Quantum Mechanics: Essentials Flashcards
Photon energy

Photon momentum

“Braking radiation”. Electromagnetic radiation produced by the deceleration of one charged particle by another charged particle.
Compton scattering

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Spectrum of a gas
The spectrum of a gas is discrete, and is called an emission line spectrum. Each line is a spectral line. A heated gas selectively emits photons, while a cold gas selectively absorbs. The emission and absorption spectrum are the same.
Principal quantum number
n - the energy level
de Broglie wavelength

Perfect black body
All frequencies are radiated and all frequencies are absorbed
Quantum harmonic oscillator energy levels

Expectation value

Energy operator

Momentum operator

Infinite Square Well Energy Levels

Definition of Hermitian operator

Canonical commutation relation

Generalized uncertainty principle

Relationships which assist in calculation of commutators

Commutation of angular momentum operators