Questions to Ask: Market Flashcards
To analyze critical market features
- Market size, growth rate, trends: a
Ask for 3 years of data
- Market size, growth rate, trends: b
How is the industry doing overall?
- Market size, growth rate, trends: c
Where is it in its life cycle (emerging, maturing, declining)?
- Industry Drivers: a
Is it brand, price, content, size?
- Industry Drivers: b
Economics, technology, geopolitical events?
- Industry Drivers: c
Bargaining power of suppliers or buyers, distribution channels?
- Customer Segmentations: a
How is the industry segmented?
- Customer Segmentations: b
Which segments will the company go after?
- Customer Segmentations: c
How big are the segments?
- Industry changes: a
New players, mergers, acquisitions, new tech, regulation changes?
- Distribution Channels: a
What are the major distribution channels?
- Major Players and Market Share: a
Who are the major players?
- Major Players and Market Share: b
How much market share do they have?
- Major Players and Market Share: c
Is the market fragmented or dominated by one or two major players?
- Product Differentiation: a
How do the major competitors above differentiate their product?
- Product Differentiation: b
How does product differentiation match up with market share?
- Barriers to Entry: a
Access to capitol, distribution channels, raw materials, human talent
- Barriers to Entry: b
Government regulations, customer loyalty, sticky features, market domination
- Barriers to Exit: a
Massive investment with non-transferrable fixed assets, contract requirements with suppliers
- Barriers to Exit: b
Government requirements, costs to leave > staying and competing