Midterm Flashcards
The person who displayed their belief in relative truth when speaking with Jesus
Who provided a great example of knowing when to lead others and when to support others ?
John the Baptist
Who provided an example of frustration and anger because they wanted to love their own way instead of following God’s calling ?
In what city did Paul make his address about Christianity philosophy ?
Who provided an example that even when situations seem hopeless, we still have Hope in God for we have faith that He can do what we cannot see or understand as possible ?
In what manner does God call us to treat other people ?
Who was the member of the Jewish ruling council who went to see Jesus at night ?
What is knowing as choosing NOT to retain the knowledge of God ?
Who did Jesus say was primarily responsible for his death ?
Jewish Leaders
No one has been declared ______________ by following the law of God ?
What did God provide for us to make us aware of our sin ?
They were the political ruling government during the time of Jesus
Who did Pilate agree to give Jesus’ body to ?
Joseph of Arimathea
In Paul’s teaching on circumcision, what does he says needs to be circumcised (or cut out) of our lives ?
Who did the Jewish leaders say was their king ?
What was the name of the son born to Abraham’s maidservant ?
What was the name of the son born to Abraham’s wife ?
Which of Abraham’s sons became the forefather to the Jewish nation ?
Which of Abraham’s sons became the forefather of the Islamic nation ?
Who wrote the fable of the tortoise and the hare ?
In Romans 2, it is written that the consequences for those who “are self-seeking and who reject the truth and who follow evil” is “wrath and anger”, who is the one responsible for this ?
What city did God call Jonah to go and preach repentance to ?
Who did Jesus interact with to show us an example of true love?
The Samaritan woman
What did Jesus say He DID NOT come into the world to do ?
Condemn it
What did Jesus say HE DID come into the world to do ?
Testify the truth
Which was NOT one of the ways that Satan tempted Jesus ?
The ultimate purpose of the Old Testament is to:
Prepare the way for the coming Messiah
What does it mean “to have fear of God before your eyes” ?
Being humble
What does it mean to “worship” ?
What we promote to others
What we pay attention to
What we spend money on
Why does Paul describe a life without displaying love to others as “nothing” ?
Because loving is the only purpose of our life
At the beginning of theBook of Acts, Jesus teaches His disciples to receive _______________ and be His witnesses in Jerusalem, all of Judea, and Samaria and the ends of the Earth
The Holy Spirit
Why was the Jewish ruling council so upset about Jesus preaching that He was the Messiah ?
They didn’t want to lose control of the Jewish church
The type of human-centered belief that logic and reasoning will lead to the best life (Nicodemus displayed this when questioning Jesus)
The type of human-centered belief that pleasure and fulfilling desire will lead to the best life (The Samaritan Woman displayed this in her life prior to meeting Jesus)
The human-centered belief that human beings and their collective experience (rather than a deity or god) will lead to the meaning of life
What increase as our sin increases ?
The grace of God
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the Jewish people ?
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the culture of the day ?
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the intellectuals, wealthy, and powerful of the day ?
This is the way to peace, as described in Romans 3:
To have the fear of God before us
Humanity is _____________ because of the act of Jesus’ death and resurrection, which Brock through the separation of sin and reunited humanity with God
What does it mean to be seen as guilt-free and pure before God ?
To be restored back to our original created state:
The confidence in claiming that we are pure in the eyes of God by our faith:
Which of the following was NOT a manner in which Pilate tried to absolve himself of responsibility for Jesus ?
Offering a compromise of release
Which of the following was NOT a manner in which Pilate tried to set Jesus free ?
Appealing to higher Roman Authority
When you are believing in God’s ways even through you can’t always see why, you are:
Justified by Faith
When you are believing in yourself and the accomplishments you can see, you are:
Justified by works
What verse is “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart” ?
Psalms 37:4
What verse is “All of sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” ?
Romans 3:23
What verse is “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” ?
Proverbs 1:7
What is the purpose of the Apologetics class ?
To have the ability to know and defend what you believe in
According to Romans, people who have not heard the word of God will have this consequences at their death:
Will be judged by the secrets of their heart
Romans 2:24 states “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” - what is the significance of this ?
You can use it to be aware of your own faults and remain humble
What did Paul mean when teaching in the Book of Acts that God determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live ?
God’s purpose for our lives is not circumstantial
The people’s in our lives are there for a reason
The situations of our lives are not random, they hold significance
When Jesus said he did not want affirmation from man, what did he know was in a man ?
They were only looking to give the affirmation so they could get something
What did Eve have to believe when she tempted by the serpent ?
God was a liar
She would become equal with God
She would not be happy the way she was originally created
Paul called the people he spoke to in Athens as very “religious” because they:
Were constant in their worship of the latest idea of the day
What did Paul mean when he taught that God does not love in temples built by human hands ?
God is beyond the understanding of human beings and should be humbly sought after
Why are we unable to boast about being justified through Jesus Christ ?
Because we didn’t do anything to deserve it
The two ways in which God has made His existence plain to man ?
Divine nature
Eternal power
What does Romans, Chapter 1 state that man exchanged the truth of God for ?
Lies (I-centered)
What does Romans, chapter 1 state that man exchanged the Creator for ?
Items created by man
What are three steps for an individual to take in order to achieve the purpose of this class ?
Identify what you believe
Research and analyze the benefit of your belief
Investigate and explain what you believe in
What are the two ways in which a person with an I-centered philosophy will view authority ?
The authority will prevent you from getting what you want
The authority will give you what you want
What was the reason Jesus said “peace” to the disciples the first time ?
To alleviate the fear of being captured by the Jewish ruling council and the Romans
What was the reason Jesus said “peace” to the disciples the second time ?
To alleviate the desires of revenge on the Jewish ruling council and the Romans
Who did Jesus say that it was necessary to forgive me why did Jesus say that it was necessary to forgive them ?
To forgive the Jewish ruling council and the Romans because you can give the truth of love to them
What is the problem with the belief that “there is no such thing as absolute truth” ?
Contradicts itself that there is a “absolute truth”
Name the 16 ways of love in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13
Patient Kind Does not boast Does not envy Is not rude Is not proud Is not self-seeking Is not easily angered Keeps no record of wrong Does not delight in evil Rejoices in truth Trusts Protect Hopes Preserve Never fails
Fill in the blanks on how God gives us provision through each line of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) and then explain how the provision guides you through the moments of each day
Our Father in Heaven: Acknowledgment of God’s existence
Hallowed by Your Name: Acknowledgment of God’s authority
Your kingdom Come: Acknowledgement that heaven is real and good
Your Will Be Done: Everyone has a opportunity to get into heaven (our call to evangelize)
On Earth: Where we evangelize it
As It Is In Heaven: How we evangelize it (in love)
Give Us Today Our Daily Bread: God’s provision we need (spirituality, physically, intellectually, and emotionally)
And Forgive Us Our Trespasses (Sins, Debts): We’re reminded that we need to be forgiven
As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us: We’re forgiven and we should forgiven other’s in the same manner
Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Temptation of self-centeredness
But Deliver Us From The Evil One: The evil is real and it tries to condemn us
The wages of sin is _________
Suffering produces ________
Which produces _________
Which results in __________
In what manner does God call us to treat other people ?
What is known as choosing NOT to retain the knowledge of God ?
The name given that describes the people humans surround themselves with to support their thinking
The gift of God _________
Eternal Life
No one has been declared ________ by following the law of God
What did God provide for us to make us aware of our sin ?
The place where humans often find comfort and formulate an identity
James 1 teaches us that when we are NOT confident to ask God for wisdom when we face problems, we will be __________ and be tossed back and forth likes waves of the sea
When we are pursuing a relationship with Christ through prayer and God’s world
Slave to Christ
The simplistic manner in which humans try to understand the world
The “wretched condition” that Jesus saves humans from
When we are pursuing selfishness and it desires
Slave to Sin
Romans 6 states that we are united with Jesus through His death and _________
Sin entered the world through
Life entered the world through
As ___________ increases the Grace of God increases
Why does Paul describe a life without displaying love to others as “nothing” ?
Because loving is the only purpose of our life
Maturity is defined in James, Chapter 1 as:
Fully complete, not lacking
What will an immature person will base their decision on ?
Their feelings
What is the job that Jesus gives each of us to do while on Earth ?
None of the above
James 1 and Romans 5 states that problems will give us the opportunity to:
Grow in our relationship with God
What is the emotion/attitude that James 1 teaches us to have when we face problems ?
With joy
What is the expectation James 1 teaches us to have when we are seeking answers from God ?
Without doubt
The teaching in James 1 and Romans 5, states that we are to respond to problem with this behavior
With perseverance
When we follow all of the steps outlined in James 1 and Romans 5 what do we have hope in ?
We have hope when facing the next trial
In any given moment, this is choosing to put aside the pleasure you want and do the responsibility you don’t feel like at the moment ?
Delayed Gratification
In any given moment, this is choosing to please yourself rather than doing something you’re supposed to do ?
Instant Gratification
What is the “wretched condition” described in Romans 7 that all humans need Jesus to save us from ?
Our struggle with sin
The top people who are followed and liked on social media, illustrate that the values of a society are found in
Who society admires
What are the guidelines found in Romans 6 to illustrate how we are dead in sin and alive in Christ ?
Do not offer the parts of your body to sin
Do not have the parts of your body be instruments of wickedness
Offer the parts of your body to God
Have the parts of your body be instruments of righteousness
In Psalms 73, ___________ is found when the author enters the sanctuary of God
This leadership stye is permissive, because they’ll going along with anything as long as they are accepted
This leadership style is authoritarian
They will work hard to make others look bad, even at their own expense
When individuals display a principle-based behavior
Their focus is an obsession with making the other person
When individuals take the role of being sycophants
This type of thinking damages relationships
The scriptural example of this behavior was displayed by the Jewish Leaders
The scriptural example of this behavior was displayed by John the Baptist
Will seek mutual benefit in all human interactions
The individual who is credited with the Win-Win philosophy is
Focuses upon who will get the credit
This is termed the “Doormat” philosophy
What is the value of knowing that acts of the sinful nature and fruit of the spirit detailed in Galatians 5 ?
We know how all of us will act in both the sinful nature and fruit of the Spirit
Give five (5) examples of the sinful nature found in Galatians 5
Jealousy Orgies Drunkenness Sexual morality Envy
Give five (5) examples of the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5
Love Joy Peace Goodness Kindness
Cycle of Sin
Follow God Experience positive consequence Stay comfortable Temptation to stay comfortable Selfish desire Experience negative consequence Repent Experience love, accomplishment, and forgiveness
How can we break free from the cycle of sin ?
Desire to stay uncomfortable
In James, Chapter 4 the teaching on “Boasting About Tomorrow” states that an individual with an I-centered view will make what type of statement going into each day ?
They will say “I” will and won’t do this or “I” will or won’t do that
In James, Chapter 4 the teaching on “Boasting About Tomorrow” states that an individual with an God-centered view will make what type of statement going into each day ?
They will say “If it is God’s will, I” will or won’t do this and “If it is God’s will, I” will or won’t do it
“And ________ does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His _______ into our hearts by the ________, whom He has given us.”
Holy Spirit
In the lesson on what happens within our physical body, what is the relationship of you, sin and the Holy Spirit ?
Sin will always defeat you, sin will always be defeated by the Holy Spirit
What does “Just the right time” mean in Romans 5:6, when describing Jesus dying for our sins ?
We always have the right time to accept Jesus
Why does Romans 5 use the term “death” as the condemnation of all man due to the trespass of sin ?
Because we live a selfish life death will be upon the physical body
Why does Romans 5 use the term “life” as the justification pf Jesus dying for our sins ?
Because this describes the eternal life we will experience upon our physical death
What are the three (3) ways an individual can enter the sanctuary of God ?
Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart
A statement that Illustrates the Psalmist’s foundation of faith
But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; i had nearly lost my foothold
The verse that describes the Palmist doubting his faith
For I envied the arrogant when I saw the property of the wicked. They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from the burdens common to man; they are not plagued by human life
The verse that describes all that the Psalmist’s sees around him and thus caused this struggle with his faith
Therefore pride is their necklace;
The verse that a describes how the self-centered glorify themselves by displaying the awards and achievements of their life
they clothe themselves with violence
The verse that illustrates how the self-centered seek out victory over others - to be the winners and exalt themselves over the losers
From their callous hearts comes iniquity; the evil conceits of their minds know no limits
The verse that illustrates how the self-centered don’t consider God or others when they go about planning actions, words, and behaviors
They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression
The verse that illustrates how self-centered people bully others into believing that they will either take away what they value (I’ll fire you) or exclude them from an opportunity to prosper (I won’t accept you”)
Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth
The verse that illustrates how the selfish lay claim and believe that the world is theirs and their accomplishments are to be admired as though they’re a god
Therefore their people turn to them and drink up waters in abundance
The verse that illustrates how others become “fans” begin to follow the selfish as sycophants hoping to discover and copy why the “famous” are “successful” on earth
They say, “How can God know? Does the Most High have knowledge ?”
The verse that shows how the self-centered have a mocking and dismissive attitude towards God
This is what the wicked are like - always carefree, they increase in wealth
The verse that illustrates how self-centered individuals truly care about only themselves
Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure; in vain have I washed my hands in innocence. All day long I have been plagued; I have been punished every morning. If I had said “I will speak thus,” I would have betrayed your children
The verse that describes the Psalmist’s inner struggles in thinking that his effort at loving God and loving others has been a waste of time
When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me
The verse that describes the Psalmist’s emotions when trying to make sense of what he sees
till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny
The verse that describes where the Psalmist found peace
Surely you place them on slippery ground; you cast them down to ruin. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors! As a dream when one awakes, so when you arise, O Lord, you will despise them as fantasies
The verse that shows the consequences of those who live only for the benefits of this physical world
When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you ? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
The verse that shows the consequence of those who follow God
God will accept all people into Heaven equally the moment they repent, no matter when it happens in their lives
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Remove sin from you life, before trying to assist others in removing/judging even the smallest of sins from others
Parable of the Blind leading the Blind
Upon the return of Christ, those who live in Christ will shine, while those who love evil will be exposed and suffer eternal separation from God
Parable of the Weeds
Humility allows you to recognize your place (co-operate, don’t compete with others)
Parable of the Guests at a Wedding Feast
The angels are described as gathering all of humanity and separating the wicked from the righteous
Parable of the Net
We are forgiven by God our wrongdoing, therefore we are to forgive others for the wrongs that are done to us
Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
Our responsibility to provide for needs of others with our abundance
Parable of the Rich Fool
Showing that actions speak louder then words in displaying who really repents of selfishness and lives by faith
Parable of the Two Sons
Faith is persistent effort without (even contrary to) evidence
Parable of the Persistent Widow
When given the opportunity to partake in the glory of life, many would rather choose the comfort of remaining in the limited conditions they are in
Parable of the Wedding Banquet
The recognition of the incredible value of knowing and applying God’s wisdom, rather then spending our time and talents in other selfish pursuits
Parable of the Hidden Treasure/Pearl
Wisdom of living in a manner being able to meet the daily call of loving God and loving others and eagerly anticipating that one day we will live in eternity with God, either by Jesus’ return or our physical death
Parable of the Ten Virgins
The amazing truth about how jus a little bit of faith can produce wonders due to the power of God
Parable of the Mustard Seed/Yeast
Celebration is to be done daily - celebrating that we’re alive (a party to recognize new life)
Parable of the Lost Son
Displaying a win-win type of mentality
Parable of the Shrewd Manager
How valuable we are to God, and how intensely He will seek after us
Parable of the Lost Sheep
The understanding that we are merely caretakers of the life God haas provided us, not the owners of it
Parable of the Tenants
It’s hard to give up comfort i border to commit to serving the needs of the age
Parable of the Rich Ruler
How individuals receive and apply the Word of God into their lives
Parable of the Sower
Our responsibility to others (especially when we don’t “have to”)
Parable of the Good Samaritan
God’s eternal provision despite the stubbornness of man
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
The innocent faith (without doubt) of a child (keep this throughout life)
Parable of the Little Children
God is patient with us, we are to be patient with others
Parable of the Fig Tree
That new means “new” …….. focus on what each new day has for us
Parable of the Old and New Garment
God’s ___________
a. This is the _____________ of the ___________ of humans
i. His ____________ ___________ is easily seen in the wonder of this world
ii. His _____________ ___________ is plain to see _ His truth stands the test of time
_______ Transitional Growth Point
Wrath Consequences Arrogance Divine Nature Eternal Power 2- God allows humans to be in control of their own life despite the overwhelming evidence that humans don't have the ability (emotional/intellectual) to be in control
The result is human __________ (choosing no to retain the knowledge of God)
a.Caused by exchanging ________ for ______
b. Humans _________ the things they have created rather than the _______
________ Transitional Growth Point
Depravity Truth Lies Worship Creator 1- Humans become deluded into thinking that they are actually powerful, meaningful, and special because of who they are - until ........... they fail and become lonely and/or depressed - realizing they are living without meaning
God’s __________ _________
a. Is that God ________
b. Therefore, God warns us to _________
c. God reminds us that ___________ is for all
d. Humans have the opportunity to ________ and accept _______ ________
_________ Transitional Growth Point
Aware Righteous judgement Forgives Forgive Eternity Repent Jesus Christ 3- Humans repent of their arrogance and disobedience and begin to try and become in righteous standing with God and His plan for their lives
Humans becomes _______ of their _______ through God’s ______
a. Through our _______, which is a reminder from the _______ ______________ we recognize when we don’t follow the law
i. Now we understand that _______ is actually bad - we don’t want to do it
b. By our ___________ through ___________
i. We now believe that the ______ is good - we begin to live in faith, trusting God
________ Transitional Growth Point
Aware Sin Law Sin Old Testaments Sin Justification Faith Law 7- Humans begin to realize the safety, security, and ultimate purpose they have in life - when they live for God rather than themselves
As a resut, humans experience ____________ and ________
a. Because they are __________ to their _________
i. humans find ________ in the moment because they have ______
ii. They make the choice to stay ___________ due to their _________ in God’s promises
1. By ________ (which is striving through tough times)
2. They develop ________ (which is maturity)
3. Which leads to ________ (an excitement of what good is to come)
__________ Transitional Growth Point
Joy Peace Reconciled Creator Joy Hope Uncomfortable Faith Persevance Character Hope 6- Humans begin to see that even in the times of most turmoil, God is still in control - is still th place to find all the answers. Their maturity begins to grow significantly
Humans purposely lace themselves in ________ where they try to do ________ work
a. They show slaves to ______________, rather than slaves to ______
b. They show their love for God by developing their _______
c. And they show their love for others by using their _______ to do ________ work
__________ Transitional Growth Point
Situations God's Righteousness Sin Talents Talents God's 4- With confidence they begin to strive to live for God and do His will in love by serving others
Humans become aware of their _________ with _____
a. They realize that they are ______ to do what they _____ to do
i. They want to do ______ but end up sinning which causes frustration and confusion
ii. Therefore, humans become aware that _______ lives in them
iii. They ask Jesus for the gift of the ______ ______
_______ Transitional Growth Point
Struggle Sin Unable Want Good Sin Holy Spirit 5- Humans finally discover the Truth of the war contained within them. Despite their desire of wanting to do good, and despite the desire to wholeheartedly serve God, they are unable to do so. They become aware of the sin living in them and that they need to be rescued from this "wretched condition" because they are unable to do so on their own. That is when they ask the Holy Spirit into their lives to conquer sin
What verse states: “Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation …”, teaching us that we have the responsibility to identify our gifts, then sharpen those gifts, and then use those gifts for the needs of the age ?
Romans 8:12
Which verse teaches that living by the sinful nature will result in having a “spirit of fear” ?
Romans 8:15
Which verse provides comfort for us, teaching us that we are “co-heirs” with Jesus ?
Romans 8:17
Which verse states: “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” ?
Romans 8:18
Which verse contains the 10-finger prayer: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” ?
Philippians 4:13
Humans who live according to the sinful nature have their _______ set on gratifying the desires of our selfish viewpoint
Humans who live according to the Spirit have their minds set on pursuing what __________ want for our lives
Romans 8:8 states “those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God” and is a _________ statement, because if you are focused on yourself, you cannot see the bigger plan God has for the moments of your life
What are the three steps of relationship reconciliation described in Matthew 18 ?
Go to the other restore the relationship
Bring the conflict before the church (authority) to restore the relationship
Bring one with you that the other respects to restore the relationship
This parable teaches the clear consequences of choosing to develop or waste the opportunities we’ve been given
Parable of the Talents
This parable teaches that humility is the beginning of all understanding
Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector
What does the start of Chapter 8 conclude that “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” ?
That we received the Holy Spirit and we are able to connect with Jesus Christ and defeat sin
Why is life by the Spirit described as being “set free” ?
We are being set free from the power of sin
How does the Spirit helps us in our weakness, especially in prayer ?
The Holy Spirit gives us strength, understanding, and word to help us understand/express, what we can’t use in our words
Explain why we are placing our hope in the glory of God ?
We are placing our hope in God because we have hope that He will be in our lives no matter what
What does it mean to be “more than a conquer” ?
We received the Holy Spirit and we conquered a situation and already conquered situations that hasn’t happened yet
In between which two parables did Jesus teach the lesson on relationship reconciliation in Matthew 18 ?
The parable of the Lost Sheep and Unmerciful servant
What did Jesus’ tell his disciples when they asked him why he taught in parables ?
That they contain the knowledge of the Secrets of heaven
How long was the decree affecting Daniel that no one could worship any God or man except the king ?
30 days
How did the king respond to his administration and satraps who accused Daniel of disloyalty to the king ?
They and their families were placed in the lion’s den
Paul states that faith comes from hearing the message, and that hearing the message comes from where ?
The word
Romans 9:20, states “Who are you, O man, to talk back to God.” This verse is in reference to future generations thinking they have the authority to question God’s choice to use ____________ to play a role in the history or man ?
According to Romans 9:14, God’s justice “does not depend on man’s desire or effort but on _____ ______.”
God’s mercy
When you have a goal to please God, you are showing that you have faith in _________
What is Paul’s teaching in Romans 10:9-10 an example of ?
Having freedom from external control is know as _____
What word does Paul use to describe the passion the Jews have for God, but also stating the passion is not based in knowledge ?
What word does Paul use to describe the passion the Jews had to please God through their efforts or “works” ?
Stumbling stone
What verse is: “Whoever loves discipline, loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.” ?
Proverbs 12:1
What verse is “The fear of the Lord is the Beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” ?
Proverbs 1:7
In Romans 11, those who know the Word and are called to share it with everyone are known as:
Under what criteria are those who know the Word of God and are called to share it chosen ?
By the grace of God
What does Paul use a metaphor to describe how to stay connected to God through Jesus ?
Ingrafted branches
The new opportunity each day to choose right behavior is:
Experiencing the Kindness of God
The consistent consequences given when choosing wrong behavior is:
Experiencing the Sternness of God
What is the name of the false god of the Old Testament that Paul warns against worshipping ?
Paul uses the words “blind and deaf” to describe people who find themselves in”
Spirit of Stupor
What word does scripture use to describe that your spiritual gifts and call cannot be taken away:
The Gentiles received righteousness through what ?
The people of Israel did not receive righteousness, why ?
They chose not to accept it and they tried to gain it through works
Explain the contrasting perspectives in Romans 10:15 in regards to what is regarded as “beautiful”
Beautiful is contrasting from self-justification
You either promote the word of God (bring good news) or promote yourself/self-justifcation (through outer looks, charm, wit and personality)
Explain the contrasting viewpoints about the correct/incorrect manner is seeking to understand God’s sovereignty as taught in Romans 9:20 - “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God” ?
You don’t have the wisdom or knowledge to comprehend why God harden Pharaohs heart
You either understand and ask why God did it or not listen to what God has to say
The country in which Esther became the queen
He was talented Israelite that was put into slavery when Babylon designed Judah
The king who cared for Daniel and was joyful when he came out from the lion’s den
The cupbearer spoke well of his ability to interpret dreams, which ended up releasing him from jail
Wear was the name of the King who made a new decree after Daniel came out of the lion’s den about all in his kingdom towards Daniel’s God ?
He was sold into slavery by his own brothers
The nation who conquered Daniel’s people
Influenced the king not to kill all the Jewish people in the king’s land
He enslaved the Israelites because he didn’t remember Joseph or what Joseph had done for his people
The king who chose other as queen
The land in which the people of Joseph are enslaved in
What was the name of the King when his nation conquered Daniel’s people ?
He was brought to a place of power when interpreting a dream about an upcoming famine
He was brought to a place of power due to “his ability to understand visions and dreams of all kinds”
The country where the people of Israel prospered during the great famine
List what models/concepts can be used to illustrate what is happening at Point II of the Romans Outline
Both the I-centered model and the competition model
List what model/concepts can be used to illustrate what is happening at Point V of the Romans Outline
Both the God-centered and the co-operation model