Human Resource Management Flashcards
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (triangle)
people can only ascend to a higher level after fulfilling each of the lower levels; the 5 levels are Physiological (food, water, shelter), Safety (security, stability, freedom from harm), Social (friends, family, love), Esteem (respect, appreciation), Self-Actualization (optimal performance, growth, learning)
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
certain factors in the workplace cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction; Hygiene factors (status, job security, salary and fringe benefits) do not cause satisfaction, but if they are missing it causes dissatisfaction
McGregor’s Theory-X
people dislike work, and thus employees must be watched closely
McGregor’s Theory-Y
people are self-motivated, and thus can be trusted to work hard on their own
McClelland’s Theory of Needs
people are motivated by either (1) achievement, (2) affiliation, or (3) power and are managed accordingly
Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
the effectiveness of a leader’s management style (task-oriented vs. relationship oriented) is dependent on the situation
Expectancy Theory
employees are motivated by the expectation of realistic positive outcomes and related rewards
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
a grid that shows the relationship between work packages (rows) and team members (columns)
Staffing Management Plan
includes information on staff acquisition and release, resource calendars, recognition and rewards, compliance (unions, regulations, legal, etc.) and safety (training, policies, and procedures)
Constructive Team Roles
clarifiers, encouragers, information givers, information seekers, initiators, gatekeepers, harmonizers, and summarizers
Destructive Team Roles
aggressors, blockers, dominators, devil’s advocate, recognition seekers, topic jumpers, withdrawers
Forms of Power
Formal/Legitimate (power based on position or title), Expert (BEST; power based on knowledge or expertise, such as an SME); Reward (you reward desirable behavior with incentives, aka the carrot method), Referent (power based on respect or adornment), Punishment/Penalty (WORST; threats of punishment, aka the stick method)
Methods of Conflict Resolution
Collaborating/Problem Solving (examine various perspectives; cooperate), Compromising/Reconciling (both parties give something up), Forcing/Directing (pushing one’s viewpoint at the expense of others; win-lose), Smoothing/Accommodating (emphasis on areas of agreement, but ignore the true problem; lose-lose), Withdraw/Avoiding (retreating from conflict; lose-lose)
Team Development
Forming (team is shy), Storming (not seeing eye-to-eye), Norming (begin to work together), Performing (well-organized), Adjourning (team disbands)
Interpersonal Skills
leading, influencing, effective decision-making; aka soft skills
Primary Sources of Conflict
Schedule, Resources, and Priorities account for 50% or project conflicts