Quality Management Flashcards
Customer Satisfaction
keep the customer happy by conformance to requirements (ensure the project produces what it’s supposed to) and fitness for use (the product must satisfy real needs)
Prevention over Inspection
it’s usually less expensive to prevent mistakes than it is to fix them
the values of repeated measurements are clustered and have little scatter
the measured value is very close to the true value
Quality Assurance
looking to see if we are using the quality procedures as planned; auditing the process
Control Quality
testing the quality of the product or deliverable
Cost-Benefit Analysis
High-quality results in less rework, higher productivity, lower costs, and increased stakeholder satisfaction
Cost of Quality
includes all costs over the life of the project; two categories: Conformance and Nonconformance
Cost of Conformance
money spent during the project to avoid failures; two categories: Prevention and Appraisal
Prevention Costs
build a quality product, includes training, document processes, maintaining equipment, and allowing enough time to do it right
Appraisal Costs
assess the quality; includes testing, destructive testing loss, and inspection
Cost of Non-Conformance
money spent during and after the project because of failures
Internal Failure Costs
failures found by the project; includes scrap and rework
External Failure Costs
failures found by the customer, includes liabilities, warranty work, and lost business
Design of Experiments (DOE)
a statistical technique that analyzes several variations (product bundles or feature combinations) at once
Japanese word for “continuous improvement”; a type of Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle
W. Edwards Deming
developed the 14 points of Total Quality Mangement (TQM); said quality is a management problem 85% of the time
Joseph Juran
defined quality as “fitness for use”, promoted conformance and quality by design
Phillip Crosby
believed in conformance to requirements and zero defects
ISO 9000
a quality management certification that requires documenting and following processes
Quality vs. Grade
Low Grade is OK; Low quality is always bad
Mutually Exclusive
two events that cannot occur at the same time (if one event occurs, then the other event cannot)
Statistical Independence
the occurrence of one event makes it neither more nor less probable that the other occurs; past coin flips of heads do not change the probability of the next coin flip being heads
Statistical Sampling
choosing a small random sample, and the sample’s properties should represent the entire group
Control Chart
displays process stability and performance
Rule 7
seven consecutive data points on a control chart on one side of the mean; signifies that the process is out of control
comparing your project or process to a known standard
a visual depiction of a process
Types of Variances
Special Cause (also known as assignable cause; not inherent in the system, not predictable, and is intermittent; includes non-random data points or points outside the control limits) and Common Cause (also know as random cause; inherent in the system and predictable; normal or not unusual; includes random patterns within the control limits)
Pareto Chart
a type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph, where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line; 80/20 rule says 80% of problems are from 20% of the causes, and dictates you should focus most of your attention on the top few causes
Scatter Diagram
plots data points to show the relationship between 2 variables (X, Y)
Cause and Effect (Ishikawa or Fishbone) Diagram
shows how various factors might be linked to potential problems or effects