DAEO Delegation Flashcards
What is Defect?
A defect is a departure from the type design.
The use of non standard parts
o The use of lubricant, solvent, that is not specified by OEM
o Not performing scheduled maintenance that are necessary to return the aircraft to service.
o Physical deterioration or damage to the component that is beyond the level of operational serviceability.
What are the delegation of AEO?
- Approve the deferral of maintenance that does not endanger flight safety.
- Determination of requirements for Maintenance Test Flights and assessment of the results.
- Determination of the requirement for an Air Test under flight conditions that do not affect aircraft flying characteristics or performance.
- Approval of maintenance tasks that may be required after the aircraft has been accepted under ground running conditions.
- Approve the use of tools and support equipment required for ‘In-Flight’ maintenance activities.
- Authorise maintenance following Aircraft Acceptance.
- Approval of maintenance procedure modifications for one time use.
- Approval of the use of intermediate and depot level maintenance procedures.
- AEO or delegate role in lost tool procedures.
- Approval of duty/rest period increase/reductions.
- Approval of Cannibalisation of Aeronautical Product.
- Approval of Maintenance Interval Extension Requests IAW Part 2 of the TMP.
- Management of aircraft allotments.
- Error Capture Inspector for all trades.
- Authority to locally manufacture, modify and use a new tool.
- Release aircraft from investigatory quarantine post initiation of ASR action when satisfied all appropriate actions have been taken.
- Act as the releasing authority for AE061’s (report on aircraft and aeronautical product).
- Submission of EE400s and EE401s.
What cannot be deferred
o STI and AD
If you want to extend STI or AD, what must be submitted for extension?
o NCR (Non-compliance report)
- If the nature of operation prevent compliance with them, what can only considered to get A/C fly?
o MPTF or CC
Who delegate RM of SQN for assessment and deferment of DD?
Is DD DASR M or DASR 145?
- RM can delegate AEO-D to perform part M assurance function on whether DD used correct credible data and EFSA is done IAW procedure and assure that there is no endangerment to flight safety.
When do we need to assess EFSA
- Maintenance manager: When a condition exists that could degrade the ability of crew to respond to an emergency, lead to an aircraft accident, reduce crash survivability or injure third parties, an Endangerment to Flight Safety Assessment (EFSA) is required by an MM with a valid MAML.
What is defect?
What are DD considerations?
o Can we rectify the defect in time before the flight?
o Do we have a spare aircraft?
o Can we reschedule the flight operation?
o What is the impact aspects from logistics and operational perspective?
What are the credible data?
o Credible Data (TMP, IETM, approved data from FSR, NATIP, NATOP, Intermediate level pubs, MESM)
o Answer no to list in para 11 of SI such as or
o Responsible manager sign off (technical judgement)
Who is minor maintenance?
- When a minor maintenance tasks which are authorised by AEO requires tools, Flight line MM will approve use of Tools. TP place line tag on aircraft tally board against his name. Flight line MM will sight the tool, aircraft captain will sight before and after maintenance. Flight line manager will sight tools on completion of maintenance and Flight line manager will certify tools returned in CAMM2 or EE500. TP return tool, tally and line tag.
what is lost tool procedure?
- When a tool is lost, I have to notify supervising AEO-D, cease maintenance and direct personnel to account for all tools drawn.
- MM document in CAMM2/EE500 against each aircraft to be searched
o Tool missing, tool details and area to be searched - Found the tool,
o Certifiy lost tool found and returned to CTK in all EE500/CAMM2 lost tool entries
o Update stakeholders - Not found the tool,
o AEO-D can extend the search or AEO-D certify initial entries in CAMM2 reflecting tool not located.
o MM certify entries as well
o Update stakeholders. - AEO-D perform an immediate risk assessment – this does not need to document
o Determine flying aircraft are to be notified/landed?
o Which aircraft or hangar locations needs to be searched?
o Aircrew to be notified via duty officer?
o Command to be notified?
What is MPM?
- An MPM may be proposed by any MO personnel, but are to be supported by approved maintenance data (AMD) and endorsed by an appropriate B MAML holder prior to consideration by the Approval Authority.
- Approving authority is AEO or AEO-D
- MPM should not pose risk to technical airworthiness and safety. MPM must be in equivalent or improved maintenance standards and should only be used when the maintenance original instructions can be carried out in a more practical or more efficient manner.
- Non-critical maintenance task may not require MPM.
what is aircraft allotment?
- To initiate transfer, losing unit must request allotment authority from the relevant fleet planner/SPO.
- If the transfer is between FAA SQNs, Request NAPSO allotment signal and when received, AMCO will initiate CAMM2 venue transfer
- If the aircraft is not between squadrons, consider aircraft is required for more than 28 or not.
o If aircraft is required in less than 28 days, two RM will negotiate between venues and identify any maintenance trends, unresolved problems and outstanding operations maintenance needs to be resolved prior to transfer.
o If aircraft is required more than 28 days, register SQ306 and losing unit initiate transfer checklists and document gather and AMCO actions CAMM2 entries and venue change.
If the aircraft is required at a short notice, Physical inspection may be defer up to 28 days.
If the aircraft is not required at a short notice, gaining unit initiates transfer checklist and complete SQ306