quick sheet Flashcards
Syllable Structure Patterns:
child simplification modifies the syllabic structure of a word (#
of syllables or syllable shape
Unstressed syllable deletion
omission(leaving out) of one or multiple syllables from a multisyllabic word. banana =>
total or partial repetition of a syllable which causes the formation of a multisyllabic word.
water =>[wɑwɑ]
addition of /i/ or sometimes [Ci] c=consonant to the target. dog => [dɑgi]
Final consonant deletion:
deletion of final consonant or entire final consonant cluster in a word. dad => [dæ
Initial consonant deletion:
omission of single consonants or an entire initial consonant cluster in the initial
position of a target word. cat => [æt
Consonant Cluster Reduction:
deletion of one or all consonants in a cluster. please => [piz]
Cluster substitution:
replacement of one or all members of a cluster by another sound. bread [bwɛd]. Must
name what the substitution pattern is below (i.e., gliding)
insertion of an unstressed vowel, usually the schwa /ə/, between two consonants. blue => [bəlu]
Substitution Patterns:
when one class of sounds is substituted for another class of sounds.
the substitution of stops for fricatives or affricates. soup => [tup], four => [p ɔr]
a stop or fricative takes the place of an affricate. chop => [sɑp] or [tɑp]
Velar fronting:
replacement of velar phonemes /k/, /g/, /ŋ/ by sounds produced more anteriorly in the mouth,
usually alveolars. key => [ti]
Substitution of an alveolar fricative for a palatal fricative or affricate and may also include an
alveolar affricate substitution for a palatal affricate. shoe => [su], match => [mats]
replacement of sounds that are produced with anterior constriction by sounds produced more
tea => [ki]
Liquid Gliding:
the liquids: /l/ and /r/ are replaced with the glides /j/ and /w/. rabbit => [wæbɪt], lady => [jedi]
substitution of a vowel for a syllabic liquid or the replacement of the mid-central vowels by another
vowel usually /ə/ (e.g., /ɝ/ and /ɚ/ are substituted by /ə/ or when a syllabic liquid is substituted by a /o/ or /u/).
cracker => [krækə], simple [sɪmpo]
Assimilation Patterns:
how a sound or sounds may affect another sound.
Labial Assimilation:
A non-labial consonant becomes a labial (/p/, /b/, /m/, /w/) due to the influence of a labial
already in that word. book => [bʊb]
Velar Assimilation:
a non-velar consonant becomes a velar (/k/, /g/, /ŋ/, /w/) due to the influence of a velar
already in that word. goat => [gog]
Nasal Assimilation:
a non-nasal consonant becomes a nasal (/m/, /n/, /ŋ/) due to the influence of a nasal already
in that word. map => [mæm]
Alveolar Assimilation:
a non-alveolar consonant becomes an alveolar (/t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /l/, /n/) due to the influence
of an alveolar already in that word. tape => [tet
Prevocalic Voicing:
a voiceless prevocalic sound becomes voiced. type => [daɪp]
Postvocalic Devoicing:
a voiced obstruent following a vowel becomes voiceless/devoiced. tug => [tʌk]
Unstressed syllable deletion: