People again Flashcards
Thucydides was an Athenian general. He was most notable for narrative the hisotry of the Pelopnessian war and for his in depth accounts of speaches and evnets. Thucydides made an impact by setting the bar of what a good hisotrian and a good account of hisotry looks like. He took the time to write extensive details which were vital to reshaping the events of the era.
Pausanius was a Spartan general. He was a leader of the greeks in the war with Persia. Howerver he was suspected of conspireing with Persia but was aquitted.
Was an Athenian general who was known for his leadership in their war against Persia. He’s known for convincing others to join the DelL. He was unsecusfully procecuted by Pericles. He wnt to Sparta to help with the helot revolts.
Was a king of Macedon. Formed a truce with Athens but immediatly broke it. As Athens went to Potidea.
The most notable Athenian general. He was known for his strong stance on creating an Athenian enmpire and introduced the citizenship laws and helped to fund building programs in Athens. Was thought to lead the people and not be led by them. He’s vital for he helped Athens expand the DelL which allowed them to cement their enpire and also firthered their demoracy by interducing jorror pay.
The lover and mother of Pericles son. She was a notable thinkiner and was know to converse with Socrates. She could’ve have indirectly lead to the Athenian lineage laws and the charges against Pericles
Spartan King who’s known for his responce to the helot revolt. He reached the agrenment with Pericles for the 30yr peace thus ending the 1xt PElW. He tried to pursuade the PelL from going to war with Athens (PelW).
Was an Athenian politician and general. Was a populist and advocated for the strong Athenian navy. He commanded the fellet at Salamis (Persian WAr). He ordered Athens to be re-fortified which made Sparta not like him and his aragence got him ostracized.
Was a philosopher of who no writing remain. He avoided active politis in Athens and taught people through his diolouge. He didn’t charge fot his and was eventually charged with impiety and corrupting the youth and sentanced to death.
A fake man who dounded the Hippocratic Corpus. This treated medicine as a science and less of a philosophy . Therores of disease, withical considerations and case hisoteys. He’s important role his role in reforming medicine.
Athenian General who shared command during Samian War. Took part in siege of Potideia
established base at Naupactus to blockade Corinth
An Athenian General and a famous demogouge. He is notable for him miliraty prowess and for his wanting to kill all the Mitilenes. He was oposed to the Spartan peace. Je increased jorry pay and is known for popilar vulgar style of speaking.
Known as the drove, was an Athenian general who is known for his passion for peace. Signed the peace of Nicias and went of the Sicilian expedition/
Agis II
King of Sparta. More aggressive in invasions of Attica than Archidamus becomes more prominent after Battle of Mantinea (restoration of Spartan authority on Peloponnese)
In charge of force at fort at Decelea and takes charge of Peloponnesian forces on Greek mainland
Athenian General. Occupied Pylos and won at Spacteria. Sent on the Scilian expedition. One of the sighers of the Peace of Nicias.
Brasidas (?-422 BCE)
Spartan Military commander. He acted at Pylos and prevents Athenians from taking Megara as he heads to northern Greece
Perdiccas II
Macedonian King who was an ally of Athenians until foundation of Amphipolis. He encouraged revolts of Potidaea and cities of Chalkidike and attempted alliance with Brasidas and Spartans
later alliance with Athenians.
Alcibiades (451-403 BCE)
Athenian general. Most notable figure. Sicilian Expedition, worked with Spartans to cause revolts and Decclea, worked with Pharnabus to defund Spartans.
Syracusan general who proposed colatition that would include non sicilian cities in an alliance against Athens. Part of the battle of Cyzicus where Sparta lost badley.
Spartan Comander who was sent to run the Sicilan expeiditon.
New Athenian comander at Syracuse who died real quick
Persian satrap of Sardis authority in areas next to Greek territory instructed by King Darius II to collect tribute from Greek cities. Became involed with Sparta through Alcibiades. Was executed.
Persian satrap of Sardis authority in areas next to Greek territory instructed by King Darius II to collect tribute from Greek cities. Became involed with Sparta
An Athenian sent to Athens to support oligarchy.
Athenian general who was part od the democratic resistance at Samos. He was killed after the Battle of Arginuse when he failed in his job to pick up the dead.
An Athenian general and democratic leader rose to prominace for his democratic rististance at Samos. As general, he was responsible for recalling the controversial nobleman Alcibiades from exile, and the two worked together extensively over the next several years.
Athenian who seems were anti-athenian and democratic. Wrote the remander of the Pel W
Was an Atheian genera one of the replacments sent after Alcibiades after the Samos disaster. He was defeated at Aegospotami.
Leader of the Pel fleet. Commanded the Spartan fleet in the Hellespont which defeated the Athenians at Aegospotami. He was at the battle of Notium. Lysander put the 30 tyrants in at Athens. Died at the battle of Haliartus.
Proposed to recal Alcibiades. Was part of the 30 and was apponted to appoint 10 men to control Piraeus and abolish heliai. Begam murdering oppenents. Killed Theramenes. Critias was killed in a battle near Piraeus, the port of Athens, between a band of pro-democracy Athenian exiles led by Thrasybulus and members and supporters of the Thirty, aided by the Spartan garrison
Moderate oligarch, he often found himself caught between the democrats on the one hand and the extremist oligarchs on the other. Successful in replacing a narrow oligarchy with a broader one in 411 BC, he failed to achieve the same end in 404 BC, and was executed by the extremists whose policies he had opposed.
Cyrus II
Perian prince. Met Lysander in Asia minor and they wanted to help wach other so Cyrus cames all his disposal to Lysamder and his revinues from the Asia minor. Had force against bro but died.
Agesilaus II (ca. 445-359 BCE)
Unlikley Spartan King. Went to Asia to liberate greeks with Lysander. Was part of the Corinthian Wars. Invaded Beotia twice and aided the Satrap revoltuion.
Epaminondas and Pelopidas
Theban general he broke Spartan military power with his victory at Leuctra and liberated the Messenian helots. Epaminondas reshaped the political map of Greece, fragmented old alliances, created new ones, and supervised the construction of entire cities. Pelopidas: exiled by pro-Spartan oligarchy, key to liberation of Thebes in 379, then elected Boetarch 13 times
later interested in Thessaly
Mausolus of Halicarnassus
Ruler of Caria. Famous for construction of Mausoleum revolted from Persians. Key to Social War (supplying ships, establishing oligarchies in revolted cities)
Phillip II (382-336 BCE)
King of Macedonia. Reformed the army so trained the poor too from young age. Macedonian Phallax, Battle of Chaeronea. Leauge of Corinth.
Demosthenes (384-322 BCE)
Most famous logographer/rhetor in Classical Athens. gave many public speeches on Athens’ relations with other Greek poleis. First Philippic proposes that Athenians continue war over Amphipolis. Tries to get other polis to not ally with Phillip. given command of forces in Hellespont; proposes alliance with Thebes.