Parables/ Romans 8 And Romans Outline Flashcards
Write out Philippians 4:13 (also known as the 10-finger prayer)
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Why does the start of Chapter 8 conclude that “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”?
Because through the gift of the Holy Spirit we are now able to use it to connect with Jesus and defeat sin (we would have been condemned if we were able to defeat sin on our own without the death & resurrection and subsequent power of the Holy Spirit)
Why is life by the Spirit described as being “set free”?
Set free from being slaves to the power of sin
Humans who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what?
gratifying the desires of our selfish viewpoint
Humans who live according to the Spirit have their minds set on what?
pursuing what God has for our lives
Why is Romans 8:8 a factual statement “those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God”?
because if you are focused on yourself, you cannot see the bigger plan God has for the moments of your life
What is the obligation in Romans 8:12 “Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation…”
We have the responsibility to identify our gifts, then sharpen those gifts, and then use those gifts for the needs of the age
Why does Romans 8:15 state that living by the sinful nature will result in having a “spirit of fear”?
We will be in constant competition/comparison with ourselves and others which results in “fear” of not measuring up or being knocked down
Why does Romans 8:17 describe us as “co-heirs” with Jesus?
As children of God, we are brothers and sisters of God’s Son – Jesus Christ
What is the significance of Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”?
With eyes on eternity, any given struggle or problem isn’t worth
worrying or complaining about
How does the Spirit help us in our weakness, especially in prayer?
The Holy Spirit provides us words, strength, understanding, etc. when we are unable to understand and/or express what we are going through in our own words
Explain why we are placing our hope in the glory of God?
Because no matter what the circumstances may be, we have faith that God knows the way – which gives us HOPE that no matter what, all we need to do is seek Him and allow His wisdom to work through us.
What does it mean to be “more than a conqueror”?
In Christ, we have ALREADY conquered ALL situations, not only the ones we see ourselves in, but the ones we don’t even know we are going to encounter
List the 13 Parables found in Matthew
i. Parable of the Sower
ii. Parable of the Tenants
iii.Parable of the Lost Sheep
iv. Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
v. Parable of the Two Sons
vi. Parable of the Hidden Treasure/Pearl
vii. Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
viii. Parable of the Net
ix. Parable of the Weeds
x. Parable of the Wedding Banquet
xi. Parable of the Ten Virgins
xii. Parable of the Mustard Seed/Yeast
xiii. Parable of the Talents
What did Jesus’ tell his disciples when they asked him why he taught in parables?
That they contained the knowledge of the secrets of Heaven
On how we receive the word of God?
Parable of the Sower
In the parable on receiving the Word, what are the four ways in we receive the Word?
Taken immediately away because we are hard-headed
Has no root so the first problem makes it go away
Grows side-by-side with I-centered eventually choking it
Received with an open heart / mind & word flourishes
That we are caretakers and not owners of our lives God has provided for us.
Parable of the Tenants
That we are valuable to God and He seeks after us.
Parable of the Lost Sheep
That we have been forgiven by God and are therefore called to forgive others
Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
That actions speak louder than words in showing who really will repent of selfishness and live by faith
Parable of the Two Sons
The recognition of the incredible value of knowing and applying God’s wisdom, rather than spending our time and talents in other selfish pursuits
Parable of the Hidden Treasure/Pearl
That God will accept all people into Heaven equally the moment they repent, whether it’s at the beginning, middle, or end of their lives
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Where the angels are described as gathering all of humanity and separating the wicked from the righteous
Parable of the Net (have you understood this? Teach then)
That upon Christ’s return, those who live in Christ will shine, while those who love evil will be exposed and suffer eternal separation from God
Parable of the Weeds (weeds are able to grow use irrevocable talents and abilities)
That despite all being given the opportunity to partake in the glory of life, many would rather choose the comfort of remaining in the limited conditions they are in.
Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Wisdom of living in a manner where one is able to meet the daily call of loving God and loving others while eagerly anticipating living in eternity with God
Parable of the Ten Virgins
The amazing truth about how just a little bit of faith can produce wonders due to the power of God
Parable of the Mustard Seed/Yeast
On the clear consequences of choosing to develop or waste the opportunities we’ve been given
Parable of the Talents
In between which two parables did Jesus teach the lesson on relationship reconciliation in Matthew 18?
Parable of Lost Sheep & Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
What are the three (3) steps of relationship reconciliation described in Matthew 18?
Go to the other to restore the relationship
Bring one with you that the other respects to restore the relationship
Bring the conflict before the church (authority) to restore the relationship
List the 13 Parables found in Luke
i. The Old & New Garment
ii. The Blind leading The Blind
iii. Good Samaritan
iv. The Rich Fool
v. The Fig Tree
vi. The Guests at a Wedding Feast
vii. The Lost Son
viii. The Shrewd Manager
ix. The Rich Man and Lazarus
x. The Persistent Widow
xi. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
xii. The Little Children
xiii. The Rich Ruler
That new means “new”….. focus on what each new day has for us, instead of seeing the present through the perspective of past glory or failure
The Old & New Garment
Remain humble and see the consequences of selfishness in your life, before judging others on focusing on their “need” to change what they’re doing
The Blind leading The Blind
Our responsibility to others (especially when we don’t “have to”)
Good Samaritan
Our responsibility to provide for needs of others with our abundance, rather than storing it away for our own use
The Rich Fool
God is patient with us, we are to be patient with others
The Fig Tree
Humility allows you to recognize your place (co-operate, don’t
compete with others)
The Guests at a Wedding Feast
Celebration is Daily when we’re alive (a party to recognize new life)
The Lost Son
A win-win type of mentality
The Shrewd Manager
God’s eternal provision despite the stubbornness of man
The Rich Man and Lazarus
Faith is persistent effort without (even contrary to) evidence
The Persistent Widow
Humility is the beginning of all understanding
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
The innocent faith (without doubt) of a child (keep this throughout life)
The Little Children
It’s hard to give up comfort in order to commit to serving the needs of the age
The Rich Ruler
God’s __________
A. This is the ___________ of the _________ of humans
i. His ________ __________ is easily seen is the wonders of the world
ii. His ________ __________ is plain to see - His truth stands the test of time
______ transitional growth point
Wrath Consequence Arrogance Divine power Eternal power 7
The result is human _________ (Choosing not to retain the knowledge of God)
A. Caused by exchanging ________ for ______
B. Humans _________ the things they have created rather then the ________
_________ transitional growth point
Depravity Truth Lies Worship Creator 5
God’s ________ _________
A. Is that God __________
B. Therefore, God wants us to _______
C. God reminds us that __________ is for all
D. Humans have the opportunity to _________ and accept ________ _______
_________ transitional growth point
Righteous judgment Forgives Forgives Eternity Repent Jesus Christ 1
Humans become ________ of their ______ through God’s ______
A. Through our ______, which is a reminder from the _____ ____________, we recognize when we don’t follow the law
i. Now we understand that ______ is actually bad - we don’t want to do it
B. By our __________ through _______
i. We now believe that the _______ is good - we begin to live in faith, trusting God
________ transitional growth point
Aware Sin Law Sin Old Testament Sin Justification Faith Law 6
As a result, humans experience ________ and ________
A. Because they are __________ to their ___________
i. Humans find _______ in the moment because they have _____
ii. They make the choice to stay ____________ due to their ________ in God’s promises
1. By ___________ (which is striving through tough times)
2. They develop _________ (which is maturity)
3. Which leads to _______ (an excitement of what good is to come)
________ transitional growth point
Joy Peace Reconciled Creator Joy Hope Uncomfortable Faith Perseverance Character Hope 4
Humans purposely place themselves in ________ where they try to do ________ work
A. They became slaves to _______________ rather than slaves to _____
B. They show their love for God by developing their _______
C. And they show their love for others by using their ________ to do ______ work
________ transitional growth point
Situations God's Righteousness Sin Talents Talents God's 2
Humans become aware of their ________ with ________
A. They realize that they are _________ to do what they _______ to do
i. They want to do ______ but end up sinning which causes frustration and confusion
ii. Therefore, humans become aware that sin ________ lives in them
iii. That ask Jesus for the gift of the ________ _______
_________ transitional growth point
Struggle Sin Unable Want Good Sin Holy Spirit 3
At which point in the outline do humans often spin off into a subculture in order to live for themselves ?
Point 2
At which point in the outlines is there a collision between you and reality; similar to violating the law of gravity as described in class ?
Point 1
At which point in the outline is the Lord’s Prayer a continual reminder of God’s provision for our lives ?
Point 3 and 7
At which point in the outline does out testimony begin to grow ?
Point 4
At which point in the outline does an individual choose Instant Gratification ?
Point 2
At which point in the outline does an individual follow the co-operation model ?
Point 5 and 6
At which point in the outline does an individual choose God-centered philosophy am I-centered philosophy ?
Point 5 and 6
At which point in the outline does an individual choose to stay uncomfortable ?
Point 5 and 6
At which point in the outline does an individual choose Delayed Gratification ?
Point 5
At which point in the outline do you currently find yourself in ?
Point …….