Questions that seemed important from all the packets we've ever submitted Flashcards
In addition to the prefrontal cortex, the caudate nucleus may have ______ activation in people with ADHD
What effects can methylphenidate have on appetite and sleep?
Decrease appetite, Decrease sleep
The _________ helps to regulate responses to situations that trigger fear or aggressive impulses from the amygdala.
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
What kind of early experience may have long-term influences on 5-HIAA in monkeys?
Early abuse by neglectful mothers
Thus, there was a 3-way interaction: alcohol, status (dominant or subordinate), and testosterone.
Alcohol increased aggression but only when testosterone is high and it increases it more the higher the level of dominance.
How does activation of the HPA axis influence GnRH?
Inhibits GnRH access
Thus, how can stress decrease fertility?
Stress can decrease fertility through the inhibition of the GnRH access which would lead to a reduction in fertility hormones.
If monkeys (or people) are given CRH (i.e., CRH challenge), glucocorticoid output should
Dexamethasone is a drug that is a synthetic form of
In a dexamethasone suppression test, how would CRH change in response to dexamethasone if the HPA axis is NOT dysregulated?
CRH would decrease
In response to fear, the sympathetic nervous system may be activated.
What change in heart rate would you expect?
What hormone would be secreted from the adrenal medulla?
The amygdala is involved in
both innate and learned fears
The amygdala is involved in
both innate and learned fears
Cortico-striatal-thalamo-cortical circuits (CSTC) seem to be involved in OCD and Tourette’s Syndrome. These loops connect the orbitofrontal cortex and the striatum, which is part of the
basal ganglia
The striatum includes the
caudate nucleus.
Would you expect the benefit of clomipramine or an SSRI to be immediate?
Anxiety disorders involve _______ of the fear network (including the amygdala) and __________ of the prefrontal cortex (PFC).
D-cycloserine is an indirect agonist for
NMDA receptors
Psilocybin is an agonist for the ____ receptor.
Another name for the cell body of a neuron
What ions are more concentrated outside of the neuron than inside?
sodium and chloride
If there is hyperpolarization, it is an
If there is depolarization, it is an
opening of sodium channels (sodium ions enter) on dendrites would lead to what
(sodium ions enter)
opening chloride channels on dendrites would lead to
chloride ions enter
Opening potassium channels on dendrites would lead to
potassium ions exit
The neurotransmitter GABA opens Cl- channels. Therefore, it produces
Its autoreceptors are alpha2.
Nicotinic and muscarinic receptors respond to
Beta receptors respond to
Many different types of receptors respond to serotonin.
For example, the _____ receptor contributes to nausea and vomiting.
drug blocks autoreceptors would be agonist or antagonist?
drug blocks the post-synaptic receptors would be an agonist or antagonist
The more common type of Ach receptor in the central nervous system is
Where are the cell bodies of most serotonergic neurons?
Ralphe Nuclei
Where are the cell bodies of the dopaminergic neurons that send their axons to the basal ganglia? (i.e., the ones that deteriorate in Parkinson’s disease) (LO 4.12, Fig. 4.14) In the figure, instead of saying “basal ganglia” two of the parts (caudate nucleus and putamen) are indicated.
this is also known as the ____ dopamine system
Substania nigra
Where are the cell bodies of the dopaminergic neurons that send axons to the nucleus accumbens and limbic system?
This is also known as the ______ dopamine system.
Ventral tegmental
Where are the cell bodies of the dopaminergic neurons that send axons to the prefrontal cortex?
This is the _________ dopamine system
Ventral tegmental
Where are the cell bodies of the noradrenergic neurons?
Locus coeruleus- midbrain
Where are the cell bodies of histaminergic neurons?
Posterior hypothalamus
Cell bodies in the nucleus basalis send axons that release ______ to widespread areas of the cerebral cortex.
The two parts of the autonomic nervous system are:
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic.
For each of the following, choose sympathetic (S) or parasympathetic (P): a. Directly produces the “flight or flight” response S b. Facilitates digestion. P c. Produces goosebumps S d. Speeds heartbeat S e. Stimulates salivation P f. Reduces mucus secretion from nose S g. Dilates pupils S h. Relaxes bladder P i. Stimulates sexual arousal P j. Dilates bronchi (lungs) S k. Stimulates secretions from adrenal medulla S
Just study the list on the front of the card
The sympathetic nervous system controls the adrenal ________ which secretes
epinephrine and Norepinephrine
In the sympathetic nervous system, target organs (except for sweat glands and goosebumps) are activated by
In the parasympathetic nervous system, the terminals secrete
The receptors in the parasympathetic nervous system are
The receptors that respond to norepinephrine and epinephrine include post-synaptic beta receptors. Beta agonists produce bronchial
Beta agonists __________ heart rate
Explain why a drug that is a beta blocker would be expected to reduce heart rate.
A beta blocker would block or reduce the effects of epinephrine, since epinephrine increases heart rate, reducing it would decrease heart rate.
The _______________ nervous system inhibits salivation, nasal secretions, and digestion.
In the parasympathetic system, ________ receptors are important
The dentate gyrus is part of the
List factors that suppress neurogenesis and/or neuron survival.
Stress Social Isolation Depression Sleep deprivation Maternal suppression
The lateral geniculate is part of the
The primary somatosensory cortex is in the
Parietal lobe.
Three opioid receptors are
All may have roles in pain perception and relief, although the most important seems to be
mu, delta, and kappa
Which of the following are negatively correlated with pain
estrogen testosterone progesterone
estrogen testosterone progesterone
Which of the following are characteristic of REM sleep?
a. Slow waves
b. Lack of muscle tone
c. Eye movements
b. Lack of muscle tone
c. Eye movements
What is the name for an external cue that influences the endogenous circadian rhythm?
Name several.
Food intake
Activity level
Where are the cell bodies of the neurons that secrete orexin?
Lateral hypothalamic area
What other neurotransmitters are, in turn, influenced by orexin?
Ach, NE, 5-HT, Histamine
Which of the following neurotransmitters are high during waking but low or decreasing during SWS.
orexin acetylcholine NE 5HT histamine
orexin acetylcholine NE 5HT histamine
Which neurotransmitter is low during SWS but high during REM?
Which neurotransmitters must be even lower than at the onset of SWS for REM to begin?
5-HT, NE
Ach, 5HT, NE, and H neurons receive inhibitory input from hypothalamic ventrolateral preoptic area (vlPOA) sleep neurons that secrete the neurotransmitter
What effect does suvorexant have on histamine and NE?
.) suvorexant decreases histamine and NE
Which of the following are associated more with slow-wave sleep than with REM?
a. bedwetting
b. sleepwalking
c. night terrors (i.e., sleep terrors)
a. bedwetting
b. sleepwalking
c. night terrors (i.e., sleep terrors)
Pitolisant is an H3 antagonist. Explain why it makes sense that it can increase wakefulness.
H3 is a histamine auto receptor, meaning if it is inmpaired, it will increase histamine in the system
The NAC is in the _____ striatum
Most substances that produce addiction seem to be addictive at least partially because of release of dopamine in the nucleus
The dopaminergic cell bodies are in the
This system is called the _____ dopamine system
Ventral tegmental area.
Give evidence linking orexin to substance abuse.
Orexin plays a role in the reinforcing effects of drugs. By blocking these receptors we can get rid of the craving for drugs and by stimulating them we can induce it.
Where in the brain are the glucose detectors?
Low glucose contributes to
In an emergency, when there is no time to eat, does the pancreas provide insulin or glucagon?
The pancreas provides glucagon
Another important part of the hypothalamus is the _______, the location of most cell bodies for neurons that secrete neuropeptide Y (NPY).
arcuate nucleus
What other orexigenic substance is released along with NPY?
In contrast, what effect do CART and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone have on MCH and orexin?
Decrease them
PYY is released by the small intestine, in response to
food intake
Leptin, released by fat cells, decreases release of ________ from the arcuate nucleus and increases release of _______
CART and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone.
What serotonin receptor may be particularly important for suppressing appetite?
5-ht2c receptor
Amphetamines and other drugs that resemble them (e.g., phentermine)_________ appetite. One mechanism may be the increase in CART.
Liraglutide, FDA-approved in 2014, and semaglutide, approved in 2021, for weight reduction, are agonists for