Chp 7, 8, 9 slides Flashcards
Chromatic Adaptation
The alteration of kinds and quantities of photosynthetic pigments in response to changes in quantity and quality of light
Green algae has chlorophyl _ and _ and what accessory pigments?
a and b and carotenoids
Red algae has what types of chlorophyl and accessory pigments?
a and d as well as phycobillins
Brown algae has what types of chlorophyl and accessory pigments?
a and c and fucoxanthin
Two ways that seaweeds reproduce
Fragmentation and spores
Possession of two or more multicellular stages ( asexual sporophyte and sexual gametophyte) in succession is called
Alternation of generations
mechanism to reduce herbavory in seaweed by being in a different place or time than the herbivore
Avoidance; small size, crevice habitat, growth patterns (algal turf)
mechanism to deter herbavory by repelling a predator
Detterence; Toxins, calcium carbonate
Mechanism to compensate for loss of tissue to herbivory
Tolerance; rapid growth, large size, rapid reproduction
Phylum for red, green and brown algae
Chlorophyta, rhodophyta and phaeophyta
Any organism that grows on a multicellular primary producer
Epiphyte (red algae)
Any organism that growns on an animal
Epizoics (red algae)
Chemicals in cell wall that improve flexibility and strength of red/brown algae and may be used for human use
What phycocolloids are found in red algae?
Agar and carageenan
What phycocolloids are found in brown algae?
Vascular tissue of plants that carries food from leaves to other parts
Vascular tissue of plants that carries water from roots to other parts of the plant
2 types of seed bearing plants
conifers and flowering plants
Plants that grow and produce best in the presence of salt
Flowering plant that lives submerged under water
Dispersal of a pollen grain by water currents from the male flower to the female flower
Hydrphilous pollination
Ways in which First Nations used eelgrass
Insulation, harvesting of roe, medicine, indicator
Less adapted to marine life than seagrasses, wind pollinated, found in intertidal zones
Salt Marsh Plants
A forest of mangroves
Aerial root that hold up a mangrove
Stilt roots
Mangrove reproduction
Floating seeds, flowers pollinated by wind or bees, viviparity (grows while still attached to parent)
Dispersal stage of a mangrove