CVS 2 Flashcards
ischemic heart disease is split into chronic arterial disease and acute coronary syndromes. TRUE OR FALSE?
what does chronic alterial disease have?
- stable agina
hwat does acute coronary syndrome have?
- Unstabel agina
- Non ST elevated myocardial infraction
- ST elevated myocradial infratcion
what is iscehmic heart disease?
- heart disease caused by reduced blood flow to the heart region
The resulting symptoms of Ischemic heart disease is Angina. TRUE OR FALSE?
what occurs in stable agina?
- The vessel is partly blocked
- Pain and breathleness
- Pain goes away after resting
- No cardiac cell death
what occurs in unstable angina?
- plaque ruptures causing platelets to aggregate which leads to further blockage
- Pain usually does nto go away affter rest
- No cardiac cell death
What occurs in the two types of myocardial infarction
Non ST elevelated myocardial infacrtion
- vessels are blocked but not compeletly - there is still some blood flow
- You a small area of tissue death
ST elevated myocardial infacrtion
- Compeleteblockage of vessel
- leads to large area tissue death
What are the treatment goals for stable angina?
- Improve coronary blood flow
- decrease cardiac oxygen demande
What is the treatment goals for unstable angina and NSTEMI?
- Prevent futher formation of thrombus
- Porvide symptom relief
what are the treatment goals for STEMI?
- re-establish perfusion
- Symptom relief
what are the treatment options for stable angina?
- Organic nitrates
how do organic nitrates help improve symptms of angina?
- Organic nitrates produce - NO
- This causes arterial dilation
- Venous dilation - which is the main therapeutic effect
- The effects of these improves blood flow to the heart
NO causes vascular smooth muscle relaxation - this is how it reliefs symptoms of angina. TRUE OR FALSE?
Provide an example of nitrate drug used for treatmenr of stable angina?
- Glycerol trinitrate - prefered choice/ fast onset of action t1/2 5min
- can be given buccal (given in emergencies), sublingual and transdermal patch
Isosorbide mononitrate has slow onset of action (low first pass metabolism) . true or false?
Isosorbide dinitrate has fast first pass metabolism. TRUE OR FALSE?
Nitrates increase heparin. TREU OR FALSE?
What are the ADRs for nitrates?
- Hypotension
- diziness flushing
what are the drug interactions with nitrates?
- PDE inhbitors
- Diuretics - hypotensive effects
B adrenergic antangonists reduce myocardial oxygen demand. TRUE OR FALSE?
B2 partial agonists and a1 antagonists cause vasodilation. TRUE OR FALSE?
Give a drug name for B adrenergic antagonist?
- Propanolol B1 and B2 non-selective
atelnolol and metorprolol are B1 selective antangonist. TRUE OR FALSE?
Propanolol is a B1 and B2 non selective. TRUE OR FALSE?
B adrenergic antagonists are indicated for prophylatic treatment of angina which reduces cardiac workleoad. TRUE OR FALSE?
why is pindolol useful? -
It inhibits tachycardia while minimizing bradycardia
pindolol is a B1 partial agonists. TRUE OR FALSE?
what are some ADRs for B adrnergic antagonists? -
- bronchoconstriction especially in asthma
- Bradycardia
- erectile dysfunction
- Sleep disturbance
Some B adrenergic antagonists can mask signs of hypoglycemia and should be used in caution with patients with diabetes. TRUE OR FALSE?
What are some drug interaction of B adreneragic antagonists?
- not to be used with verapamil
what are ca2+ channle blockers used for?
For prophylactic frequent angina attacks
what are the vascular effects that Dihydro - pyridines has?
- Lowers workload
- Arterial dilation
- lowers O2 demand
what effects does varepamil have?
- Lowers work load and O2 demands
Verapamil has cardiac and vascular effects, while Dihydro-pyridine only has vascular effects. TRUE OR FALSE?
Calcium channel blockers have their effects mostly on ateries whilst Nitrates have their effects on veins. TRUE OR FLASE?
Ca2+ channel blockers reduce the rate and contractility of the heart. TRUE OR FALSE?
Inhibition of cardiac myocyte contraction leads to reduced workload and less O2 demand. TRUE OR FALSE?
Ca2+ channel blockers - block action potential at AV node which reduces contractility further, thus reducing workload. TRUE OR FALSE?
Provide an example of a dihydropyriidines ca2+ channle blocker?
-Amlodipine - lonh half life 30-60hr
Short acting dihydropyridines have increased risk of M.I and hence increased O2 demands. TRUE OR FALSE?
Grape fruit juice should be avoided with Dihydropyridines as there are several potential interactions with CYt P450 dependent drugs. TRUE OR FALSE?
Diltiazem is indicated for hypertension and prophylactic angina. TRUE OR FALSE?
What is verapamil indicated for?
- Supraventricular tachycardia
Verapamil is not first choice but can also be used to treat prophylactic angina and hypertension. TRUE OR FALSE?
What are the ADRs for verapamil?
- Bradycardia
- Hypotention
The Drug interactions of Verapamil are the same as Diltiazem, but verapamil has intrecations with grape fruit juice. TRUE OR FALSE?
K+ channel openers are indicated for treatment of angina. TRUE OR FALSE?
K+ channel openers are also NO donors - they are used when nitrates become a problem. TRUE OR FALSE?
What are the contraindications, interations and ADRs for K+ channel openers?
- reflex tachycardia
- Flushing, headaches
- cariogenic shock
- Sildenafil
What are the 4 typesof treatment options for stable angina?
- Nitrates
- B adrenergic antangonists
- Ca2+ channel blockers
- K+ channel openers
How todo you avoid M.I?
- lifestyle changes
- Apsirin - blood thinner
- Angioplasty
- statins - reduces blood cholesterol
What are the treatment options for unstable angina?
- Inhibit platete aggregating - aspirin, heparin , ca2+ channel blockers
- ACE inhibitors e.g ramipril
- Nitrates to provide symtpom relief
- Cholestrol reduction
- Angioplasty
What is acute myocardial infarction?
- Occlusion of the arteris leading to cardiac tissue death
What treatments can be given for M.I?
- Aspirin - anti-platetel aggreagation
- ACE - inhibitors
- Diuretics
- Thrombolytics - alteplase
- Anti-emetics
- Anti-coagulants - heparin and warfirin