Questions/High-yield Flashcards
Causes of Oxy-Hb right shift
Inc H+ (dec pH)
Inc CO2
Inc temp
Inc 2,3 -DPG
Abn Hb (sickle cell)
Dec PaO2
Inhaled anesthetics
Stopping smoking (dec carboxyHb)
This leads to Hb higher affinity at peripheral tissues = inc unloading of O2
Causes of Oxy-Hb left shift
Dec H+ (inc pH)
Dec CO2
Dec 2,3-DPB
Dec temp
Carboxy, meth, sulfHb
High altitude
Best predictor of post-op mortality after thoracotomy
VO2-Max <12-15ml/kg/min
This = >2 flights of stairs
Other predictors:
ppoDLCO <40%
<20% = unacceptable risk
O2 cylinder psi and volume
2000psi = 660L
N2O cylinder psi and volume
750psi = 1590L
75% exhausted = 400L
Best Mapleson for spontaneous ventilation
Best Mapleson for controlled ventilation
Safest bellow design
Ascends in expiration
Bellow collapse w/ disconnect
EKG lead that detects most ischemia
V5 = 75%
II + V5 = 90%
Correct BP cuff size
Width = 40-50% arm circumference
Causes of falsely high BP
Cuff too small
Loose cuff
Extremity below heart
Causes of a-line over dampening
1 = Air
Clot, stopcocks, vasospasm, large catheter size, long, narrow or compliant tubing
Myasthenia & NMBDs
MORE sensitive to ND-NMBDs
Resistance to SUX
MORE sensitive to BOTH
Causes of prolonged SUX blockade
- Dec cholinesterase production
- cyclophosphamide, severe chronic liver dz, pregnancy, malnutrition, hypothyroidism - Anti-cholinesterase drug
- echtiophate, neostigmine (phase 1) - Dec pseudocholinesterase - huntington dz
- CCBs
Enhancers of ND-NMBDs
Volatiles (Des the most)
Aminoglycosides (gent), Clinda, polymyxins, Pen V/G
Acidosis, hypoCa, hypothermia, hypoK
Burn patients & NMBDs
Inc sens to SUX
Dec sens to ND-NMBDs
Stroke & NMBDs
Resistance to BOTH on hemiplegic side
Resistance to ND-NMBDs
Normal response to Sux - NO risk of hyperK
Inc sens to both
LAs most likely to cause allergic reaction
Esters –> PABA
Prilocaine & Benzocaine
LA potency
lipid solubility
LA onset
pKa (low = fast)
Acidic tissue = slower onset
LA duration
Protein binding (high = long)
LA systemic absoprtion
IV > tracheal > intercostal > caudal > paracervical > epidural > brachial plexus > sciatic > subq
Opioid receptor responsible for resp depression, constipation
Turbulent flow proportional to?
Laminar flow proportional to?
Spinal + bradycardia, hypotension, dysphagia, dysphoria, dyspnea, LOC
Total spinal
- intubate + volume + epi
Highest MAC age
High altitude effect on Desflurane administration
Need higher dial %
lower partial pressure for given dial %
Gas metabolized the most and highest Flouride levels
Things that dec Ach release
Antibiotics (clinda, polymyxin)
Magnesium (antagonizes Ca)
Botulinum toxin
1 allergic reaction
What % of receptors are blocked with 1/4 TOF, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4?
1/4 = >90%
2/4 = 85%
3/4 = 75%
How many receptors are blocked with sustained head lift?
50% or less
Reliable recovery = sustained head lift/handgrip, tongue depressor test
Max insp pressure >40-50cmH2O
SE of cholinesterase inhibitors
Unopposed cardiac muscarinic –> brady or asystole
Bronchospasm, secretions, intestinal spasm, inc bladder tone, miosis
SLUDGE-Mi = salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, GI upset, emesis, miosis
CYP2C9 metabolism drugs
CYP3A4 metabolism drugs
Most anesthetics
HIV Protease inhibitors —> inhibit CYP3A4 for several days after stopping —> higher [benzo] and [opioids]
St. John’s Wort inducer = Inc metabolism of alfentanil, midazlolam, lidocaine, OCPs, NSAIDs, ARVs
CYP2D6 metabolism drugs
Codeine, beta-blockers, dilt, tramadol
poor analgesia w/ codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone
Rapid metabolizers —> overdose
SSRIs inhibit and slow conversion of hydrocodone = need higher doses
Mechanism and SE of HCTZ
Blocks Na/Cl channel in DCT
SE = hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperCa, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
Effect of hetastarch on coagulation
Tx dystonic reactions
Anticholinergics (diphenhydramine, benztropine)
Causes of dec CBF
1 = hypothermia
Dec PaCO2
Dec MAP <50
Type 1 error
incorrectly accepting the alternate hypothesis
Supine positioning on FRC and CC
No change in CC
Coronary artery blockage –> complete heart block
Volatile metabolized the most
Sevo»_space; Iso»_space; Des
Sudden PAINLESS vision loss
Ischemic optic neuropathy
Risk factors for ischemic optic neuropathy
large blood loss
prone position
large crystalloid resusitation
DM, smokers
In what case are anterior ischemic optic neuropathy more likely vs. posterior?
Anterior = anterior cardiac surgery
Posterior = prone spine surgery
OLV/endobronchial intubation affect on induction speed
SLOW Des the most
Effect of CO on induction speed
Afffects ISO the most
- inc CO = slows induction
Effect of ventilation on induction speed
Affects ISO the most (soluble agents)
- Inc ventilation = speed induction
Effect of intrapulmonary shunt on induction speed
Affects Des the most = SLOWS induction
Effect of R –> L intracardiac shunt on IV and inhaled induction speed
Slows inhaled induction
Speeds IV induction
Portion of heart supplied by RCA
Inferior and inferoseptal LV
Tx for prolonged R time on TEG
long time to clot formation = low on clotting factors or on heparin, warfarin
Tx prolonged K time on TEG
Landmark for stellate ganglion block
TP of C6 (at level of cricoid)
Best indicator of successful block = temperature change
Risk factors and procedures where IE ppx is indicated
Prosthetic valve
Prior IR
Unrepaired congenital heart defect or repaired in 1st 6 mo
Heart transplant + valve disease
Dental extractions
T&A, bronch
Skin or mucosal tissue procedures
Mech of nalbuphine
Antagonist at mu
Agonist at kappa
Ceiling effect on resp depression
Dx pre-renal AKI
UOsm >500
UNa <10
FENa <1%
BUN:Cr >20
Formula for Standard Error
SE = SD / square root of N
Formula for arterial O2 content (CaO2)
(Hbg x 1.36 x SaO2) + (0.003 x PaO2)
Effect of cholinesterase inhibitors on SUX
Prolonged phase 1 block
Hyperparathyroidism & NMBDs
dec dose and titrate up d/t unpredictable response from muscle weakness and hyperCa
Which H2 blocker does NOT dec gastric volume?
Onset ~1hr
Mech of buprenorphine
Mu partial agonist
Kappa antagonist (opposite nalbuphine)
25-40x potency of morphine
Ceiling effect on resp depression
Only mild withdrawl symptoms
EKG abnormality seen with hypoCa
Prolonged QT
Mechanism of glucagon
inc cAMP –> + ionotropic and chronotropic
- resembles epi, norepi and isoproterenol
Inc glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Contraindicated in Pheo = severe HTN and hyperglycemia
Relaxes sphincter or oddi
FFP contains which factors?
VIII (unstable, resembles vWF)
Highest citrate toxicity
NMBDs metabolized to laudanosine
Atracurium - higher levels, histamine release
0 order elimination
- Elimination is constant/linear
- Enzymes are saturated/at capacity
- THE-PAW: Theophylline, heparin, ethanol, phenytoin, aspirin, warfarin
Order of nerve fiber blockade w/ epidural
B-fibers (most sensitive) —> A-fibers —> C-fibers (most resistant)
Blocks sympathetic 1st —> pain, temp, touch —> proprioception —> motor last
PaO2 and Oxy-Hb curve with Meth-Hb
Normal PaO2
LEFT shift O2-Hb curve
Benzo that undergoes glucuronidation (not hepatic oxidation)
Also has greatest receptor affinity
Vasopressor metabolized partially in the lungs
Drugs that inc cGMP
Nitro & NO
Signs of CN toxicity and treatment
metabolic acidosis, inc MvO2
Tx = 100% O2 and Bicarb
Level of sedation with purposeful response to verbal or tactile stimuli
Moderate sedation
Level of sedation with purposeful response to repeated or painful stimuli
Deep sedation
What explains the relationship between CO2 dissociation and oxy-Hb?
Haldane effect
CO2 dissociation shifts right when [HbO2] increases
Inc ability for Hb to deliver CO2 in veins
What explains the relationship H+ and oxy-Hb dissociation?
Bohr effect
Acidosis shifts curve right = less O2-Hb attraction and ability to transport MORE CO2 to lungs
Mechanism of botulism
Inhibits intracellular fusion of Ach vesicles
Pathway for the oculocardiac reflex
Trigeminal –> vagus
How much fibrinogen is in each unit of Cryo?
What factors are in Cryo?
What are indications for using Cryo
Hemophilia A (VIII deficiency)
Low fibrinogen
does NOT need to ABO screened
Max FiO2 in nasal cannula
4% above room air (21%) for every L = max 44% at 6L
FiO2 dec as MV increases
Max FiO2:
Simple facemask
Partial rebreather
Simple = 35-50%
NRB = 60-90%
PRB = 40-70%
things that inc MvO2
Inc delivery
- Inc CO, inc Hb-saturation, inc amt of Hb
Cirrhosis and sepsis (high CO)
Dobutamine (in CO)
CO, CN, methHb (less O2 transferred to tissues)
L –> R cardiac shunt
Describe the Haldane effect
Deoxygenated blood = inc CO2 carrying capacity
Things that dec FRC
Females, dec height, upright –> supine = greatest decrease or T-berg >30 degrees
Things that INC closing capacity
LV failure
Inc peak and plateau pressure problem
compliance problem
CO2 insufflation, PTX, ARDS, pulm edema, auto-peep, asynchronous w/ vent
Inc peak and normal plateau pressure problem
Airway resistance problem
Kinked ETT, aspiration, bronchospasm, mucous plug
Tx = suction airway + bronchodilator
What factors improve hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction?
- Inc Insp O2 —> worsened V/Q mismatch —> hypercapnia in COPD patients
- Correct acidosis
- Inhaled NO
- HypOcapnia
Dx of obesity hypoventilation syndrome
- Respiratory acidosis + compensated metabolic alkalosis (HCO3 30 +/- 4), and hypoxemia
- 7.37/58/53/32 - BMI >30
- Awake hyperCO2 (PaCO2 >45)
- No other cause for chronic hypoventilation
- Abnormal sleep study w/ hypoventilation w/ nocturnal hyperCO2 w or w/o OSA or hypopnea events
- Usually Males, 50-70, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, headaches, DOW, hypersomnolence
Causes of anion-gap metabolic acidosis
- Lactic acidosis
- Ketoacidosis
- Renal failure
- Toxins - aspirin, ethylene glycol, methanol
MUDPILES: Methanol; uremia; diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA); paraldehyde, phenformin; iron, isoniazid; lactic (ie, carbon monoxide [CO], cyanide); ethylene glycol; salicylates
Causes of NON-anion-gap metabolic acidosis
- Expansion - rapid saline infusion
- GI HCO3- loss (diarrhea)
- Drugs —> hyperK
What happens when you put Iso into a vaporizer for Sevo?
Higher vapor pressure gas = higher concentration delivered
What happens when one-way valves are stuck open?
Rebreathing, hypercapnia
What happens when expiratory limb valves are stuck open?
Breath stacking and barotrauma
CO2 absorbent with greatest CO production
How much Des will be delivered with a Des vaporizer at higher altitude?
Lower concentration = dial in higher amount
What is Boyle’s Law?
P1V1 = P2V2
“Water Boyle’s at a constant temp and Prince Charles is under constant pressure”
What is Charles’ Law?
Volume of a mass of gas = temp at constant pressure
V1/T1 = V2/T2
“Water Boyle’s at a constant temp and Prince Charles is under constant pressure”
PT tests what factor(s)?
factors I (Fibrinogen), II (Prothrombin), V, VII and X
PTT tests what factor(s)?
intrinsic system (factors VIII, IX, XI, and XII) and the common pathways (factors V and X, prothrombin, and fibrinogen).
Name the direct thrombin inhibitors
- Hirudin
- Argatroban
- Dabigatran (Pradaxa)
- Lepirudin
- Bivalrudin
Name the ADP receptor antagonists
Ticlopidine (longest duration), clopidogrel, ticagelor, plasugrel
Name the GP-IIb/IIIa inhibitors
Tirofiban, abciximab, eptifibatide
Tx vWD
Factor VIII
Febrile NON-hemolytic reaction
Host antibodies bind to donor leukocytes
Hemolytic transfusion reaction labs
+ direct antiglobulin test (Coombs)
Inc bilirubin, inc LDH
Dec Haptoglobin (binds Hb)
How to reduce TRALI risk
<14d old
No female donors
Apheresis platelets
?Cause - transfused antibodies to recipients leukocytes
Most often with FFP and platelets
Calculate allowable blood loss
EBV x (Hct starting - Hct lowest acceptable)/ Hct starting
EBV 65ml/kg