Quantitative pharmacokinetics part 1 Flashcards
What is volume distribution?
The volume of plasma that would be required to contain the drug dose at the concentration measured in plasma.
Volume distribution can be greater than total volume of a human due to tissue binding. TRUE OR FALSE?
From desired C and knowing VD we can estimate the required dose. TRUE OR FALSE?
What is clearance?
volume of plasma cleared of drug per unit time
What is clearance used to estimate?
Used to estimate rate of elimination of the drug
What is the equation for rate of elimination?
Rate of elimination = Cl x C
What is the equation for calculating dose?
Dose = Cl x AUC∞
By measuring AUC∞ we can calculate Cl. TRUE OR FALSE?
How can clearance be measured?
By measuring the area under the curve
What is half life?
The time required for elimination of half of the absorbed drug
What is a first order process?
The Rate is proportional to one variable/ rate is dependent on drug
What is a zero order process?
It depends on zero variables/ Rate is constant and doesn’t change with [Drug]
What is extraction ratio?
Is the fraction of drug entering a tissue that is eliminated
What does C0 mean?
concentration of drug in plasma at t=0 (immediately after administration)
What is the equation fro exponential decay?
What does K mean in the exponential decay equation?
elimination rate constant, fraction of drug eliminated per minute
What is the equation for calculating half life?
kt½ = ln 2
If know k, can calculate t½. TRUE OR FALSE?
If you know Vd you can calculate the dose for any give n concentration. TRUE OR FALSE? and provide equation for this
VD = Dose/C0