quiz 1 Flashcards
organizational status
structured hierarchically, equality, and inequality of power
work focused, or more personal
who we willingly engage with
workplace values
beliefs about work performances, dedication, relationships
workplace norms
guidelines for appropriate language, communication, relationships
workplace artifacts
objects, structures, physical, layout, dress code
those who show up to work and do the minimum required but not much else. taking a step back from extra work, committees, and socialization with coworkers
statistic - in 2022, what percent of the workforce was considering leaving their jobs in the coming year due to unsustainable workloads?
nature of information
type of information that flows, work/rumors
modality/sensory channels
face to face, email, video
virtual networks
only through online
network density
how connected each member is
workplace cliques
coworkers who share the same values, can be positive and negative
defensive climate
unfriendly, rigid, and unsupportive
supportive climate
warm, open, and supportive
spending time using the internet at work for reasons not related to your job
statistic - what percentage of employees waste around 30 minutes a day on social media/internet?
mixed status relationship
relationship with different status
supervisory relationships
one person outranks and supervises another
upward communication
communication from subordinates to superiors
messages with your supervisors preferences
downward communication
communication with subordinates
workplace romances
romances in the workplace–women can suffer more negative consequences
statistic - what percent of US workers are currently involved or have been involved in workplace romance?
statistic - what percent of americans have suffered abusive conduct at work?
statistic - an estimated amount of how many americans are bullied at work?
48.6 million
workplace bullying
unethical and unfavorable treatment of others
quid pro quo harassment
supervisor wants sexual favors
hostile work environment
an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment because of sexual conduct or gender-based hostility
don’t assert your rights, fail to stand up for self
think little of others, others rights may be violated
act in your own best interest, direct, honest
workplace telepressure
pressure to always be connected to the workplace and respond immediately to workplace communication
professional peers
employees holding positions of similar organizational status who have no formal authority over one another
information peers
equivalent status coworkers with whom our communications is limited to work-related content
collegial peers
coworkers we consider friends
special peers
equivalent status coworkers with whom we share very high levels of emotional support, career related feedback, and trust
virtual peers
coworkers who communicate mainly through phone, email and video chat