Quiz 3 Flashcards
What is the first choice that we have to make at the start of each day ?
Deciding to live from a God-centered or I-centered perspective
How does that choice impact the remainder of the day?
Your choice reflects the consequences / surroundings of your next moment (peace vs. conflict).
How does this choice provide insight on your understanding of how the past, present, and future are interrelated?
Assists us in understanding the inter-related relationship between the past, present and future through the analysis of how the present consequences (Galatians 5) are a result of past choices – which allows you to reinforce the positive and change the negative
O.T. cycle of sin
Follow God Experience positive consequence Get comfortable Desire to stay comfortable Don't follow God Experience negative consequence Repent Experience love and forgiveness
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
Romans 5 states that we rejoice in our suffering, because:
Suffering produces ___________
High produces _________
Which results in _________
What does “just the right time” mean ins Romans 5:6 ?
When we are saved from our sin, it is always the right time to live for God
According to Romans 5, death came into the world through _________
According to Romans 5, life came into the world through ________
Why does Romans 5 use the term “death” as the condemnation of all men due to trespass of sin ?
Because living selfishly focuses solely on this physical life - which comes to an end
Why does Romans 5 use the term “life” as the justification of Jesus dying for our sins ?
Because we are no longer dead in our sins, and we have been set free to live our physical life knowing the truth of eternal life
Romans 5 concludes that the law we added so that ________ would increase. And when that increases, ________ increases all the more
Romans 6 states that we are united with Jesus in what two ways:
Through Jesus’ death
Through Jesus’ resurrection
What is the five point guidelines that is provided in Romans 6 to illustrate how we are dead to sin and alive in Christ ?
Do not offer your body to sin
Do not have the parts of your body be instruments of wickedness
Offer the parts of your body to God
Have the parts of your body be instruments of righteousness
Do not allow sin to reign as your master
What is significant about Romans 6:16 “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey them as slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, or to obedience which leads to righteous”?
The value is the TRUTH that these are the only to options. We CHOOSE to either be a slave two sin (pursuing selfishness and its desires) or slaves to Christ (pursuing a relationship with Christ through prayer and God’s word)
The wages of sin is ________
The gift of God is __________
Eternal life