Focus on the Language 24-28 Flashcards
Il décide de manger du fromage.
He decides to eat the cheese.
Il commence à manger du fromage.
He begins to eat the cheese.
Il a commencé à manger du fromage.
He has begun to eat the cheese.
Il commence à chanter.
He begins to sing.
Il a commencé à chanter.
He has begun to sing.
Il menace de manger du fromage.
He threatens to eat the cheese.
Il a commencé à menacer du manger du fromage.
He has begun to threaten to eat the cheese.
Elle a décidé de commencer à parler avec le roi.
She’s decided to begin to talk with the king.
Il a des chiens.
He has some dogs.
Ils ont des chats.
They have cats.
Elle désire avoir des chats.
She desires to have cats.
Il va avec le chien.
He goes with the dog.
Ils vont avec les chats.
They go with the cats.
Ils désirent aller avec le chat.
They desire to go with the cat.
Il fait des tambours.
He makes drums.
Ils font des tambours.
They make drums.
Ils désirent faire des tambours.
They desire to make drums.
What is the plural of “a” (has)?
Ont (have)
What is the plural of “va” (goes)?
Vont (go)
What is the plural of “fait” (does or makes)
Font (do)
Le prince a le tambour.
The prince has the drum.
Les princes ont les tambours.
The princes have the drums.
Les docs font des tambours.
The dukes make drums.
Elle n’a pas le chat.
She doesn’t have the cat.
Ils n’ont pas le chat.
They don’t have the cat.
Il désire avoir des chats.
He wants to have cats.
Le duc va avec la duchesse.
The duke goes with the duchess.
Il vont ensemble.
They go together.
Le prince désire aller avec le chien.
The prince desires to go with the dog.
Il parle anglais.
He speaks English.
Parle t-il français?
Does he speak French?
Il a des chiens.
He has some dogs.
A-t-il des chats?
Has he any cats?
Le duc, a-t-il un chien?
The duke, has he a dog?
La princesse, a-t-elle un chat?
Does the princess have a cat?
La duchesse qui parle avec le prince, a-t-elle un chat?
The duchess who is speaking with the princes, has she a cat?
Le duc qui chante, a-t-il un chien?
Does the duke who is singing have a dog?
Le roi, parle-t-il français?
The king, does he speak French?
La reine, chante-t-elle en français?
The queen, does she speak French?
Les princesse, ont-ils des chiens?
The princes, do they have dogs?
Pourquoi pleure-t-elle?
Why does she cry?
Comment joue-t-elle?
How does she play?
Où va-t-il?
Where is he going?
Quand y va-t-il?
When is he going?
Combien a-t-il?
How much does he have?
Que va-t-il faire?
What is he going to do?
Le prince, que mange-t-il?
The prince, what is he going to eat?
Que va-t-il manger?
What will he eat?
Combien mange-t-il?
How much does he eat?
Pourquoi chante-t-il?
Why does he sing?
Avec qui parle-t-il?
With whom does he speak?
Le roi, où préfère-t-il chanter?
The king, where does he prefer to sing?
Le duc, quand désire-t-il chanter?
The duke, when does he desire to sing?
Où chante-t-il?
Where does he sing?
Où est-ce qu’il chante?
Where is it that he sings?
Que chante-t-il?
What does he sing?
Qu’est-ce qu’il chante?
What is it that he sings?
Que fait-il?
What does he do?
Qu’est-ce qu’il fait?
What is it he does?
Quand fait-il des tambours?
When does he make drums?
Quand est-ce qu’il fait des tambours?
When is it that he makes drums?
Où est-ce qu’il aimer chanter?
Where is it that he likes to sing?
Quand est-ce qu’il aime chanter?
When is it that he likes to sing?
Combien chante-t-il?
How much does he sing?
La princesse, quand est-ce qu’elle pleure?
The princess, when is it that she cries?
Qui fait le roi?
What is the king doing?
Et le duc, que faut-il?
What is the king doing?
Que va-t-il faire ce soir?
What is he going to do tonight?
Et la duchesse, que va-t-elle faire?
And the duchess, what is she going to do?
Quand va-t-elle commencer à faire des tambours?
When is she going to begin to make drums?
Qu’est-ce que font les rois?
What is it that kings do?
Les rois, que font-ils?
What do kings do?