Electromagnetism: Intermediate Flashcards
Equivalent capacitance for capacitors in series and in parallel
Capacitors directly sum in parallel
Energy stored in a capacitor

Dielectric constant

Ohm’s Law

Definition of resistance

Power dissipated by a resistor

Resistors in series and parallel
Series: add
Parallel: add inverses
Voltage across a resistor

RC Time Constant

Meissner Effect
As a superconductors transitions to its superconducting state, it expels magnetic field. That is, the magnetic field lines bend around it, drastically reducing flux.
Inductor differential equation

Energy stored in an inductor

Magnetic field energy density in vacuum

Time constant for R-L circuits

For inductors and capacitors, does inductance lead or lag voltage?
Inductor: voltage leads current
Capacitor: voltage lags current
“ELI the ICE man”
Power through an arbitrary circuit element

Conditions for circuit resonance in an RLC circuit

Speed of light in vacuum (variable expression)

Relationship between the electric field and the magnetic field at a given time and location in an electromagnetic wave
The two fields are in phase, differ in magnitude by a constant multiple of c, and are orthogonal, with the direction of propogation given by the Poynting vector.
Poynting Vector

Poisson’s equation

Plane charge field and line charge field

Electrostatic boundary conditions

In what direction does the electric field point just outside a conductor?
Perpendicular to the surface of the conductor.
Expression for electrical energy not using the field

Magnetostatic boundary conditions

Cyclotron radius and frequency

Electric and magnetic dipole radiation

Magnetic field of a straight wire

Magnetic field of a plate

Magnetic field of a solenoid

Magnetic field of a toroid

Faraday’s law (circuit form)

Mutual inductance

Definition of (self) inductance

(Self) inductance of a solenoid

Radiation of an accelerating point charge (Larmor formula)

Definition of intensity of electromagnetic radiation

Bound charges

Bound current

Definitions of auxiliary fields

Form of auxiliary fields in linear media

Magnetic relative permeability and susceptibility

Electrical permittivity