Quiz 11/23 Flashcards
Two different kinds of social control
-when you do something bc it’s the right thing to do: your conscious
-consequences/rewards that kick in when your conscious doesn’t: laws, jail, good driver discount
Major functional theories of deviance
Strain theory
-deviance is most likely to occur when there is a gap between culturally desirable goals and legit ways of obtaining them
Control theory
-defiance is most likely to occur when there is a lack of bond between individuals and society
(People conform so they don’t look bad or weird to other people)
Strain theory steps
1) innovation
2) ritualism
3) retreatism
4) rebellion
Accepts goals but uses illegal means to get them
(successful but embezzled to get money)
Most widespread and obvious
Rejects goals but uses legit means to obtain them. Goes through the motions but doesn’t believe in the goal or process
(A teacher who goes through the day but doesn’t care about the students or his/her teaching)
Rejects goals and means. Just give up and drop out with no plan for success.
(Alcoholics, drug addicts)
Rejects goals and means with an alternative in mind
(Militia groups try to change society by creating own currency, violating gun laws, acting bio,met towards police, and/or living in seclusion)
Why is defiance not easy to identify?
Depends on:
-society (social definition and varies from group to group/society to society.)
-time and time (time period, time of day, time of year)
-how people react
America especially hard bc it’s so diverse