French Pronouns Flashcards
Me / M’
Te / T’
Le / L’
Him, it (masculine)
La / L’
her, it (feminine)
J’aime apprendre le français. J’aime l’apprendre.
I like to learn French. I like learning it.
Tu lis ce livre? Oui, je le lis.
Are you reading this book? yes, I am reading it.
Je vois le garçon. Je l’aime bien.
I see the boy. I like him.
Il faut travailler là.
You have to work there.
Il faut beaucoup travailler là.
You have to work a lot there.
Il faut travailler sans se reposer et sans manger.
It’s necessary to work without resting and with out eating.
Il faut travailler pour manger.
You have to work in order to eat.
Il faut bien travailler pour bien vivre.
One has to work well in order to live well.
Il faut bien travailler pour être content.
It’s necessary to work well in order to be happy.
Il faut beaucoup manger pour pouvoir beaucoup travailler.
You have to eat a lot in order to be able to work a lot.
Il faut bien dormir pour pouvoir bien travailler.
You have to sleep well in order to work well.
Il faut travailler pour pouvoir être content.
One has to work in order to be able to be happy.
Travailler, c’est vivre.
To work is to live (or, working is living).
Vivre, c’est manger.
To live is to eat (or, living is eating).
Travailler sans pourvoir dormir, c’est vivre sans pouvoirs être content.
To work without being able to sleep is to live without being able to be happy.
Il est impossible de travailler sans se reposer et sans manger.
It is impossible to work without resting and without eating.
Se reposer sans dormir, c’est possible.
It’s possible to rest without sleeping.