Quicker economic activity Flashcards
Nature of Tea production
pg 1
Tea as important economic activity
pg 1
Stages of tea production (table)
pg 1
History of production and consumption
pg 2
Spatial patterns of production
pg 2
Future directions (production and consumption)
increasing production
pg 2
Future directions (production and consumption)
increasing consumption
pg 2
Future directions (production and consumption)
pg 2
Future directions (production and consumption)
fair and sustainable future
pg 2
Climate- temp
pg 3
Climate- hydrological factors
pg 3
Climate- seasonality
pg 3
Edaphic conditions
pg 3
Topography- altitude
pg 3
Topography (gradient and slope)
pg 3/4
Ideal conditions of biophysical factors
Slope gradient
pg 4
Ecological factors: traditional tea production
pg 4
Ecological factors: Case study
pg 4
Ecological factors: contemporary production (industrial)
including revolutions
pg 4
Blue Revolution
pg 5
Green Revolution
pg 5
Synthetic fertilisers
pg 5
Chemical pesticides
pg 5
Sustainable production: intercropping
pg 5
Sustaiable production: agroforestry
pg 5
Sustainable production: Organic and Intergrated Pest management (IPM)
pg 5/6
Sustainable production:
benefiits and problems with organic tea
pg 6
Sustainable production: future ecological factor affecting production (change, impact, mitigation)
pg 6
Climate change problem and impact on tea
pg 6
Economic: traditionally tea
pg 6
Economic: indsutrial production
pg 6
Tea prices (decreased, auctions)
pg 6/7
Capital: economic influeces on price
pg 7
Capital: imports and exports
pg 7
Importance of tea to LEDCs (Kenya)
pg 7/8
Future economic factors affecting production
pg 8
Socio-culural- ecnomic importance of tea production to traditinal producers
pg 8
Festivals and ceromonies
pg 8
Socioeconomic importance to small holders
pg 9
Labour force: gender divisions
pg 9
Labour force: ageing labour force
pg 9
Labour force: urbanisation and rural depopulation
pg 9/10
Government subsides, tarrifs and agreements
pg 10
Sri Lankan subsidies
pg 10
pg 10
trade liberalisation- FTAs
pg 10
Non-tariff barriers to trade: maximum residue limits
pg 10
The United nations global compact 2000
pg 10/11
Organisational: ownership, decision making, control
pg 11
Changing ownership
pg 11
Multinational decision making and control
pg 11
Unileaver case study (MN deicsion making and control)
pg 11
Inequality of the tea supply chain
pg 11/12
Fair trade: small holders control
pg 12
Green revolution (1950s onward)
pg 12
pg 12
Mechanised processing
pg 12
Ecologically sustainable tech
pg 12
Drip irrigation and fertilisation
pg 12/13
Future directions (tech)- Biotechnology
pg 13
Future directions (tech)- Hybrid varieties
pg 13
Future directions (tech)- waterlogging tolerant clone
pg 13