Misc. and a Sense of Scale Flashcards
Density of water

Density of air at STP

Speed of light

Speed of sound

Wavelength of visible light

Temperature at the surface of the sun

Specific heat of water

H2 bond length

Proton Radius

Chemical bond energy

Nuclear binding energy

Room temperature particle energy

Visible photon energy

Pressure at sea level

Radius of the observable universe

Temperature of the cosmic microwave background

Wavelength of the cosmic microwave background

Higgs boson mass

Sine double angle

Cosine double angle

Sine half angle

Cosine half angle

Sine Cosine Eqivalence

Spherical to Cartesian

Cylindrical to Cartesian

Spherical Jacobian

Cylindrical Jacobian

Cosine product to sum

Sine product to sum

Law of cosines

An arcminute is 1/60 of a degree. It is approximately 3E-4 radians
Binomial expansion
For small values of y,

Geometric expansion

Logarithmic expansion

1 liter