Quiz 1 Flashcards
Strategic Communication + intro to advertising
the purposeful use of communication by an organization to fulfill its mission
Strategic communication
How to achieve successful strategic communication?
IC –> Imitation and common message
(Bridging) the divide
the gap between people who do and don’t have access to ICTs
Information communication technology
Strategic plan framework
- research/situation analysis
- Identify goals/objectives
- implementation
4 evaluation
a broad statement of what an org wants to achieve with its communication strategy
specific statements of what needs to be done to achieve a org’s goal for a communication campaign
objectives are…
outcome based, measurable, audience specific, AND time bounded
primary audience
people directly affected by a campaign or ad
secondary audience
could influence the primary (gatekeepers)
“to raise awareness of 50% of Brighton residents of the city’s recycling program by October 2024”
Strategic communication OBJECTIVE
PR are Advertising campaigns…
- start with a verb AND
- is informational, attitudinal, or behavioral
information in design/visualization forms
controlled media
uncontrolled media
Builds brand salience. Specific, consistent, repeated messages that build this recognition of messages. Controlled media communication tool
Advertising careers
- Ad agency
- In house