Quiz #13 Flashcards
- Effort force, Effort arm
- Resistive force, Resistive arm
Classified according to the relative positions of the _, effort force and resistive force
MA >1 = _
MA <1 = _
- mechanical advantage
- mechanical disadvantage
- Axis between effort force and resistive force
- May act with or without a mechanical advantage
- see-saw, elbow extension, head extension
1st class lever
cervical flexion/extension
1st class lever
- Resistance in between mechanical advantage
- Not as versatile as 1st class lever
- push-up, wheelbarrow
2nd class lever
Calf raise
2nd class lever
- effort force in middle
- mechanical disadvantage
3rd class lever
knee extension
3rd class lever
Anatomical levers:
muscle usually has a _ _ _ (inserts close to axis)
- this provides an advantage for increasing range of motion and velocity of distal points
- however, it also produces a mechanical disadvantage (MA<1)
- thus, muscle forces generated must be in excess of resistant forces
small effort arm
Anatomical levers:
Force of muscles can be resolved into two components:
1. on perpendicular to the attached bone
- this produces _
2. one parallel to the bone
- this produces _
- torque
- stabilizing or dislocating force
With no external force acting on an object that object wants to:
- not move if it wasn’t moving to begin with
- angular
- object continues rotating at constant speed (assuming the rigid body)
- angular momentum of an object remains constant unless a net external torque is exerted on it
- the principle of conservation of angular momentum
Angular Analog Newton’s First Law
Angular momentum:
- rigid object: Ha=Ia(t)a
- no external force causing rotation acts on spoon, therefore (t) remains _
- gravity - acts through the spoon’s center of mass
Angular momentum:
- non rigid object: Ha=Ia(t)a
- according to Newton’s first law angular momentum remans constant
- therefore, if I changes (t) will _
A net external torque causes
- the object to angularly accelerate in the direction of the net external torque
- the object’s angular acceleration to be directly proportional to the net external torque and inversely proportional to its moment of inertia
- Net joint torque - torque necessary to produce the segmental acceleration present
Angular Analog Newton’s Second Law
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
- for every torque exerted by one body on another body, there is an equal and opposite torque exerted by the latter body on the former
Angular Analog Newton’s Third Law
Angular Impulse:
- A net angular impulse causes a change in _ _
- while in air long jumper swings legs clockwise the upper body counteracts by rotating counterclockwise
- muscles cause torque on both ends of segment
angular momentum
While in flight
- although angular momentum remains constant (no net torque); transferring angular velocity from on axis of rotation is possible
Body twist technique
While in flight
- even when total angular momentum is 0, generating a twist in midair is possible when the body is composed of at least 2 segments
Cat twist technique
The product of the force applied to a body and the displacement of the object
- direction of force parallel to line of displacement
mechanical perspective
- direction of force not parallel to line of displacement
- equal angle between displacement and line of application
Physiological perspective
To determine the amount of work being done, need to know:
- the average force exerted on the object
- the direction of this force
- the displacement of the object along the line of action of the force during the time the force acts on the object
Bench press:
_ - lifter burnt calories, thinks he did work based on effort
_ - no work was done on the barbell because it was in the same position when the lift ended as when it started
- physiologically
- mechanically
done by a force acting on an object if the object is displaced in the same direction as the force
- throwing a ball
- lifting phase of a lift
- jumping off the ground
positive work
done by a force acting on an object when the object is displaced in the direction opposite the force acting on it
- catching a ball
- lowering phase of a lift
- landing on ground
negative work
The capacity to do work
Mechanical energy:
_ - energy due to motion
_ - energy due to position
- kinetic energy
- potential energy
A moving object has the capacity to do work due to its motion
_ energy is affected by the mass and velocity of the object
Energy an object has due to its position
Two types:
- gravitational
- strain energy
potential energy
Potential energy due to an object’s position relative to the earth
- object’s weight and its elevation or height above the ground or some reference
gravitational potential energy
Energy due to the deformation of an object
- _ of an object is related to the object’s stiffness, its material properties and its deformation
- pole vault
- shooting a rubber band
strain energy
The rate of doing work or how much work is done in a specific amount of time
Average force parallel to displacement times average velocity
- dw/dt
- F x V
Regardless of strategy, work would be the same.
The combination of force and velocity determine _
- what gear to use: high gear = large force/slow pedal rate, low gear = smaller force/faster pedal rate
- stride length vs stride rate
- long stride = high force/slow stride rate
- short stride = lower force/ higher stride rate
Power - sports
Power - sports
- How do we make these decisions?
- Recall: _ produce the force for human performance
- as velocity of contraction increases, max force of contraction decreases
- in other words, slow contracting muscle can produce greater force than fast contracting muscle
power production characteristics of muscle
max muscle power =
velocity of contraction x max force of contraction
Max power output occurs at a velocity approximately _ the muscle’s max contraction velocity