Foundation Key Concepts Flashcards
a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result
a group of related projects that are coordinated allowing for more control
a collection of projects and programs that are aligned to achieve strategic business objectives
Project Life Cycle
a group of project phases defined by an organization into a framework allowing for more control
the original approved plan plus/minus all approved changes; the current approved version of the plan
a set of formal policies, procedures, rules, or processes that defines how things are sone
Progressive Elaboration
an iterative approach to planning; plans are created in multiple passes rather than all at once
Historical Information
documents or date from previous projects which are used to assist in future project decisions
Enterprise Environmental Factors
the environment you work in that can impact your project; corporate culture, industry standards, infrastructure, political climate, market conditions, etc.
Organizational Process Assets
any documented processes and procedures; corporate knowledge base (e.g. project archives)
Functional Organizational Structure
a departmentalized structure where employees work only for one manager; project manager has little or no power
Matrix Organization Structure
employees report to both a functional manager and a project manager (power is shared); in a weak matrix the PM has little power, in a balanced matrix the PM has moderate power, and in a strong matrix the PM has nearly full power and authority
Projectized Organization Structure
employees work directly for and report only to the project manager, project manager has full power and authority
a person or organization who is actively involved in the project, or whose interest may be positively or negatively impacted by the project, or who might exert influence over the project
Business Case (reasons to do a project)
market demand, business need or strategic opportunity, customer request, technological advance, legal requirement, ecological impact, social need
Project Expeditor
staff assistant to the executive who has responsibility for the project; can make few if any decisions; primarily responsibility lies in assuring the timely arrival of resources
Project Coordinator
reports to a higher level in the hierarchy; has authority to assign work to individuals, but lacks full authority of project manager
Project Manager
tasked with achieving the project objectives, lead person responsible for communicating with all stakeholders including sponsor; may report to a functional manager or program or portfolio manager