us have a unique role to play (for instance the ear’s job isn’t to smell, the eye’s job isn’t to hear, etc.)
Is there something humans can do to earn or acquire these gifts?
Is there anything humans can do to have these gifts taken away?
In Romans 12:5, what does Paul state that each member of our body belongs to?
One another
Once you have decided to trust God’s will, what is the three-pronged continual process God has provided for the purpose of your life?
Identify – identify the gifts and talents God has given us
Sharpen – Develop the gifts and talents God has given us
Apply – Use our gifts and talents to meet the needs of the age
What is meant by love that must be “sincere” in Romans 12:9?
Real, not phony or to make it “look like” you really care so that you will be considered “good”
What are six (6) of the ways that Paul describes “sincere love” in Romans 12:9-11? NOTE: This is what a person who has been “transformed by the renewing of their mind” looks like:
Hate what is evil Cling to what is good Be devoted to one another in brotherly love Honor one another above yourselves Never be lacking in zeal Keep your spiritual fervor in serving the Lord Share with people in need Practice hospitality (allow someone to come into your “life” not just your home) Bless those who persecute you Do not curse those who persecute you Rejoice with those who rejoice Mourn with those who mourn Live in harmony (peace) with one another Do not be proud Be willing to associate with people of a low position Do not be conceited Do not repay anyone evil for evil Do not take revenge Do not be overcome by evil Overcome evil with good
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be joyful in:
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be patient in:
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be faithful in:
In Romans 12:13, Paul teaches that relief from dwelling on our problems and worries is found in what action?
Sharing with people in need and practicing hospitality
Why do the actions in Romans 12:13 release us from dwelling in problems and worry?
Because we are focused on others instead of ourselves
In Romans 12:20, why are you “heaping burning coals” on your enemy if you feed them or give them something to drink?
Because they are expecting you to compete, argue, or judge them…
How does Romans 12 teach us to overcome evil?
With good
When you view God in an I-centered manner, you view God and the authorities over in which two manners?
They will be able to get me what I want
They will prevent me from getting what I want
When you view God and authority in a God-centered manner, you view God and the authorities your under in what manner?
As an opportunity to understand my purpose in any given situation
Choosing to view God and authority in an I-centered manner is an act of ___________________
Choosing to view God and authority in a God-centered manner is an act of ______________
Explain what it means to love yourself and be under the authority of God
You acknowledge the authority of God when you accept His Creation. That you are Created by God, uniquely gifted by God, called by God, and need the saving grace of Jesus Christ to overcome you self-centeredness (sin).
Explain how each moment in your life provides a clear purpose on what role you are to perform under God’s guidance
Each moment had a clear opportunity to recognize: What role you are currently in (son/daughter; brother/sister; student; friend; teammate; employee; etc.)
Why is choosing to act in an I-centered manner described in Romans 13 as living in darkness?
Because you can only see what you want/don’t want and are unable to see all that God has for you.
Why is choosing to act in a God-centered manner described in Romans 13 as putting on the armor of light?
Because all is possible through God, and He protects you from the darkness of hopelessness.
According to Romans 13, what is the “continuing debt” that we owe one another?
To serve one another in love
What is the three-step process that we all go through upon trusting God’s teaching that He has blessed us all with irrevocable gifts?
To identify the gift
To sharpen the gift
To apply the gift for the needs of our age
Why is our ability to see a problem unique?
Because it is an opportunity to apply our talents to the needs of the age
What action are we performing when we contribute to being a solution to the needs of our age?
When we choose to follow God and authority in an I-centered manner, what are the two circumstances that makes our negative criticism sound valid?
There’s an obvious problem
Our solution can’t be tested
Why are orgies, drunkenness, sexual immorality, debauchery, dissension, and jealousy examples of choosing the “deeds of darkness” over the armor of light?
These are self-serving deeds we try to keep hidden.
Why does Paul state in Romans 13:11 that “now is the time to wake up from your slumber”?
Once you accept truth, there is no reason to remain in darkness
Why does Paul advise in Romans 14 not to pass judgment on one another in disputable matters?
Because our focus is not on who is right or wrong, but rather IN SHARING God’s love with others.
Romans 14:7-8 - “For none of us lives to himself alone, and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”
What is the purpose of Romans 14:7-8?
To remind us of unity with God and others
Why does Paul add to that advice by stating “therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way”?
Because we are to focus on what lifts people up, rather than what may trip them up.
Why does Paul repeat the warning against passing judgment?
Because when you pass judgment, there’s an underlying assumption that you’re better than or higher than another (which is a lie).
When Paul states that “the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking” what does he mean?
The kingdom of God is about loving people, not judging the worthiness of their behaviors.
Paul concludes by stating that the kingdom of God is of _________, ________and ________ in the Holy Spirit.
When we have a mindset of bringing people to an understanding of the kingdom of God, we are called to make every effort to do what leads to what two (2) goals?
Mutual edification
Paul states in Romans 14:23 that “the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith”
What is he doubting?
His faith in God and his call to love God and love others
What is he eating?
The self-centered philosophy of the world.
What action does Romans 15 describe as making us weak?
Pleasing ourselves
What action does Romans 15 describe as making us strong?
Serving others
Why do we condemn ourselves by what we approve?
We are condemned to negative/unwanted results due to the fact that we have approved of self-centered thoughts, behaviors, words and/or actions. The desire to have positive results, but finding ourselves having negative/unwanted results are described very well in Romans 7 struggle with sin.
In Romans 15, what two (2) actions are the strong in faith called to do in regards to those who are weak?
Bear with the failings of the weak
Do not please ourselves.
What two (2) ways do you please yourself when not bearing with the failings of the weak?
Think you’re better than them
You prey on their weakness
When we don’t listen to that advice in regards to our own weakness, what emotional state are we in danger of falling into?
Manic Depression
In Romans 15:4 it states “For everything that was written in the past was written to” do what?
To teach us
Romans 15:1-8 teaches that the purpose of the church is what?
Bring unity
What two (2) manners are we to accomplish the goal of the purpose of the church?
In Romans 15:7 we are advised to “accept one another, just as Christ accepted you” – how did Christ accept us?
He accepted us in love – just the way we are; as sinners (self-centered individuals who did not seek God, nor appreciate all that God has done for them).
Romans 15:13 is Paul’s prayer for the God of hope to bring us all ______ and ______
What is the “priestly duty” that is described in Romans 15:16?
Proclaiming the gospel of God
In Romans 15:18 Paul testifies that he will not venture to speak of anything except what?
That which is a testimony to what Christ has taught him and done through him
In Romans 16 Paul urges us to watch out for people who promote acting contrary to the teaching you have learned – what two (2) manners do people promote this?
Cause divisions
Put obstacles in your way
What two (2) methods do people use when deceiving the minds of the naïve?
Smooth talk
When we choose to follow God and authority in a God-centered manner, what is the scriptural advisement given on how to critique the people and problems we encounter? Write the verse and the three-step process:
The goal os relationship reconciliation. The verse is Matthew 18:15-17
Step 1: Go to the person directly and privately to resolve the issue
Step 2: Bring someone with you the other person trusts and respects to resolve the issue
Step 3: Bring it up to an individual/body who has the authority to making a ruling to resolve the issue