quick and dirty timeline Flashcards
479 -Battles of Salamis and Mycale
mark end of Persian War on Greek territory
-Athenians begin building Long Walls
478 -allied fleet takes Cyprus and Byzantium
467 -Naxos secedes from DL, forced back in
465 -Thasos secedes from DL, forced back in by 462
466 -Battle of the Eurymedon (end of Persian War)
465 -Athenians unsuccessfully attempt to colonize Amphipolis
464 -helots revolt in Sparta, Cimon goes to help
461 -Cimon ostracized
460 -beginning of First Peloponnesian War
-DL campaign in Egypt (vs. Persians) (unsuccessful, lasts until 454)
-Ephialtes’ reforms at Athens
459 -Corinthian invasion of Megara repelled by Athenians,
-Sparta joins war
457 -Battle of Tanagra
456 -Athens takes control of most of Boeotia (except Thebes) 454 -DL treasury transferred to Athens
451 -5-year truce negotiated with Sparta
-Periclean citizenship laws
448 -Athens attempts to take over Delphi, Second Sacred War
447 -Boeotia revolts from Athens
445 -end of First Peloponnesian War (Thirty Years’ Peace)
440 -Samos and Byzantium rebel from DL, forced back
437 -Athens founds Amphipolis
433 -Athens/Corcyra vs. Corinth and Megara at Corycra (no winner)
432 -Athens besieges Potidaea (lasts 2 years)
431 -Thebes attacks Plataea, Athenians help, treaty with Spartans broken
-official beginning of Peloponnesian War
-evacuation of Attica, 1st Spartan incursion
430 -Pericles delivers Funeral Oration
-Pericles deposed from generalship (re-elected next year)
-Plague of Athens begins