Quick Lesson" Y & En Flashcards
What is the letter “y” used for?
“Y” refers to a place that you’ve already mentioned.
In English, it can usually be translated to mean “there.”
Non, j’y vais demain.
No, I’m going THERE tomorrow.
What does the word “en” refer to?
“En” can usually be translated to mean “some, any, or a number.”
Oui, j’en ai.
Yes, I have some.
So, now you know what “y” and “en” mean, but why are they used?
To sound less repetitive in French.
Oui, j’y vais aussi.
Yes, I am also going.
When is another situation where “y” can be placed into a sentence?
“Y” can also replace “à + noun” when that noun does NOT refer to a person.
Cédric aime joue AU FOOT. Il y joue le samedi.
Cédric likes to play soccer. He plays it every Sunday.
When is “en” commonly used?
“En” usually takes the place of a phrase beginning with “de” or one of its different forms: “d’, du, de, la, des, de l’, d’un, d’une, etc…
Oui, je m’EN souviens.
Yes, I remember it.
T of F. More often than not, “en” means “some of it/them” or just “of it/them.”
Tu veuxDES mangues?
Oui, j’en veux bien.
(Would) you want some mangoes?
yes, I would like some (of them).
Tu as DES frères?
Oui, j’en ai quatre.
Do you have brothers?
Yes, I have four (of them).
Il y a beaucoup D’enfants ici.
Oui, il y EN a beaucoup.
There are a lot of children here.
Yes, there are a lot (of them).
In a negative sentence, what would “en” mean?
“Any” or “none.”
Tu veux de beurre?
Non merci, je n’EN veux pas.
Do you want butter?
No thank you, I do not want ANY.
In a sentence with more than one verb, where does “y” and “en” go in the sentence structure?
Before the principal verb (the one that expresses the meaning).
Tu veux aller au cinéma ce soir?
Oui merci, je veux Y aller.
Do you want to go to the movies tonight?
Yes thanks, I want to go (there).
Voulez-vous de gâteau?
Oui, je vais EN acheter deux.
Would you like some cake?
Yes, I will buy two (of them).