Quality management system Flashcards
What is quality?
a. It is a characteristic of a product to satisfy the customer requirement and to function what it was intended to do consistently as well as meeting the regulatory requirement.
b. Quality is meeting the customer requirements , and legal and regulatory requirements consistently and repeatedly
Ans: Customer requirements are providing
What is customer requirement?
What is Quality Management?
Quality management refers to Managing activities and resources of an organisation to achieve objectives and prevent non-conformances.
What is compliances?
a. The state of an organisation processes and procedures that meets prescribed regulations.
Compliance is what is required from an organization based on local state and federal laws.
What is conformance?
a. An affirmative indication that a product or services has met the requirements of a relevant specification and regulation.
Conformance is what a company commits itself to (formally or informally)
- What is QMS?
QMS aims to improve FAA business processes in order to provide airworthy aircraft safely and efficiently and it is system that documents the structure, roles, accountability, responsibility, processes, procedures to achieve aviation capability.
QMS is system that details overall management activities to document quality policy, objectives and responsibilities and accountabilities to achieve organisational outcome.
DASR- All activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities, and implement them by means such as quality planning, quality controls, quality assurance and quality improvement.
It is a system that documents the structure,
processes, roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and procedures required to achieve Organisational outcome.
QMS helps coordinate and direct a organisation’s activities to meet customer and regulatory requirement, and improve its effectiveness and efficiency on a continuous basis.
a. It is about ensuring airworthiness through assuring that our processes and procedures complies with DASR to provide aviation capability outcome to a level of a risk that can be eliminated SFARP if not possible minimised SFARP as well as providing continuous improvement activity through PDCA.
b. The delivery of a product or services that complies with DASR and ICA as well as continuously improving the system to provide aviation capability to a level of risk that can be eliminated SFARP if not minimised SFARP
- How do we do QMS in FAA?
a. We do it by using plan, do, check, act cycle.
- What is planning?
It is about personnel from QO, FavEng and AWOP identifying what processes lead to quality by creating document that defines a quality goals, resources and procedures.
It is the process of making plans to achieve quality goals.
Planning is about bring the quality standard back to the benchmark by creating a documents that defines a quality goals, resources and procedures.
Planning is about bring the quality standard back to the benchmark by creating a document that defines organisational key issues using risk-based decision by assessing likelihood and serverity,a chart of roles and responsibilities of who is going to manage quality system and how much resources is required and what processes and procedures are we going to use.
a. It is a continuous improvement activity led by unit command, members of unit QO, CAS and HQ-FAA policy sections. Identifying what process lead to quality
b. Planning involves:
i. The objectives and processes of system
ii. Resources required to deliver objectives
iii. Identifications of risks and opportunities
- What is doing?
Doing is about personnel are doing their job iaw Policy and procedures.
It is about conforming to such standards
a. Personnel completing their task by conforming to hierarchy of instructions
- What is checking?
It is to monitor and measure difference in what was observed against what was expected and reporting results
a. It is about monitoring and measuring process, internal audit process and management review process, against policies and objectives respectively. what you need to think about is what data you are going to collect, what data will used to monitor and measuring your process. You also need to understand internal audit program and how you are going to set it what are the process and these are the area we need to focus. who in the management team wil be getting together to look at all of these data and understand all of the element of management system. They will provide priority and corrective action.
It is about what data will be used to assess
Looking for an improvement in our processes by using PSOE
- What is present?
a. There is evidence that procedures is used and documented within the organisation management system
- What is suitability?
a. Is it good for what it is needed to do?
- What is operating?
a. People are using it and output is being produced
- What is effective?
a. Whether the final product or service meet the objective outcome
- What is acting?
It is about acting professionally on these
It is about taking actions from the findings of checking to improve the performance.
Are there issue reoccuring? who is going to involve? Set SMART target.
a. It is a process of taking actions to improve performance, when identified. We use 5 discrete steps in acting.
i. Risk or opportunity – non-formance, safety incidient, MRC, DATA trending, feedback
ii. Investigation – root cause analysis, context development
iii. Decide on action – leadership decide how to proceed to enhance or maintain quality.
iv. Change management – implement and educate changes
v. Review – verify the corrective action or improvement met objectives
- What are the findings?
a. Level 1- Issued for a significant non-compliance or non-conformance with regulatory or safety requirements
which lowers the safety standard and seriously hazards flight safety.
b. Level 2 – Issued for a non-compliance or non-conformance with regulatory and/or safety requirements and
standards which lowers the safety standard and possibly hazards safety of flight; or, Nonconformance with requirements and standards, which may lower the ability to deliver organisational
capability outputs. 3months
c. Level 3 – as agreed Where it has been identified, by objective evidence, to contain potential problems that could lower
the safety standard and possibly hazards flight safety; or, a single or isolated example of a system or process failure.
Observations do not require causal analysis, however if left unaddressed may result in subsequent
elevation to a Level 2 Finding.
d. Opportunity for improvement - Where identified during the audit, the audit team may offer suggestions for improvement to FAA processes that enhance aviation capability or safety. OFI support continuous improvement of the QMS within the organisation, and may be provided to unit Command for consideration.
e. notes - Where it has been identified, by subjective evidence (or not enough objective evidence to make a
determination), to contain potential problems that could lower the safety standard and possibly
hazards flight safety.
- What are the steps of finding process?
a. Immediate Actions: to eliminate or minimise SFARP determined, implemented and recorded in SG271-A
b. Root Cause Analysis: identify contributing factors.
c. Corrective Action Plan: developed by organisation and should address effects of non-compliance or non-conformance and root cause.
d. Corrective Action: Undertaking action plan.
- What are the level of Quality Assurance Activities
a. Task authorisation/ supervision, standard check/ flight audit, FAA internal audit, External audit, Awb or ASRB
- What is task authorisation?
a. Personnel are authorised to conduct tasks after they’ve completed required training, they are assessed as competent to complete required tasks and have the correct personal qualities. These authorisations are tracked monitored and revoked if they are not accurate and cannot provide the required quality outcome.
- What is task supervision?
a. Assessment that maintenance has been completed correctly. Comes through as MAP level supervision and QA, IMI, and ECI Levels to ensure quality conduct and output of maintenance.
- What is standard check?
a. TSC- It is a conformance assurance activities to get a deeper level of understanding on how people understand, follow and inter-relate procedures during their conduct of duties.
- TSC assess the operation and effectiveness of the procedures, processes and instructions.
- It provides a closed-loop approach to QMS and SMS to understand the effectiveness of actions to address past quality and safety, and continuous improvement of maintenance.
- It is not subject to planning or preparation and notification of formal compliance audits.
-It assesses PEARS
- What is Flight quality activities?
a. Flight Support Visit: Robust health check of flight, not formal audit. DPA: CAS pre-embarkation audit if deemed necessary. DSA: Deployable self-assessment for flights readiness before embarkation. DAR: As park of embarkation process. By CAS. TSE: Conducted at sea by Q MM.
- What is FAA internal audit?
a. Planned and promulgated through CAS generated CAP (signed by COMFAA as he approves that this will provide quality product). Assess presence, suitability and operation of procedures and processes. Caw Audits, DPA. Occur Annually, or increased (bi-annually) or targeted.
- What is CAMO Quarterly Review?
a. Formal review of CAM responsibilities and functions conducted by CAM delegates and CAM Service providers to provide assurance on compliance.
- What is External audit?
a. Conducted by DASA on regulated aviation community to ensure compliance with DASRs.
- What is ASRB or Airworthiness board?
a. AwBs provides assurance to DAA. AwBs are the Defence Aviation Safety Authority’s (DASA) independent review of the certification basis and safe operation for Defence aviation assets being introduced into service, undergoing major modifications, or continuing in service. AwBs may recommend conditions and/or limitations, which could include Operational Specification limitations and Airworthiness Corrective Action Requests (ACARs).
b. retired one star or two star general of technical engineer and operator.
- What is MRC?
a. Management Review commity MRC meetings provide a means for unit Command to trend and understand their unit’s holistic health and performance. MRC meetings shall be conducted quarterly and prior to each FAA Aviation Capability and Airworthiness Assurance Board (ACAAB) to assist with unit ACAAB submission. The MRC will also perform a review function for any major, overdue or completed Findings.
i. Means for command to trend and understand the holistic health and performance of the QMS and the unit runnings
1. Chaired by CO, AEO, DAEO (QIO and Maint), AAEO, SASO, TO, WHS Rep, other supporting staff.
2. Assessment of QI
- What is ACAAB?
Aviation Capability and airworthiness assurance board.
a. The ACAAB is a performance management Board to examine and measure the effectiveness of the provision of FAA capability and airworthiness and drive improvements. The Board is primarily an internal FAA management mechanism; however, it may be used to support external forums such as the Fleet Command Board.
b. Performance management tool used to assess the FAA’s performance and drive improvement. Quarterly chaired by COMFAA with command representation from all units to review key results areas and key performance indicators.
- How do you know about the QMS of your organisation?
a. Find out the quality indicator of the organisation
i. CAS Caw1 and Caw 2 audit. Finding level 1,2,3 observation and opportunity for improvement
ii. TSC from QO and CAS
iii. MRC and ASSC meeting
What FAA is striving toward?
FAA is continually striving toward alignment with ISO 9001:2016.
What are the key objectives of the FAA QMS?
- Ensure that the FAA complies with statutory and regulatory standards.
- Address quality risks and facilitate opportunities to enhance processes.
- Demonstrate conformity to an international QMS standar.
What is the primary focus of FAA QMS?
Primary focus if FAA QMS is to identify, implement, monitor and continuously improve (4) the FAA business processes that are necessary to enable aviation capability to be provided at a level where risk to flight safety has been eliminated or mitigated SFARP.
Why does the AM has QMS?
AM has QMS as QMS provides compliances and comformance of their organisation to meet his obligation of WHS and DASRs.