Quiz 2 Flashcards
Phylum chordata includes subphyla vertibrates
Tunicates and lancelets
All chordates have
notochord which turns into veterbral column into vertebrates
How do tunicates (sea squirts) feed?
Sessile, filter feeders
Fish like chordates, infaunal, benthic, suspension feeders
Reptiles adapted for success on land then returned to the sea
Marine reptiles
reptiles have skin covered with scales made of
How do reptiles produce heat?
Modern day reptiles include
Crocodiles, turtles, birds, snakes, lizards
Producing young by means of an egg that is hatched
The type of egg produced by reptiles, birds, and (amniotes), in which the embryo develops inside an amnion. The shell of the egg is either calcium-based or leathery.
Amniotic Egg ( terrestrial adaptation found in reptiles, birds and mammals)
Largest living reptiles
Marine Crocodiles
Marine crocodiles eat mainly fish and drink salt water eliminating excess salt through
salt glands on their tongues
How many species of sea turtles are there?
Sea Turtles shells are fused to skeleton and made of
Outer layer composed of Keratin and inner layer composed of bone
In what ways are sea turtles adapted to sea life?
Shell is light, flat and streamlined Fatty deposits and spongy bones add buoyancy Front limbs are modified into flippers Back limbs used for steering salt glands above eyes
Environmental sex determination (sea turtles)
use incubation temp to determine sex
Turtles migrate hundreds to thousands of km and return to
Natal (birth site)beaches to nest
Dangers to sea turtles
Beach erosion/alteration Artificial lighting near natal beaches Fishing nets trap and kill sea turtles Hunted by humans Dogs, cats, racoons prey on eggs
Only marine lizard
Marine Iguana (good swimmers, feed on algae, nasal salt glands)
Sea snakes are descendants of
Sea snakes feed on
fish and fish eggs
Sea snakes are mostly (ovo)vivparous
Producing young by means of eggs that hatch inside the body of the parent
Sea snake adaptations to life in the sea
- Nostrils with valves
- scales reduced or absent
- tail compressed laterally
- Gas exchange through skin (and lung)
- salt gland under tongue
Types of seabirds
Shorebirds, pelicans, tubenoses, penguins
Convergent evolution
Organisms not closely related independently evolve similar traits from having to evolve to the similar environments.
An example of convergent evolution among sea birds
The puffin and the penguin, both have black and white coloring and torpedo shaped bodies, flipper like wings
what are some way sea birds have adapted for flight?
Endothermic and Homeothermic (maintain body temp) Strong muscles Advanced respiratory/circuatory system Excellent sight, hearing and large brain Weight reduction
Weight reduction in birds
Hollow bones, reduced gonads, lack of teeth
Some ways that sea birds have adapted to life at sea
Salt glands above eyes drain into nasal cavity
webbed feet
Ability to “fly” under water
Examples of Jawless fishes
Hagfish and Lampreys
Jawless fish
Lack jaws and have paired fins and scales
Hagfish and lampreys have skeletons of
Hagfish also lack
Vertebrate, lampreys have rudimentary vertibrate
Where do Hagfish live and how do they feed?
They are bottom dwellers and scavengers, have a rasping tongue with denticles on it
Where do Lampreys live and how do they feed?
Lampreys are anadramous (migratory) and they have an oral disk with denticles, external parasite on fish