quiz 6 Flashcards
implicit bias
we have a bias when, rather than being neutral, we have a preference for a person or group of people. we use the term “implicit bias” to describe when we have attitudes toward people or associate stereotypes with them without our conscious knowledge. implicit bias can become an explicit bias
explicit bias
individuals are aware of their prejudices and attitudes toward certain groups. positive or negative preferences for a particular group are conscious
stage 1
focusing on certain sights, sounds, tastes, touches, or smells, in our environment
the degree to which particular people or aspects of their communication attract our attention, loud/catchy
selective exposure
reinforces pre-existing views; when you focus on information that confirms current attitudes
change blindness
fail to detect change, don’t notice it. something changes without being noticed by the observer
stage 2 - organization
structuring information into a coherent pattern
structuring information into a chronological sequence that matches how your experienced the order of events
stage 3 - interpretation
assigning meaning to information
mental structures that contain information
confirmation bias
to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms ones preconceptions
internal attributes
presume that a persons communication or behavior stems from internal causes, character/personality
external attributes
a person’s communications are caused by factors unrelated to personal qualities, situational/outside
fundamental attribution error
the tendency to attribute others behaviors solely to internal causes rather than external ones
people who are fundamentally similar to yourself
people who aren’t similar to you
empathy (single)
feeling “into” others thoughts and emotions, perspective taking, and empathic concern
_____ of people with empathic leaders reported their workplace was inclusive compared with only _____ of those with less empathetic leadership
50%, 17%
perception checking
check your: punctuation, knowledge, attributions, personal, influences, impressions
a general sense of positive or negative
positively bias
when gestalts are formed, they are more likely to be positive than negative
halo effect
positively interpret what someone says or does because we have a positive gestalt
negativity bias
place emphasis on the negative info
horn effect
negatively interpret what someone does because we have a negative gestalt
emotional intelligence
the ability to interpret emotions accurately and to use this information to manage emotions, communicate them competently, and solve relationship problems
emotional intelligence is responsible for _____ of job success and _____ of fortune 500 companies use emotional intelligence training
58%, 75%
self awarness
the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions. you are aware of how others perceive you and the impact you have on others
self regulation
managing your emotions. you show certain emotions appropriately depending on what is necessary and beneficial
passion to fulfill inner needs and goals. set goals, take initiative, and be action-oriented
understand other people’s feelings and see things from their point of view. feeling into others thoughts and emotions
social skills
being able to interact well with others, active listening, strong interpersonal communication
primary emotions
consist of behavioral displays across cultures: joy, surprise, sadness, anger, fear, disgust
_____ experienced sadness, _____ experienced anger, and _____ experienced enjoyment the day before
27%, 23%, 72%
blended emotions
feel two or more primary emotions simultaneously
emotional contaigion
when the experience of the same emotion rapidly spreads from one person to others
emotion sharing
disclosing emotions, talking about them, pondering them
universal grief ecperiences
but no one grieves/experiences it the same
emotion sharing grief
talking, support groups