Quiz 1 Flashcards
divides body longitudinally equally
Divides body longitudinally
Transverse plane
cuts across laterally
Dorsal plane
cuts body into ventral and dorsal parts
Towards the back of an animal
Towards the belly of an animal
Towards the body midline/center
Towards the sides of the body
Towards the head
Towards the tail
Towards the nose
Surface contact area of forepaw
Surface contact area of hindpaw
Towards an origin or closest to the body midline
Farther away from an origin or the body midline
Towards the surface
Away from the surface
Proximal attachment, part that moves the least
Distal attachment, part that moves the most (often tendon/aponeurosis extending from muscle to bone)
Cutaneous Trunci
- Thin sheet of muscle covering most of thorax/abdomen
- Twitches the skin
- Males: muscle fibers form preputial muscle
Cutaneous muscle of neck/head
Parts of the superficial pectoral
descending pectoral
transverse pectoral
Parts of the brachiocephalicus
cleidocephalicus pars cervicalis
celidocephalicus pars mastoidea
Parts of the sternocephalicus
mastoid part
occipital part
Parts of the trapezius
Parts of the rhomboideus
Parts of serratus ventralis
Parts of the triceps brachii
long head
lateral head
accessory head
medial head
Muscles that move the head
- Cleidocephalicus par mastoidea
- Sternocephalicus (mastoid and occipital)
- Rhomboideus (capitis, cervicis, thoracis)
Muscles that stabilize the shoulder
- Infraspinatus
- Supraspinatus
- Subscapularis
- Coracobrachialis
Scapula of different species
- Dog and ox: acromion is present
* Horse and pig: acromion is absent
Radius and Ulna of different species
- Dog: not fused
- Pig: Not fused – sup and pro
- Horse: fused – no sup and pro
- Ox: fused
Carpus of different species
- Dog: 7 carpal bones -> fused radial/intermediate carpal bones
- Horse and pig: 8 carpal bones
- Ox: 6 carpal bones -> 1st missing, 2/3 fused
Metacarpus of different species
- Dog: 5 metacarpal bones
- Horse: 3 metacarpal bones -> 1 to 5 missing
- Ox: 2 metacarpal bones -> 1-2 missing, 3-4 fused
- Pig: 4 metacarpal bones -> 1st missing, 2 and 5 are reduced/not weight bearing, 3 and 4 are weight bearing
Digits and phalanges in different species
- Dog: 4 digits (proximal, middle, distal)
- Horse: 1 digit (support MC 3 = canon bone, proximal/middle = pastern bone, distal = coffin bone)
- Pig and ox: 4 digits -> 3 and 4 weight bearing, 2 and 5 vestige non bearing
Fibrous joints (synarthroses)
Sligthly movable joints (amphiarthrosis)
Free movable joints (diarthrosis) (synovial)
Ball and socket
Suture joint
bones held by a thin layer of dense fibrous connective tissue (skull)
Syndesmosis joint
when 2 bones join by a section of cartilage (tibia to fibula)
Synchondrosis joint
union between 2 bones by hyaline cartilage (ribs to sternum)
Symphysis joint
vertebraes divided by a cartilaginous joint that creates a cushion
Ball and socket joint
allows rotational movement in all planes (hip/shoulder)
Hinge joint
free moving in 1 direction (knee/elbow)
Plane/gliding joint
opposing surfaces with a slight gliding motion (carpal)
Pivot joint
allows limited rotating movements (head/neck)
Descending pectoral o/i
Origin: first sternebra
Insertion: crest of the greater tubercule of the humerus
Transverse pectoral o/i
Origin: first 2 or 3 sternebrae
Insertion: crest of the greater tubercule of the humerus
Deep pectoral o/i
Origin: ventral part of the sternum
Insertion: major portion (muscle and tendinous) on lesser tubercule of humerus
Cleidobrachialis o/i
Origin: clavicular intersection
Insertion: distal end of cranial border of humerus
Cleidocephalicus pars cervicalis o/i
Origin: clavicular intersection
Insertion: cranial half of mid-dorsal fibrous raphe and sometimes the nuchal crest of the occipital bone
Cleidocephalicus pars mastoidea o/i
Origin: clavicular intersection
Insertion: mastoid part of the temporal bone with sternomastoideus muscle
Sternocephalicus o/i
Origin: first sternebra or manubrium
Insertion: mastoid part of the temporal bone and the nuchal crest of the occipital bone
Sternohyoideus o/i
Origin: first sternebra and first costal cartilage
Insertion: basihyoid bone
Sternothyroideus o/i
Origin: first costal cartilage
Insertion: caudolateral surface of the thyroid cartilage
Omotransversarius o/i
Attachments: the distal end of the spine of the scapula -> cranially, transverse process (wing) of the atlas
Trapezius o/i
Origin: median raphe of the neck and supraspinous ligament from the level of the 3rd cervical vertebra to the level of the 9th thoracic vertebra
Insertion: spine of the scapula
Rhomboideus o/i
Origin: nuchal crest of the occipital bone, median fibrous raphe of the neck, spinous processes of the first 7 thoracic vertebra
Insertion: dorsal border and adjacent surfaces of the scapula
Latissimus dorsi o/i
Origin: thoracolumbar fascia from the spinous processes of the lumbar/last 7-8 thoracic vertebrae, a muscular attachment to the last 2-3 ribs
Insertion: teres major tuberosity of the humerus and teres major tendon
Serratus Ventralis o/i
Origin: transverse processes of the last 5 cervical vertebrae and first 7-8 ribs ventral to their middle
Insertion: dorsomedial third of the scapula (serrated face)
Deltoideus o/i
Origin: spine and acromial process of the scapula
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity
Infraspinatus o/i
Origin: infraspinus fossa
Insertion: small circumscribed area on the lateral side of the greater tubercule of the humerus
Teres minor o/i
Origin: infraglenoid tubercle and distal third of the caudal border of the scapula
Insertion: teres minor tuberosity of humerus
Supraspinatus o/i
Origin: supraspinous fossa
Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus (by a thick tendon)
Subscapularis o/i
Origin: subscapular fossa
Insertion: lesser tubercle of the humerus
Teres major o/i
Origin: caudal angle and adjacent caudal border of the scapula, caudal surface of the subscapularis
Insertion: teres major tuberosity of the humerus
Coracobrachialis o/i
Origin: coracoid process of the scapula
Insertion: crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus proximal to the teres major tuberosity
Tensor fasciae anterbrachii o/i
Origin: fascia covering the lateral side of the latissimus dorsi
Insertion: olecranon
Triceps brachii long head o/i
Origin: caudal border of the scapula
Insertion: olecranon tuber
Triceps brachii lateral head o/i
Origin: tricipital line of the humerus
Insertion: olecranon tuber
Triceps brachii accessory head o/i
Origin: neck of the humerus
Insertion: olecranon tuber
Triceps brachii medial head o/i
Origin: crest of the lesser tubercle near the teres major tuberosity
Insertion: olecranon
Anconeus o/i
Origin: lateral supracondylar crest, lateral/medial epicondyles of the humerus
Insertion: lateral surface of the proximal end of the ulna (olecranon)
Briceps brachii o/i
Origin: supraglenoid tubercle
Insertion: ulnar and radial tuberosities
Brachialis o/i
Origin: proximal 3rd of the lateral surface of the humerus
Insertion: ulnar and radial tuberosities