Quiz 5 Review Flashcards
the detection of physical energy by sense organs (by cells in eye, nose, ear, skin, and tongue)
Conversion of stimulus of electrical signal
the brain’s interpretation of raw sensory input
What do sensation and perception do?
Sensation gathers info from the external world, and perception helps us make sense of the info
Absolute threshold
the smallest amount of stimulus we can detect at least 50% of the time
Just noticeable difference (JND)
the smallest change we can detect in stimulus strength
Sensory adaption
a decrease in the noticeability of a stimulus over time
- happens at the sensory receptor level (e.g. candle scent)
True or False: our perceptual experience is a direct translation of sensory input
- False
- We use more than just sensory input to make sense of the world
- perception = sensory input+past perceptions+context+guesses
- we need this, partly, bc the sensory input isn’t always clear or complete
Signal-to-noise ratio
sometimes the stimulus is unclear so our brain makes its best guess
Perceptual constancy
the process by which we perceive stimuli consistently across varying conditions
Shape constancy
where an object is perceived as having the same shape when viewed at different angles (e.g. door)
Color constancy
our ability to perceive colors as relatively constant over varying illuminations (light sources)
Visible light
wavelength: 400nm - 700 nm of light
a hole that allows light into the eye
colored part, muscle that controls pupil