Quiz #2 Flashcards
Herniated disc is compressing the spinal nerve roots exiting through the intervertebral foramen between C4 and C5 vertebrae. Which spinal nerve is affected? (answer with a letter and a number)
A carcinoma is a malignant tumor of epithelial cell origin. Detection of which intermediate filament protein aids in
the diagnosis and treatment of this type of tumor?
In the cardiac plexus you find collections of sympathetic __1__ (choose one: preganglionic/ postganglionic) fibers, and collections of parasympathetic __2__ (choose one: preganglionic/ postganglionic) fibers.
- Postganglionic
- Preganglionic
The afferent fiber carried in the greater occipital nerve has the cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglion of spinal nerve (answer with letter and number).
In which region of the central nervous system you would find the cell bodies of neurons for presynaptic parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic nervous system?
Craniosacral region
Using letters A-F (A, B, C, D, E, F), trace the voluntary motor pathway to the erector spinae muscles. Letter A is already placed for you as the start of the pathway. Use the number “0” (zero) if the structure is not part of the pathway.
__ Neuromuscular junction
__ Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve
__ Dorsal horn of spinal cord
A Cerebral cortex
__ Ventral root of a spinal nerve
__ Spino-thalamic tract
__ Cortico-spinal tract
__ Ventral horn of spinal cord
F Neuromuscular junction
E Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve
0 Dorsal horn of spinal cord
A Cerebral cortex
D Ventral root of a spinal nerve
0 Spino-thalamic tract
B Cortico-spinal tract
C Ventral horn of spinal cord
What artery supplies blood to the posterior scalp?
Occipital artery
What cell in the epidermis (non-keratinocytes) is involved in immunological defense of the skin?
Langerhans cells
What is the most distinguishing feature of axis (C2)?
What is the insertion (attachment to the appendicular skeleton) of the rhomboid muscles?
Medial/vertebral border of the scapula
What is the motor innervation of the Trapezius muscle?
Spinal Accessory Nerve (CN XI)
What is the primary function of the intermediate muscles of the back?
What structures, comprised of lateral extensions of pia mater, anchor the spinal cord within the vertebral canal?
Denticulate ligaments
What type of joint is found between articular processes of vertebrae?
Synovial joint
Where are the cell bodies of neurons that convey postsynaptic sympathetic fibers to the sweat glands of the skin?
sympathetic chain
Which protein induces aggregation of keratin in the cornified layer of the epidermis?
Which sensory receptors are found in dermal papillae?
Meissner’s corpuscles
____________ is a spinal disorder in which an excessive curve (hunchback) of the vertebral spine results in an abnormal rounding of the upper back.
Match the vessels in column A with their functions/ features in column B (you may write more than one answer per vessel in column A.
Column A:
__ Large arteries
__ Muscular arteries
__ Capillaries
__ Lymphatic capillaries
Column B:
A. Exchange
B. Distributing
C. Resistance
D. Conducting
E. Blind-ended
F. Capacitance
G. Composed of only one layer of endothelium
- D
- B
- A/G
- A/E/G
Name one specialization of pia mater that helps to anchor the spinal cord within the vertebral canal. __1__
Filum terminale
Denticulate ligament
Where are the cell bodies of the neurons carried in the greater occipital nerve? __1__
Dorsal root ganglion of C2
Which cell type in the epidermis plays a role in fine tactile discriminations? __1__
Merkel Cell
__1__ is an accentuated or abnormal curvature of the thoracic region of the vertebral column.
In the acquired type of epidermolysis bullosa, autoantibodies trigger a complement/ mediated inflammatory
reaction that results in severe damage to anchoring fibrils. Which type of collagen has been damaged? __1__
Collagen type VII
Rotation of the head from side to side chiefly takes place at the joint between the __1__.
C1 and C2
The function of desmosomes is dependent on which intermediate intracellular cytoskeletal element? __1__
__1__ is the type of joint found between two vertebral bodies. The outer layer of the intervertebral disc is known
as __2__.
- Symphysis
- Annulus Fibrosus
Which structures help to form the outer lipid envelope of the skin to make it waterproof? __1__
Lamellar bodies
The type of capillaries found in the kidneys are known as __1__ .
Fenestrated capillaries
What is the motor innervation to the Trapezius muscle?
Accessory nerve (CN XI)
What is the insertion of the rhomboid major?
Medial/vertebral border of the scapula
Cell bodies of the __1__ sympathetic fibers are located in the __2__ horn of the spinal cord.
Preganglionic/ Intermediolateral horn
Where are the cell bodies of neurons that terminate at neuromuscular junctions (motor end plate) __1__?
Ventral horn of the spinal cord
Match back muscle, nerves, skin cells
Match the structure/condition in column A with their respective innervation/function/ affected region in column B:
Column A
__ Splenius capitis
__ Polio
__ Gray communicating rami
__ Sensitive to pressure
Column B
A. Pacinian corpuscle
B. Post-ganglionic sympathetic
C. Dorsal ramus of spinal nerves
D. Dorsal horn of spinal cord
E. Langerhans cells
F. Pre-ganglionic sympathetic
G. Dorsal root ganglion
H. Ventral ramus of spinal nerves
I. Ventral horn of spinal cord
Column A
C Splenius capitis
I Polio
B Gray communicating rami
A Sensitive to pressure
Origin of Levator Scapulae
Transverse process of cervical vertebra C1-C4
Insertion of Levator Scapuale
Origin of Trapezius
External occipital protuberance
Spinous process of C/T vertebra
Insertion of Trapezius
Spine of the scapula
Origin of Major/Minor Rhomboids
Spinous process of C/T vertebra
Insertion of Major/Minor Rhomboids
Medial/vertebral border of the scapula
Origin of Latissimus Dorsi
Spinous process of thoracic vertebrae
Insertion of Latissimus Dorsi
What innervates the greater occipital nerve?
Dorsal Primary Ramus of C2
What innervates the latissimus dorsi?
Brachial plexus
What innervates the trapezius?
Spinal Accessory nerve
What innervates the levator scapulae?
Brachial plexus
What innervates the rhomboids?
Brachial plexus
Function of superficial muscles?
Upper arm
Function of intermediate muscles?
Function of deep muscles?