Quiz 5 Flashcards
What is included when doing pretransfusion testing?
ABO group
Antibody Screen
Antibody Indentification (if positive antibody screen)
What is the major cause of ABO mistransfusion?
recipient is misidentified (got wrong blood)
What must you ask the patient when confirming their identity?
MRN (on their wrist band)
date of birth
What should you not do/use to identify the patient?
name plate
ask them if they are so and so…
What must be on the patient’s tube label before leaving the patient’s bedside?
Phlebotomist Signature
What should NOT be used when drawing blood?
intravenous line (IV line)
When does a type and screen (T&S) sample go bad?
after 72 hours
What part of the blood unit is used for testing and crossmatching?
the segments at the top of the blood bag (looks like glow sticks)
When do clinically significant antibodies react?
37C or during AHG test
What blood type are the RBC phenotype used in testing?
What is the formula for # of units needed to be screened?
of units needed / frequency (in decimals) = # of units to be screened
ex. (antigen negative frequency for the “e” antigen is 0.02, i.e. 2% of donors are negative for this antigen)
2 / 0.02 = 100 units to be screened
Does crossmatching need to test for RBC, Plasma, or both?
During a visual inspection, what abnormalities do blood bankers look for in the units?
abnormal color, turbidity, clots, hemolysis, bag leakage
What is the expiration date for blood units?
7 days old
What can be found in a blood unit that means that it has gone bad and you should NOT use it?
What is a sign that the blood unit has bacterial contamination?
heavy hemolysis
What should you put on the blood unit before you transfuse a patient that is signed off for emergency release blood?
The transfusion tag attached to the blood upon issue must indicate that the cross-match was not performed
When are Intrauterine Transfusion performed?
May be performed when there are maternal antibodies against fetal rbc’s hemolyzing the rbc’s with resultant anemia
Who is crossmatched for a Intrauterine Transfusion?
Crossmatch is performed with mother’s plasma or serum
What are neonatal transfusions?
transfusions to infants less than 4 months of age
What blood is used during a neonatal transfusion?
(the mom’s)
Blood must be compatible with maternal antibodies that have entered the infant’s circulation and are reactive at 37°C
Is crossmatching necessary for neonatal transfusions?
No, hospitals usually use O negative blood
What blood is tested during massive transfusions (8-10 RBC units), patient or donor blood?
donor blood
What is Autologous Pre-Donated Blood?
blood donated from a person who has a blood type that is hard to match
they may use it for themselves if they need a blood transfusion in the future